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The phone represents Mateo and Rufus first meeting through the app “The Last Friend”. This represents the beginning of their relationship.

They Both Die At The End has a common theme of fate throughout the book. Mateo and Rufus were selected to die without knowing when their actual end day is. Fate is expressed through Mateo and Rufus suddenly meeting and falling in-love as they both live their last days on Earth. Therefore, this is their inevitable fate and they did not have a choice to change the future.

The photograph represents Rufus’s love for photography. Rufus and Mateo would take photos on their adventures and post them as a way to document their last days on Earth.

The watch represents the times of grief and sadness when Mateo and Rufus realized that their lives are coming to an end and could end at any moment. It also represents the time left they have on Earth and to cherish it at all times before its to late.

The bike represents Rufus’s love for biking. When Rufus sells his beloved bike, it is a symbol that he is finally accepting his fate of death.

The legos represent Mateo’s childhood when he did not know he was going to die at such a young age. It also represents Mateo’s dream of being an architect when he got older.