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EPI langue

Le monde de la culture urbaine

Maria bitar 3.1 LIAD

Comment la culture urbaine fait-elle partie intégrante des sociétés modernes ?

  • Definition
  • La littérature et le "slang"
Le "slang" (argot)
  • Les différents types de street art
Le street art


Camden Town, Londres Photo personelle

La Fresque Murale

102 espace -Wordpress.com

Le Graff

- FRESH Nikkel-Art.fr

Le Tag
Le Flop

Le Graffiti

Le Stick'Art

Les pochoirs (stencils)

- Shepard Fairey - JR

- banksy - blek le rat

Street Installation

- statues faites par Mark Jenkins- Photos personnelles prises a Camden Town, Londres

<----- oeuvres de Mark Khosmein oeuvres de Max Zorn ------>utilisant la technique du brown tape art Duct tape art "THE HAUS", berlin

tape art

oeuvres de l'artiste invaders que l'on retrouve un peu partout dans la ville de Paris.

La Mosaïque

yarn bombing

Wordpress.comlaurel of ashvilleNorht Argyll Carrers Centre


• “He saw me looking with admiration at his car. ‘It’s pretty, isn’t it, old sport ?’ He jumped off to give me a better view.”

“I keep quiet most of the time, and only one kid named Sean really seemed to notice me. He waited for me after gym class and said really immature things like how he was going to give me a ‘swirlie,’ which is where someone sticks your head in the toilet and flushes to make your hair swirl around”.

