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Emerging Market Equities

Global LTU Equities

Australia Equities

Asia Equities

Japan Equities

Investing to Improve Lives

Listed Real Assets

UK Equities

Impact Equities

Asia EquitiesSEEKING THE ASIAN REGION’S BEST AND MOST SUSTAINABLE BUSINESSES Martin Currie’s specialist Asian team believe that stock-focused portfolios, driven by fundamental research, are the best way to exploit market opportunities and generate consistent outperformance. Led by Andrew Graham, the team are based in Edinburgh and Singapore, and have a collaborative approach - with shared responsibility for idea generation, research and portfolio construction. The Asia team are supported by a team of qualified accountants from a leading third-party company that specialises in providing financial analytics support services to the global capital markets industry. Find out more

Emerging Market EquitiesDISTINCTIVE COLLABORATIVE APPROACH TO HIGH-CONVICTION EMERGING MARKETS INVESTING Our Global Emerging Markets team invests with high conviction to deliver a truly differentiated portfolio of sustainable quality growth stocks. We invest based on a disciplined, bottom-up, repeatable process, with ESG fully integrated. Our process for identifying the very best investment opportunities in emerging markets is underpinned by our long-term investment philosophy and belief that companies with robust balance sheets and demonstrable, sustainable growth potential are frequently undervalued by the market. The strength of our team comes from our wealth of experience and truly collaborative approach which we believe results in deeper insights, fewer biases and better outcomes. Find out more

Global Long-Term Unconstrained EquitiesLONG-TERM ALPHA GENERATION FROM THE WORLD’S STRONGEST COMPANIES The Global Long-Term Unconstrained (GLTU) team is led by Zehrid Osmani. Our long-term concentrated, unconstrained approach seeks to invest on a multi-decade horizon to deliver sustainable long-term returns. The strategy invests in quality growth companies, harnessing long-term structural growth opportunities aligned to the three mega-trends of Demographic changes, the Future of Technology and Resource Scarcity. Find out more

Australia EquitiesLEADING INNOVATOR OF AUSTRALIAN EQUITY, REAL ASSET and MULTI-ASSET STRATEGIES Martin Currie Australia (MCA) have been investing in Australia for over 40-years. Based in Melbourne and led by CIO Reece Birtles, MCA’s team of specialised industry analysts are focussed on proprietary, bottom-up fundamental research to generate the best ideas for an extensive range of solutions. Whether we are providing a sufficient retirement income stream, wealth accumulating portfolios with differing risk profiles, portfolios with client-specific exclusions or low carbon, we believe that flexibility is necessary to help our clients pursue their financial goals. Find out more

Emerging Market EquitiesDISTINCTIVE COLLABORATIVE APPROACH TO HIGH-CONVICTION EMERGING MARKETS INVESTING Our Global Emerging Markets team invests with high conviction to deliver a truly differentiated portfolio of sustainable quality growth stocks. We invest based on a disciplined, bottom-up, repeatable process, with ESG fully integrated. Our process for identifying the very best investment opportunities in emerging markets is underpinned by our long-term investment philosophy and belief that companies with robust balance sheets and demonstrable, sustainable growth potential are frequently undervalued by the market. The strength of our team comes from our wealth of experience and truly collaborative approach which we believe results in deeper insights, fewer biases and better outcomes. Find out more

UK EquitiesCOMMON SENSE INVESTORS COMMITTED TO UK EQUITIES The UK Equity team have a well-established and long-standing reputation in listed UK equity active investment. Managing portfolios since 1995, studious company analysis is rooted beneath our carefully constructed, high conviction strategies which are all underpinned by a long-term investment view. Based in the heart of Leeds, we are extremely proud of our Yorkshire heritage, offering a perspective distanced from the ‘group think’ of crowded investment communities. Our sole focus on UK equities evades futile distractions and plunges us into the nuts and bolts of our investee companies. Find out more

Japan EquitiesLONG-TERM, GROWTH-ORIENTED INVESTING The investment style of the strategy is bottom-up and growth-oriented, focusing on key companies and sectors that are driving change in Japan. The strategy is highly concentrated and has typically held between 30-60 stocks with a growth bias and low turnover, selected through a bottom-up process. During the stock-selection process the manager focuses on seeking opportunities rather than on avoiding risks. The strategy seeks to identify higher sales and earnings growth companies by evaluating them initially over a combined four-year period (2 years in the past and 2 years in the future), and which are attractively valued in the opinion of the Fund Manager. Find out more

Asia EquitiesSEEKING THE ASIAN REGION’S BEST AND MOST SUSTAINABLE BUSINESSES Martin Currie’s specialist Asian team believe that stock-focused portfolios, driven by fundamental research, are the best way to exploit market opportunities and generate consistent outperformance. Led by Andrew Graham, the team are based in Edinburgh and Singapore, and have a collaborative approach - with shared responsibility for idea generation, research and portfolio construction. The Asia team are supported by a team of qualified accountants from a leading third-party company that specialises in providing financial analytics support services to the global capital markets industry. Find out more

Impact EquitiesIMPACT-FOCUSSED AND ACTIVELY MANAGED STRATEGY, INVESTING IN A CONCENTRATED, LONG-ONLY, LONG-TERM PORTFOLIO OF SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENT. Our socially-focused impact strategy aims to positively address the problem of human inequity. We do this by investing and engaging to improve fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all people. The Martin Currie Improving Society strategy can help deliver this by both supporting those companies delivering the most meaningful impact, and actively engaging with them to accelerate the delivery of these ambitions. The strategy will invest on a long-term, global basis in 20-35 publicly listed companies whose products or services, (i) improve wellbeing, (ii) improve inclusion, and (iii) support a just transition. Firms providing solutions to facilitate improvements in human equity can meaningfully narrow the equality gap and make a real, measurable difference to society. Find out more

Global Long-Term Unconstrained EquitiesLONG-TERM ALPHA GENERATION FROM THE WORLD’S STRONGEST COMPANIES The Global Long-Term Unconstrained (GLTU) team is led by Zehrid Osmani. Our long-term concentrated, unconstrained approach seeks to invest on a multi-decade horizon to deliver sustainable long-term returns. The strategy invests in quality growth companies, harnessing long-term structural growth opportunities aligned to the three mega-trends of Demographic changes, the Future of Technology and Resource Scarcity. Find out more

Impact EquitiesIMPACT-FOCUSSED AND ACTIVELY MANAGED STRATEGY, INVESTING IN A CONCENTRATED, LONG-ONLY, LONG-TERM PORTFOLIO OF SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENT. Our socially-focused impact strategy aims to positively address the problem of human inequity. We do this by investing and engaging to improve fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all people. The Martin Currie Improving Society strategy can help deliver this by both supporting those companies delivering the most meaningful impact, and actively engaging with them to accelerate the delivery of these ambitions. The strategy will invest on a long-term, global basis in 20-35 publicly listed companies whose products or services, (i) improve wellbeing, (ii) improve inclusion, and (iii) support a just transition. Firms providing solutions to facilitate improvements in human equity can meaningfully narrow the equality gap and make a real, measurable difference to society. Find out more