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'How many times have you been stopped and searched by the police?' SMART Specific: 'Identify the impact–on individuals and communities–of discriminatory policing' Measurable (assessment): quiz and discussion forum post Achievable: Content (video) supports learning outcomes and successful assessment within clear timeframe Relevant: Analysis stage of ADDIE and learning personas revealed need for police learners to understand impact of racial profiling, a common form of discriminatory policing Timebound: Learning objective complete by end of module one, week one

'Profiling is a legitimate policing tool; police are under pressure and often need to make split-second decisions' SMART Specific: ‘Recognise, identify and explain police challenges and how they can be mitigated’ Measurable (assessment): quiz and discussion forum post Achievable: Content (video interview with serviing police officer) supports learning outcomes and successful assessment within clear timeframe Relevant: Analysis stage of ADDIE and learning personas revealed need for non-police learners to understand impact police perspectives on the justified use of lawful profiling tools. Timebound: Learning objective complete by end of module one, week one

SMART Specific: ‘Explain and apply the dimensions of discrimination (systemic, structural, institutional, historical, individual) in the particular context of hate crime and police discrimination.' Measurable (assessment): Case study, drag and drop quiz and Discussion forum activity Achievable: Content (reading, video presentation, case study) supports learning outcomes and successful assessment within clear timeframe Relevant: Analysis stage of ADDIE and learning personas revealed need for all target learners to understand that hate crime (individual violence) takes place in a broader context of systemic discrimination in all areas of society, including the police. Timebound: Learning objective complete by end of module two, week two

SMART Specific: 'Analyse prevalence of discriminatory profiling in your professional context' Measurable (assessment): surveying through desk research and sharing results by adapted wiki Achievable: Content guided research supports learning outcomes and successful assessment within clear timeframe Relevant: Analysis stage of ADDIE and learning personas revealed need for all target learners to understand the problem of discriminatory policing in their and other EU contexts. Timebound: Learning objective complete by end of Module 3, week 3

SMART Specific: 'Identify key actors involved in understanding and addressing police discrimination and evaluate strengths and weaknesses in responses to discriminatory policing in your context' Measurable (assessment): adapted, collaborative wiki and/ or mind map Achievable: Toolkit supports learning outcomes and successful assessment within clear timeframe Relevant: Analysis stage of ADDIE and learning personas revealed need for all learners to connect and work with other key stakeholders in their context Timebound: Learning objective complete by end of Module 4, week 4.

SMART Specific: 'Create, share and integrate peer feedback an action plan to address one or more challenges regarding police discrimination in your context Measurable (assessment): adapted, collaborative wiki 'From Here To There' Achievable: Toolkit supports learning outcomes and successful assessment within clear timeframe Relevant: Analysis stage of ADDIE and learning personas revealed need for all learners to apply what they havve learned to their move forward in their professional context. Timebound: Learning objective complete by end of Module 5, week 5.