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Selected WorldwideTourist DestinationsChina

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China is a destination country rich with historical ancestry. Yet visitors will find that many cities in China are quite modern. Foreigners are becoming increasingly aware of this country's legends, nature, cuisine, performing arts, and martial sports. Set to become a global economic power over the next 10 to 20 years, international arrivals in China are expected to continue to grow very quickly. Visitors to China more than doubled from 51 million in 1996 to 124 million in 2006. The top five countries sending visitors to China are Japan, South Korea, Russia, the USA, and Malaysia. China is the world's third-largest country and with many diverse cultures. Many visitors to China are mature travelers and have both the time and the money to make the most of their visit. It is often viewed as a once-in-a-lifetime journey. Due to great distances and language barriers China is best visited as a part of an escorted group tour. The local Chinese tourist board can provide travel agents with a list of recommended tour operators. Click the + icon.

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Major City Attractions


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Natural Attractions

Historical Attractions

Music, Entertainment, and Culture

Health, Recreation, and Sports