Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



FreshiesMay 10, 2023

Cohort Assembly #3

  1. Welcome
  2. Reminders
  3. Summer School Info
  4. Mr. Prizzi
  5. Suggestions for Success
  6. Guest Speakers


Friendly Reminders:

Magic number of credits needed to graduate?

Final Cohort Assembly!
  • Attendance matters
  • Do your best to be on time
  • With warm weather, be mindful of your outfit choices
  • May Day 5/19/23 - fill out the form and you will need a ticket to enter
  • Complete the career action plan
  • An average of a 50 is needed for summer school
  • ID on lanyard!
  • NO hoods/hats cafeteria
How many absences can you have in a full year course? Half year?


What time is considered late in the morning?

Credit Recovery

Mr. Prizzi

What is the name of our student code of conduct?
  • Stay focused
  • Your teachers will work WITH you
  • No question is too small
  • Reach out for help/support
  • Prioritize and plan for success
  • Don't give up!


  • Converse with close friends
  • Utilize your resources
  • We are here for YOU!
  • YOU are the future of KHS
  • What change will YOU make?
  • Caf: respect the staff, show ID backpacks under the table, no extra side chairs, presence only during scheduled lunch !

Safety & Comfort = #1 Priority

Faith Rodriguez

Gabriel Mitchell

Guest Speakers

July 17th

June 23rd

June 16th

June 1st - no school!June 14-22 Regents Exams

May 17th

Summer School


End of 4th Quarter


Fourth Quarter Interim

Fourth QuarterTimeline

Nu rse GalloP-Z
Nurse StudtG-O
Nu rse QuickA-F
Ms. Rojas
Ms. Vazquez
Ms. Rosario
Ms. Pece
Ms. Rathjen
Ms. Lacy
Mr. Hart
Mr. Ricketson
Ms. Reposa
Ms. Molinaro

Cohort Crew

Insta: KINGSTONHS_2026TEAMs: Class of 2026
