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Helping a family






A marriage with little money asks for help.


It's about a marriage living in Manhattan who make $40.20, they're making half of what they should be making in that area, they met on the woman's 19th birthday, the man was the DJ at her birthday party. The woman was a hairstylist, but left it to work in her husband's business. When it started, it had about 200 birthday parties, they decided to expand and opened a place for children's parties, they reached the peak of their business and decided to move to a bigger place, and that was their downfall, two years later they had to close and their house went in mortgage process. Thus began the tensions in their marriage. The woman wants her husband to find another job, but he doesn't want to give up his DJ business, they struggle every month to put food on their children's table.




Monday: loaf of bread $1.35, pâté $1.50, orange juice $1.45, apples $1.79, cheeks $5, custard and biscuits $1.50, tortillas $4.65 = $17, 24 Tuesday: cola cao $3, cookies $2.15, packaged ham $3.19, meat with stew $4.95, oranges $3.35, sausage $4.55, natural yogurt $1.10, pineapple juice $1 = $23.64 Wednesday: peaches $1.30, chicken burgers (breads and meats) $6.80, sirloin in sherry $8 = $16.1 Thursday: vanilla custard $2.40, salted hake $6.30, muffins: $1.10, York ham $0.55 = $10.35 Friday: berries $2.5, pears $0.80, paella $7, coffee with curly biscuits $4.55, salmon $5 = $19.85 Saturday: pancakes $2.60, bananas $1.20, pizzas $8 = $11.8 Sunday: eggs $3, salmorejo $6, custard $2, meat with tomato $4.5 = $15.5 TOTAL = 17.24+23.64+16.1+10.35+19.85+11.8+15.5 = $114.48

Ehttps://www.tiendeo.com/Catalogos/623424?view=catalogs-search&buscar=mercadona&pos=2&º jnopnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnFFERS_NO_CITY&pagina=12&modelName=SmartCampaigns_v1&variantName=Variant+A&utm_medium=rfg

Work done by Adrián Heredia (Iker Romero, Alejandro Fernández and Miguel Rivero).


Thank you so much