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Basic Cash Difference Search

Trainee Assistant Sales Manager


Retail Academy

Retail Academy


If you have a cash difference the first thing you should do is count the cash again. If you still have a cash difference, you will need to check the following:Click on the link below - for a printable guide to search for a cash difference.

Retail Academy

Why do I have a cash difference?

What do I do?

Retail Academy

Checking for a cash difference the basics

Re check your till, any other tills and the safe & insert

Check the stakes on bets are correct

Check all shop transfers.

Re dip paid out bets • Check paid out bets from other shops have been completed

Retail Academy

Re dip all paid out bets to check that the payout has been confirmed

With paid bets from other shops you need to check that the cross shop payout has been completed

Re Dip bets & cross shop payment checks

Retail Academy

How to check transfers

On the till go to admin (F12) then accounting then shop reconcile

It can be simpler to print the EOD sheet then check it off as you check each transfer

Retail Academy

How to check FOBT transfers

Check remote loaded credit against your EOD Check cash in machine matches your FOBT turnover on EOD (if you have emptied them)

In Tickets, check that the redeemed at cashier matches the FOBT payout on the EOD

Retail Academy

Cash In should match BGT cash in box on EOD sheet (if you do the report for whole shop it will include any BGT remote in as well)

Vouchers Payouts will show you what has been paid out through your B/O

How to check SSBT transfers

Using Atermis to do a cash flow report

Retail Academy

That the chip and pin machine live store report matches the EOD sheet The Banking figure matches what was banked Any money transferred out/in on the EOD is correct (e. cash from other shop) Is there anything on the EOD report that doesn’t belong on there?

Other checks

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Check that the stake matches

If the stake is incorrect and the customer gave you the correct money then amend the stake

Checking Stakes

Retail Academy

Hourly cash checks will help pinpoint when you made a mistake Writing the amount on paid out slips will help you locate a difference Do safe checks at regular intervals, especially at open and closing and before and after banking and emptying machines Ensure that you complete full handovers when leaving or taking over from a member of the team so that any differences are attributed to the correct person Make sure you declare all cash differences no matter how big or small when you find them

Top Tips

Retail Academy

Hourly cash checks will help pinpoint when you made a mistake Writing the amount on paid out slips will help you locate a difference Do safe checks at regular intervals, especially at open and closing and before and after banking and emptying machines Ensure that you complete full handovers when leaving or taking over from a member of the team so that any differences are attributed to the correct person Make sure you declare all cash differences no matter how big or small when you find them

Top Tips

Retail Academy

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