Want to make creations as awesome as this one?




PAST QUESTIONS What does your partner consider to be their greatest achievement?What is your partner's favourite colour?What is your partner's favourite book?If your partner had to do karaoke, what would be their go-to song?What is your partner's favourite animal?What is your partner's favourite clothing brand?What is your partner's favourite meal?Who is one of your partner's heroes?What was your partner's most embarrassing moment?What is one of your partner's nicknames?What is your partner's favourite crisp flavour?What is your partner's favourite ice cream flavour?What hidden talent does your partner have that others might not know about?What is your partner's favourite band or artist?What is your partner's favourite hobby?What is the best birthday or celebration your partner has had?What is your partner's favourite pizza topping?What primary school did your partner go to?What is your partner's favourite family tradition?What is your partner's favourite chocolate bar?What was the name of your partner's childhood best friend?What was your partner's first phone?What is your partner's favourite dessert?What is your partner's favourite sport?Who is your partner's favourite celebrity?What is your partner's favourite game/board game?What was your partner's first pet?What has been your partner's favourite holiday to date?What is your partner's most used emoji?What is your partner's most used app?What is your partner's guilty pleasure?What is your partner's favourite film?What is your partner's favourite shop?What is your partner's biggest pet peeve?Does your partner consider themself an introvert or an extrovert?What was the first album that your partner bought?As a child, what did your partner want to be when they grew up?What is your partner's favourite season of the year?What was your partner's favourite childhood TV show?What is your partner's favourite drink?


PRESENT QUESTIONS Would your partner rather...Who is most likely to...... a takeaway or a restaurant?... send a meal back if it's wrong?...watch a TV show or a movie?... not change the toilet roll?... tea or coffee?... trip over their own feet?... an early morning or a late night?... leave their passport at home?... a shower or a bath?... make friends with a stranger?... a cat or a dog?... leave the washing up?... constant summer or constant winter?... rewatch the same TV series again and again?... beach or mountains?... lose their wallet or purse?... sweet or savoury?... surprise the other with a gift?... only Christmas or only birthdays?... organise date night?... eat a fruit or a vegetable?... steal the duvet?... money or fame?... break a world record?... time with family or time with friends?... cry during a movie?... pizza or pasta?... redecorate the house?... a night in or a night out?... do karaoke? ... sauce on the top or sauce on the side?... forget to text back?... wine or chocolates?... pay the other a compliment?... travel by plane or by boat?... write the other a love letter?... be a passenger or a driver?... walk around the house naked?... watch a comedy or a drama?... take a risk?


FUTURE QUESTIONS Are there any habits that your partner would like to give up?Would your partner like to learn another language?Who does your partner think will be your longest-lasting friends?What would your partner's dream holiday be?Are there any skills that your partner would like to develop?Is there a subject that your partner would like to study?Is there something your partner would like to save for? If so, what?In what area would your partner like to cut costs?What excites your partner most about the future?What home improvements would your partner most like to make?In what ways would your partner most appreciate your support this month?When it comes to sex, is there anything your partner would like to try?Is there any particular charity work your partner would like to do?Which performer would your partner most like to see live?Are there any fitness goals your partner would like to achieve?Where would your partner most like to live?Which couple would your partner most like to go on holiday with?Would your partner like a pet (or another pet) one day?Which inspirational person would your partner like to meet?How would your partner spend one million pounds?What would your partner's dream retirement look like?What sport or hobby would your partner like to take up?What is your partner's love language?If your partner could permanently give up one household chore, what would it be?What does your partner think are your best attributes as a couple?If your partner could only listen to one artist for the rest of their life, who would it be?What is your partner most looking forward to in the next month?What would your partner say is the ideal frequency for sex?What would be your partner's perfect date?What would your partner most like to receive on their next birthday?What is at the top of your partner's bucket list?Would your partner ever consider a career change?What fear would your partner most like to overcome?What live event would your partner most like to see one day?What would your partner like life to look like in five years?How would your partner like to celebrate your next anniversary?Which family member would your partner like to spend more time with?If your partner became famous, what would it be for?Who would your partner like to become better friends with?If your partner could only watch one TV show for the rest of their lives, which would it be?