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Journey Medical Compliance

Terms and Definitions


Select each term to learn the key elements of the Journey Medical PII Policy.

PII contact

Patient Consent

HCP or apparent patient consent to PII

Exceptions to Patient Privacy Policy

Inadvertent Possession of PII

Handling PII


Should you come into contact with patients or their PII, you must never act in a way that could compromise patient privacy.

PII Contact

Subject to certain limited exceptions, you must not acquire, access, collect, store, copy, process, handle, maintain, disclose, share, distribute, or transfer any PII to any party, including other Journey representatives.

Handling PII


Even if a HCP asks you to handle PII or a patient appears to consent, you are prohibited from doing so.

HCP or apparent patient consent to PII


At times, it is necessary to permit certain exceptions to our Patient Privacy Policy. A patient may grant consent to access their PII. Medical and Scientific Personnel are obligated to identify and report any adverse event or product complaint associated with a Journey Medical product. Medical and Scientific Personnel may receive PII from HCPs in conjunction with an unsolicited Medical Information Request.

Exceptions to Patient Privacy Policy


A patient may grant consent to access their PII.

Patient Consent


Unless expressly permitted, if you inadvertently come into possession of PII, you must:

Inadvertent Possession of PII

  • Not disclose, share, copy, distribute, discuss, or transfer (by email, verbally, or any other method) the information to anyone (including other employees of Journey or anyone else in or outside the company), unless directed by Compliance to do so.
  • Delete the record permanently if you receive it electronically; if it is a hard copy, destroy the record.
  • Contact the Legal or Compliance departments with any questions about this procedure.


Great job in exploring and learning the key terms and definitions of Patient Privacy (PII) Policy.
