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Hailey Barnett

Classroom Management

I hope to provide a safe, fun, encouraging learning enviroment that is friendly to all types of learners.

I do not feel like children learn best when teachers make them stay in a chair all day every day with no breaks.

I like to not place many demands on my students, as some of them are their own worst critics. I also like to let the students led their learning in ways that fuels their imaginations, minds, relationships, and skills.

I feel like I will have a combonation of all four types of management styles, but leaning more towards a Democratic management style.

Management Styles

I like this quote, as it represents many different things. To me, letting children explore and learn things in a way that fuels their curosity helps them grow and learn, in a way that they understand best.

Dr. Suess

"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the things you can think up if only you try!”

In my ideal classroom, I would have signs of our class rules demonstrated with cartoons or pictures for the children, to help them remember the rules easier. Especially since my class could be filled with students who have not learned the needed reading skills.

Example photo to continue off the Dr Suess theme

Classroom Rules

  • We will have an absent folder for students who missed important lessons. This may or may not be something that needs to go home, depending on the importance of the lesson.
  • Anytime the students arrive to class, whether it is first thing in the morning, lunch or after specials, I would like to start by offering a water and bathroom break upon arrival.
  • Ideally, I would not want an abstance to count against a student, unless it is excessive. Children get sick, family emergancies come up, I do not fine to punish a student for things out of their control.
  • Homework will ideally be minimal, as not all students are able to complete things in an enviroment out of school. If there was something additional needed to work on, the goal would be to work with the parent and do tutpring or find another way to help student get additional practice.

Classroom Procedures

  1. Start by giving the student a warning to correct their behavior/actions.
  2. When there is a free moment (not infront of entire class) have a discussion, is there something going on that the eye can not see?
  3. Revoke a privilage from student that is a current reinforcer.
  4. Write a message/email to parents discussing behavior.
  5. Schedule a parent meeting and discuss how to move forward with said behavior/acations.

Consequence Levels

As a class I would like to implement multiple reward systems. Such as if every earns a stamp in their folder for a week, we can have a dress up day. Or if we, as class, earn a certain amount of "gold chain loops" we can have a pizza party at the end of the 9 weeks.

Reward System

For individual reinforcers, I would like to personalize it to the students, as different things are reinforcing to some, while for others they prefer another form.


Thank you!