Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


A robotic arm for dangerous manipulations

RoBOtic armpresentation

06 Thank you!

05 Advancement

04 A problem I got

03 Use case diagram

02 My section

01 The project


It's a robotic arm !It can be used to manipulatedangerous productsAnd you can easily control it !

What isthe project ?

I work on the protecessing partMy job is to make a great looking page to controll the arm

My section

Here is the use case diagramYou can see the usages of thearm and the solutions

Use case diagram

I got a big problem for the resetbouton and the 6 motors remote

A problem I got

We have almost finished the project, we are in a testing phase where we are adding features to the project

Thanks for listening me