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The start of the school year










My interpretationsBy :

August has finished school


Written tasks



Written tasksfor your work


My point of view of the book

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Main character: August

This is the story of a boy named August. August isn't just an ordinary boy, his face has a pretty big problem and for that reason he refuses to go to school, wherever he goes, everyone always stares at him, mostly at the playground.August has never wanted to go to school because of his face and therefore he was homeschooled all of his life. But at the end of 5th grade his parents put him in the Beecher Prep school. The first day there, he visits the school with three students: Jack, Julian and Charlotte, and his director, Mr. Tushman, a very nice man that seems to like August a lot. August becomes friends with Jack, Charlotte is also nice but Julian... is a mean bully. One day at Halloween August overheard Jack and Julian talking about him and saying lots of mean things. He felt very bad that night and even went home and didn't even go trick or treating! But later when Jack didn't understand why August was ignoring him he discovered that it was because August had heard everything on Halloween. And then they're was even a big party hosted by Julian, where Julian was saying lots of lies about August at the party and that August caused Jack's punching Julian because of his mental problems... and after that when August and Jack were friends again the "war" started between Jack and Julian.. One day August and his class went on a nature trip, it was very fun accept for one evening (movie night) where some bigger bullies were insulting August, but Amos came in and stood up for him, which was really nice. Now that it was almost the end of the year the whole school was assembled to get rewards, Mr. Tushman came to the front did a speech and then awarded the Henri Award to August, for being so kind and brave and a great role model to other kids.

Phoebe Marty


Written tasks

Dear Diary, Today, I tried to avoid Via as much as possible. I’m not trying to be mean or anything, but Ella and I decided that since it’s the new school, I wanted to change my style and everything, and no offense to Via but I don’t really want to be friends with such a weird girl with such a weird family, and to be honest I like it better that way, that’s why I ignored her during the play I wanted her to get the hint so that I wouldn’t tell her face to face. She needs to grow up!! I mean come on who wears pigtails and overalls in high school! It was already hard to get in this school, anyways.

Dad is texting his friend, because Daisy died and he is sad

Miranda's feelings

Reflect tasks

I think that the kids that didn’t come to Augusts birthday party didn’t actually want to because they think his face is not “normal” and so they excuses that they have plans. And I think that is very disrespectful and mean, because that is not how we should treat people.

Augusts birthday party


I think that it doesn't mean anything to be normal because everyone is different, and I think it's unfair to treat someone that has something different and to then treat them like they're less good or be mean to them.


Everyone was staring at August

When Daisy died, dad cried

Written tasks

Via and Justin texting after Via's fight with her mum

Savana and Henri's text conversation after the party about Summer


August going to school

I think it would be good for him because than he can make friends and develop self-confidence and some day he’ll have to go out in the real world so his parents shouldn’t keep him in a locked house all the time. And maybe it’s time he learns fractions.

My overall opinion of the book.

This book was one of the best books I have read, it was simply really good and really easy to understand. I think the way the author wrote it was very clear and I found the book really interesting because I got to learn what is happening in August's head and his feelings and sometimes it's heard to understand how people think so this gave me more information and knowledge. I would really highly recommend this to other people because I think it would also teach them a lot of things and it's very fun to read, I always wanted to read more during the reading.