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Links: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/courses/dentistry-bdshttps://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/explore-careers

A creeer in dentistiry

By H.a

03. qualifications

02. Involvement

01. day to day

06. year 3 (uni)

05. year 2 (uni)

04. year 1 (uni)

09. College & apprenticeships

10. Thanks

08. year 5 (uni)

07. year 4 (uni)


01. Day to day tasks

"Hours are up to 35 to 40 a week "

Day to day tasks of a Dentist

As a dentist they usally do day to day check ups, doing x-rays / local anathetics, doing treatment for dental hygiene and whiten teeth as a daily bases at work.

02. What does it involve

This means that you need to do a enhanced background checks

This job involves knowledge in medicine dental health, costumer service skills, physical skills, thinking and reasoning, able to use a computer, able to use your hands and exellent communication skills for this job.

03. School qualifications

Usally you will have to do a 5 year degree in dentistry also a 1 or 2 years of postgraduate dental training; adding on, you might be able to do a 4 - year degree course. You can also be asked to take the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) or BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) that we test your skills that is needed for the corse.

After one-week of introductory course, you will have to spend most the of year one studying biomedical sciences and topics relevant to the practice of dentistry. Throughout the this you will be introduced to the clinical aspects of dentistry and dental technology and shown the relevance of basic science. Year one comprises modules totaling 120 credits which include the following topics:* Biomedicine in Relation to Dentistry I (30 credits) and Biomedicine in Relation to Dentistry II (30 credits)* Clinical Humanities & Wellbeing I (15 credits)* Dentistry in Society I (15 credits)* Simulated Clinical Practice I (15 credits)* Student Selected Component I: (15 credits)

Year 1

04. University course (King's college)


05. University course (King's college)

Year two concentrates on the introduction and development of basic dental clinical skills. You will treat patients with minor problems and progress to start the restorative care of your own patients. You will begin to learn about human disease and this strand of learning will continue for the remainder of your time on our course by studying topics such as pathology, microbiology and immunology.Year two comprises modules totaling 120 credits which include the following topics:* Human Health and Disease I (30 credits)* Restoration and Maintenance of Adult Oral Health I (15 credits)* Clinical Humanities & Wellbeing II (15 credits)* Dentistry in Society II (15 credits)* Simulated Clinical Practice II (30 credits)* Student Selected Component II (15 credits)


06. University course (King's college)

  1. Biomedicine in Relation to Dentistry 3 (30 credits)
  2. Restoration and Maintenance of Adult Oral Health II (60 credits)
  3. Clinical Humanities and Wellbeing III: (15 credits)
  4. Dentistry in Society III (30 credits)
  5. Simulated Clinical Practice III (30 credits)
  6. Student Selected Component III (15 credits)

You will develop your practical skills in clinical dental subjects including restorative dentistry and oral surgery. There is also a technical component to these courses to ensure you understand how prostheses are constructed and how to deal with problems associated with their fit and function. You will devote significant time each week to the clinical care of patients in restorative and oral surgery disciplines. At the end of year three, you will have the opportunity to take an intercalated year for a BSc degree which allows you to pursue a subject of your choice in greater depth.Year three comprises modules totaling 180 credits which include the following topics:

In year four, you will spend most of the week providing dental care for patients. You will continue to learn about and perform more advanced procedures in restorative dentistry and oral surgery. During this year, you will gain a strong foundation in, child and vulnerable adults oral healthcare and orthodontology. you may treat patients under conscious sedation. Learning continues in the human disease strand of the curriculum and you are introduced to an ongoing course in oral disease that will incorporate pathology and medicine relevant to disease in and around the mouth. Under the supervision of clinical teachers, you will be able to treat patients with more complex dental problems. Year four comprises modules totaling 180 credits which include the following topics:


* Restoration and Maintenance of Adult Oral Health III (45 credits)*Restoration and Maintenance of Child and Vulnerable Adults Oral Health I (45 credits)*Human Health & Disease II (30 credits)*Clinical Humanities and Wellbeing IV (15 credits)*Dentistry in Society IV (15 credits)*Simulated Clinical Practice IV (15 credits)*Student Selected Component IV (15 credits)

07. University course (King's college)

YEAR 5 (last year!)

08. University course (King's college)

You will continue to provide comprehensive dental care for adult and child patients. A specific feature of our programme, our structured placements enable you to work on a regular basis at purpose-built clinics away from the main campus amongst diverse patient populations. There, you will gain valuable experience working in a dental team with dental nurses, hygienists and therapists to prepare yourself effectively for Dental Foundation Training and future practice.Year five comprises modules totaling 180 credits which include the following topics:* Restoration and Maintenance of Adult Oral Health IV (60 credits)*Restoration and Maintenance of Child and Vulnerable Adults Oral Health II (60 credits)*Clinical Humanities & Wellbeing V (15 credits)*Dentistry in Society V (15 credits):*Simulated Clinical Practice V (15 credits):*Student Selected Component V (15 credits)

    There are no college course or apprenticeships for this subject, you can only do it by going to university; however you can do course to help you but this won't get you a job in that position


    College course and apprenticeships


    For reading!