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Facts of education for a country’s economy


1.ROle of education

3.cost and benefits

2.Education and employment



The Role of Education in Economic Development:

role of education

Access to education is essentiaL

Without access to education, people could lack the abilities or information needed to contribute to the economy. Increased human capital Promote both economic expansion and development

role of education

Education fosters productivity and innovation

Increased productivity and efficiency PPromote innovation, which can open up new markets and employment possibilities.

role of education

Higher education levels

Nations with greater levels of education typically have higher levels of economic success. Enables people to overcome their circumstances and contribute to the economy


Education and Employment

Education is crucial in preparing individuals for the job market

Acquire the skills and information they need via education Without education, people could lack the skills needed for numerous occupations.

02. Education and Employment

Higher education levels translate to better job prospects and earning potential

People with more education often look for famous companiesAdditionally, education can lead to opportunities for career advancement

02. Education and Employment

Education can contribute to reduced unemployment rates and increased workforce productivity.

Lower the general unemployment rate Increase productivity, have positive results,and higher economic output

02. Education and Employment


The Cost and Benefits of Education

03. the costs and benefits of education

wise long-term investment

  • Tuition, textbooks, and other expenditures can be expensive. This can result in higher earning potential and opportunities for career advancement

03. the costs and benefits of education

the cost of education

  • Increase lifetime earnings, which can assist in getting back some of the cost of education.
  • A higher standard of living and more stable finances

03. the costs and benefits of education

Investment in education

  • Education can give people skills and knowledge
  • Help lower poverty rates.
  • Educated people are more likely to make healthy decisions
  • Can also result in better public health outcomes.