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Welcome to WWG Bayreuth!

This is the foyer. There are sofas, chairs and tables, a bench and two aquariums with a lot of colourful fish in the water.

Students can have a snack here, talk to each other or work and learn during their free periods.

In the western part of the school building there are the classrooms of years 5, 6 and 7.

In the eastern part of the building there are the classrooms of years 8, 9 and 10.

When you are hungry, you can buy something from our snack vending machine. There are fresh treats every day. You can buy sandwiches, gummy bears, croissants, fruits, chocolate bars, yoghurt and much more.

This is our school hall - it is the biggest room at WWG, right behind the foyer. Plays, lectures and our concerts take place here. The new carpet and the paintings are not to be missed! You can spend your breaks here too.

In the display case there are a lot of cups of different school clubs. You can find cups won in different competitions (e.g. "Robotics" or "Mountainbiking") or TV shows ("Tigerenten Club").

The students at WWG are very talented. Throughout the whole school building you can see different works of art -painted with acrylic paint, watercolour and other materials.There are a lot of different styles.

Let's take a look behind this door...

This room helps you to understand maths much better.You can find great set-ups for almost any topic.


Look! There is another closed door...

This is our great library!

You can read books from a lot of different genres such as adventure or fantasy stories here. Of course you can also borrow books for free.

You can relax here!

You can do your homework here after school!

You can work here with computers!

There is free wi-fi!

Beach volleyball In summer you can play beach volleyball in your PE lessons. It is great to feel the sand under your feet!

There is something for everyone on our playground: You can play football or basketball on our sports ground, relax with your friends or climb on the climbing frame. There is enough space to run around and forget about school life for the moment.

Let's take a look around the corner...

Behind our school buildling there is another large playground with an exciting climbing parcour. You can definitely let off steam here!

The Green Classroom - right next to our climbing parcour - offers you a place for "open-air lessons"! Of course you can also go there during the breaks. In summer it is particularly beautiful there.

Texts: English Conversation Class 6 (SJ 2022/23)


Texts: English Conversation Class 6 (SJ 2022/23)