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Are you the best friend of environment?

Clean city, clean society

Around 1%

Around 10%

Around 30%

What is is the percentage of waste that can be biodegradable?

Clean city, clean society

Right answer!

Using EUROSTAT municipal waste data, and assuming that about 34% of municipal waste is bio-waste, this means that somewhere in the region of 75 million tonnes of bio-waste from municipal waste is created every year across Europe (EU 27). For achieving the overall recycling target of 65 % of municipal waste by 2035, it is crucial that recycling of bio-waste has to take place


Clean city, clean society

Runny nose and vomiting

Fever and cough

Sunstroke and heatstroke

In the Czech Rep. we were talking about the effect of climate change on human health. What are heat related illnesses/ diseases?

Clean city, clean society

Right answer!

Sunstroke is when your body temperature gets too high due to long exposure to the sun and Heatstroke is when your body temp gets too high due to long exposure to the heat

Clean city, clean society

Each person sweeps part of the streets

Animals clean the streets

There are enough waste bins where people may throw away their litter

How are cities and city streets kept clean?

Clean city, clean society

Right answer!

Usually, there are containers for mixed waste, glass, paper and plastic. Sometimes also for electronics, metals and used clothes.

Clean city, clean society

Use open fire to heat their houses

Use furnace that burns coal and wood

Use heat pumps/ recuperation units to heat their houses

What can households do heat their houses in order to behave more ecologically?

Clean city, clean society

Right answer!

These types of heating use less energy and thus do not create as much carbon emissions. In addition, it is the best if combined with green sources of energy

Clean city, clean society

Zoo illnesses



What do you call the illnesses which are transmitted to humans from animals

Clean city, clean society

Right answer!

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary: ZOONOSIS (pl.: zoonoses) is “an infection or disease that is transmissible from animals to humans under natural conditions“


Clean water, clean life

55 L

144 L

201 L

What's the average daily water consumption per capita in Europe?

Clean water, clean life

Right answer!

And You ? Which part of your daily water consumption can you reduce ?

question 2: Clean water, clean life

Too many people on the beaches

The coastal erosion

Too much dirt on the beaches

What’s the main problem with Portuguese Coast?

question 2: Clean water, clean life

The Portuguese coast is one of the most threatened by coastal erosion in Europe, a phenomenon that will be intensified by climate change, due to sea level rise and changes in the wave system in the Atlantic coast.

Right answer!

Clean water, clean life

The amount of water used to wash the foot

The amount of water that any given process or activity uses

The amount of water used to print

What means the term “water footprint”?

Clean water, clean life

The term “water footprint” is used to indicate the amount of fresh water that any given process or activity uses. Growing and processing crops and livestock consumes large quantities of water; therefore, the water footprint of food is high. Animal products, especially, like meat, dairy and eggs (all of which tend to require more water than fruits, vegetables and beans) have an even higher water footprint. Individually speaking, one’s diet makes up the largest part of one’s personal water footprint. This is why preventing food waste individually matters: because discarded food not only wastes the water that went into producing it, but all other resources involved, as well.

Right answer!

Clean water, clean life

It’s a machine that recycles plants

It’s a plant to treat waste water

It’s a plant that treats the water we drink

What is waste water treatment plant ( ETAR)?

Clean water, clean life

The major aim of wastewater treatment is to remove as much of the suspended solids as possible before the remaining water, called effluent, is discharged back to the environment. As solid materialdecays, it uses up oxygen, which is needed by the plants and animals living in the water. "Primary treatment" removes about 60 percent of suspended solids from wastewater. This treatment also involves aerating (stirring up) the wastewater, to put oxygen back in. Secondary treatment removes more than 90 percent of suspended solids.

Right answer!

Clean water, clean life

Places where we can take a shower

Places where is produced salt and salt flower.

Places where we can produce wine.

What are the salt pans of Aveiro?

question 2: Clean water, clean life

The Salt Pans of Aveiro, where still salt and salt flower of Aveiro is produced, through artisanal methods. You can learn the methods of production of this important local resource, and know the secrets and instruments of Marnoto's art

Right answer!

CleaN field, clean product




Which urban farming system uses fishes to make plants growing?

CleaN field, clean product

Right answer!


Can you understand the explanation here on the left side ?

CleaN field, clean product




How many liters of water are needed to produce the necessary cotton to create one t-shirt ?

CleaN field, clean product

Right answer!

Look at this Italien artist who recycle old t-shirts to create new textiles

CleaN field, clean product

An Ecobox

An Electron

An Ecotron

What's this !?

CleaN field, clean product

Right answer!


The Ecotron is a tool to study agro-ecosystems including plants (crops and weeds), animals (insects an other invertebrates) and micro-organisms. It is design to simulate in a realistic way the actual and future environmental conditions, including air and soil conditions. This one is located in Gembloux, Belgium

CleaN field, clean product




How many litres of water are required to produce one kilogram of bovine meat?

CleaN field, clean product

Right answer!

On a global scale, the average, per capita meat consumption has increased by approximately 20kg since 1961, with the average person consuming around 43kg of meat in 2014, according to UN data. Make the calculation in water consumption !



CleaN field, clean product

Conventional farming

Non-organic farming

Organic farming

How do you call the production of food without the use of synthetic chemicals or genetically modified components?

CleaN field, clean product

Right answer!

Increases in organic production contribute significantly to reducing the use of chemical fertilisers, pesticides and antimicrobials and have positive effects on our climate, the environment, biodiversity and animal welfare.

Some awards do exist to congratulate the best farms in Europe !

Clean nature, clean wildlife




What is the percentage of forest in French Guiana?

Clean nature, clean wildlife

Right answer!

The tropical forests of French Guiana cover 8 million hectares. They are ecologically Amazonian, historically French and politically European, and constitute a tropical rainforest, characterized by considerable biodiversity and relatively uninterrupted, albeit with many types of localized disruption.


Clean nature, clean wildlife

5 to 7 per hectare


How many trees can be cut in French Guiana?

As you want

Clean nature, clean wildlife

Right answer!

And many people work to keep this forest alive !

Clean nature, clean wildlife

They are very hard and imprecide

They are the cheapest

Why did Venice choose Guyanese trees for its reconstruction?

They have the good colour

Clean nature, clean wildlife

Right answer!

Clean nature, clean wildlife

What is this landform ?

Koppie - low, blocky corestones/ scattered rocks

Inselberg - isolated hill rising from a plain

Clean nature, clean wildlife

Right answer!

This place is named Savane Roche Virginie

Clean nature, clean wildlife

A forest with various species

A forest with enough sun and rain

A forest without any trash

What's called a nice forest in Czech Republic?

Clean nature, clean wildlife

Right answer!

The Krkonoše Mountains exceptional location has enabled the natural evolution of an extraordinarily varied mosaic of alpine and Nordic relief, which has given rise to an equally varied world of plants, animals and their communities.


Clean attraction, clean tourism

Prefer popular hotels

Support community-based tourism and initiatives.

Challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone.

Which is not one of the steps you need to take to support sustainable tourism?

Clean attraction, clean tourism

Right answer!

Check, as an example, this rural tourism facitily close to Silfke, Türkye

question 5: Clean attraction, clean tourism

A family hotel

A resort hotel

A cruiseship

Which touristic accomodation is the most sustainable?

question 5: Clean attraction, clean tourism

Right answer!

Let's try to support the small local hotel than the big tourism industry !


question 5: Clean attraction, clean tourism

A sustainable hotel means…

Recycles rainwater

Powered on solar power

Runs on a low-waste model

All answers that you see here

Clean attraction, clean tourism

Right answer!


Clean attraction, clean tourism

Sustainable tourism is based on the principles of…

Social sustainability

Environmental sustainability

Economic sustainability

All answers that you see here

Clean attraction, clean tourism

Right answer!

Clean attraction, clean tourism

Which is not a form of sustainable tourism?

The ecological tourism

The soft tourism

The green tourism

The hunting tourism

Clean attraction, clean tourism

Right answer... Thank You !

Clean air, clean breath

Factories and ports


Campfires and wildfires

What causes the most air pollution?

Clean air, clean breath

Right answer!


Here you can see all kinds of polluants of the air. Human activities are the most important...

Clean air, clean breath

Exhaust gas from cars and manufactures.

On the ground thrown rubbish

Plastic bags from supermarket

What makes rainwater dirty?

Clean air, clean breath

Right answer!

Dust, smoke, and particles from the air can contaminate rainwater before it lands on your roof. Roofing materials, gutters, piping, and storage materials can introduce harmful substances such as asbestos, lead, and copper into the water.

Clean air, clean breath

By Boiling

Can be filtered

Chemical desinfection

How to purify rainwater?

Clean air, clean breath

All the answers are right!

Water treatment options include filtration, chemical disinfection, or boiling. Filtration can remove some germs and chemicals. Treating water with chlorine or iodine kills some germs but does not remove chemicals or toxins. Boiling the water will kill germs but will not remove chemicals.

Clean air, clean breath

There aren’t any natural and anthropogenic sources of air pollution

Air is never clean

When pollution produced in one country travels to another one

Which statement is false?

Clean air, clean breath

Right answer!


Indeed, not only humans polluate the air. Animals and geological activities do too. But less !

Clean air, clean breath

Particular matter

Carbon dioxyde

A lack of dioxygene

What's the biggest problem of air quality in Europe?

Clean air, clean breath

Right answer!





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