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.Lea Haidar.

Refraction Of Light

In our life we see some strange observations like when we look at a pencil placed in a cup of water, it seems to be broken.Moreover, a fish seems to be closer to the surface of the water than it is in reality

Refraction of light

Refraction of light is the sudden change in the direction of propagation of light when it passes from one transparent medium into another transparent one



  • When an incident ray of light in the air falls obliquely on the surface of separation between air and glass, it crosses into glass deviating towards the normal. This is called refraction with deviation.
  • When an incident ray of light in glass falls obliquely on the surface of separation between glass and air, it crosses into air deviating away from the normal. This is also called refraction with deviation.


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  • The incident ray and the reflected ray belong to the same medium
  • The incident ray and the refracted ray can't be found in the same medium.
  • They are opposite to each other with respect to the normal
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Refractive medium


Examples of refraction
