Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


A global online entrepreneurship and innovation hub in your school

Member of Stanford Undergraduate Committee

" At Stanford we are increasingly looking for a different kind of applicant - someone who has done something different, delivered real-world impact. Lumi seems to offer a chance to do exactly that. "

Lumi's mission is to develop one million changemakers, entrepreneurs and tech innovators and to create a global network that accelerates their impact

Lumi's mission

Lumi's virtual Quests allow young people aged10-18 to solve real-world problems, collaboratively.

ADVANCED QUESTTest launch, showcase, apply to competitions

INTERMEDIATE QUESTBuild a tech-enabled prototype targeting the chosen problem

PRIMARY QUESTCreate a storyboard to solve a large global problem (based on SDGs)

Further develop prototype with expert help

Evaluate ideas & build wireframe

Select a specific problem- conduct interviews

Research a global problem

Enter the Lumiverse

Develop plan to launch an idea IRL

Take formal assessment to obtain certificate

Create a prototype using in game low code tools

Showcase to potential sponsors

Apply to global contests




Students develop tech-enabled solutions to real-world problems whilst building and developing critical skills for the future

Digital-first, scalable programme with the potential to run Quests with multiple, different schools and with young people globally

Lumi's Quest programme: a structured design-thinking led journey designed by a Stanford University professor

Students can win formal certification from Stanford-affiliated design-thinking institution Singapore BioDesign

Live, online facilitated sessions by design-thinking-trained students and near-peers from top universities across the world (Harvard, Minerva, UCL, University of Cambridge etc.)

Senior Partner,one of the Big Four consultancy firms

" Today it's become really difficult to differentiate between the thousands of graduates who apply to us. They all have great degrees from great universities - but they're missing real-world skills that immediately set them apart from one another. We need something to help us pick them out, and this is it. "

  • Prepares young people for the future workplace; employers want skilled as well as educated graduates
  • Employers tell us that there is a serious skills gap with their incoming graduate recruits
  • Lumi can support your school to further embed digital learning into the curriculum
  • Develops future skills in tech, design thinking and entrepreneurship
  • Duke of Edinburgh's Award (DofE) accredited (UK)
  • Students can enter global competitions with their innovations with a chance to win sponsorship and recognition
  • Students gain experience that makes them stand out on CVs, personal statements and job applications
Lumi empowers young people: to develop skills that make them stand out

Benchmarks 4 & 5

A 14 year old Luminary from Vietnam is a top 10 finalist in this year's NFTE World Series of Innovation

Enter global competitionsand win cash prizes

Through Lumi's Quests: Young people have produced 70+ real world, tech-enabled solutions

Illustrative, for discussion




Embed intothe school culture

Run Quests at all levels and year groups to maximise impact and reach

Invite students from more year groups to participate, and go beyond the Primary Quest

Widen the participation

Run a Quest as part of the curriculum, as an extra-curricular programme, or as a school club

Launch theinitial Quest

Partnership Timeline:How Lumi can engage with your School

  • St Ignatius (UK)
  • Hamiliton (Mexico)
  • Purium Schools (South Korea)
  • Foundation School (India)
  • Safa Community School (Dubai)

Lumi School Partners

  • Kings College Wimbledon (UK)
  • Putney High School (UK)
  • Repton School (UK)
  • Donhead Prep School (UK)
  • Cowley International College (UK)
  • Charterhouse (UK)
  • De La Salle School (UK)

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Our Luminaries have gone on to...

have their energy-focused innovations showcased at the UN's Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt

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What School Heads think about Lumi...

Dr Tatia Codreanu

Head of Product Design

Global Schools Ambassador, former Head, Kings College Junior School

Gerard Silverlock

Chief Technology Officer

Mukul Panchal

The Lumi Team

Prashant Raizada

Founder and CEO

Christopher Shen

Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer

Rohit Vaish

Product Lead

Rosie Nicholas

Partnership Lead

Please contact Rosie for more information:rosie@lumi.network