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Critial Policy Analysis

Policy: Young Person's Guarantee

Why this is important in my setting

Issues in Implementation

Hidden Agendas

Linked Policies

National & Local Drivers

Hystorical Context

What is the problem it's trying to solve

Key Concepts of the policy

Introduction to Policy

Areas to be discussed

Young Person's Guarantee - What is it?

The Young Person's Guarantee is a policy which sets out a commitment to young people aged 16-24 that within 2 years of them accessing the support that they would have the opportunity to study, obtain employment, take up an apprenticeship or start with formal volunteering.'No Wrong Door' is the underpinning principle.Gov.scot



Create opportunities for young people who face the greatest barriers to work

Sets out to prepare young people for the world of work

Only available for Young People aged 16-24

Part of the DYW framework

Key Concepts of the Policy

What is the Problem this policy is trying to solve


According to the Scottish Government

The policy makers have carried out research to suggest that the effects of long periods of unemployement especially in that age group can have serious detrimental implications of that young persons social and educational development. Overall the Young Person's Guarantee seeks to tackle the challenge presented by the pandemic and provide equal opportunites to yound people regardless of background and circumstances. The solution to the unemployment crisis amoungst the young according to this policy is to support young people to be able to access the services and positive opportunities that exist.

This policy is stands beside and stems from other policies which aim to solve the problem of unemployment figures in the UK.Particularly after the Covid 19 pandemic when this policy was first established, there was a projection by the Scottish Government that forcasted extremely high unemployment rates, with significantly higher numbers in the 16-24 year old category - the 'Young People' The Young Person's Gurantee used part of the National Performance Framework Outcomes to try and seek out: A globally competitive, entrepreneurial, inclusive and sustainable economyA place where we grow up loved, safe and respected so that we realise our full potentialWhere we are well educated, skilled and able to contribute to society

The Problem

What has come before this?

The foundation of the youth employment strategy which the YPG is based on

The YPG builds on the foundations already in place by the Curriculum for Excellence

Historical Policy

National and Local Drivers

Colleges and employers appear to benefit from the YPG as courses are filled initially and unemployment levels drop


At local levels the YPG aids in the statistics surrounding the 'Positive Destinations' framework. This is investigated at local levels from school to school and one local authority to another.

Another National driver is the fact that the YPG policy would meet 4 out of the 100 commitments the goverment implimented in 2021. Also It would aid in the national covid recovery strategy.


The national drivers are centred around economic recovery and the need to reduce unemployment. The Young Person's Guarantee is found in all parts of the UK in different capacities, however remains most prominent in Scotland.



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Linked Policies & Political Context

What might be the issue?

A hidden agenda of the policy appears to be that the statistics are shown to have reduced unemployment and grown a more positive outlook for young people. Unfortunately all this does in inflate statistics for one set of people, then after the two years is over (or before) those young people may not stay in that employment, may not continue their course and may give up their volunteering.

A Hidden Agenda




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