Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Lesson 4

Pronunciation 101

Listen and spell

Test your knowledge



Chapter /f/

Chapter /v/

irregular plural rule

Sentence Practise

Minimal pairs

Tongue twisters

van, five
fun, bluff, photograph, laugh
/v/ v, or ve
/f/ f, ff, ph or gh

Letter combinations for these sounds

/f/- 1

Push air out through the gap while allowing the air to pass between the teeth and lip, creating a continuous fricative sound.

Position your top front teeth on your bottom lip, creating a slight gap.

Muscle movement for the /f/ sound

/f/- 2

Letter f making the /f/ sound

/f/ In the beginning


/f/ In the middle


/p/ In the end



The letter f in the word of sounds /v/.


/f/- 3

other graphemes for /f/




/f/- 4

  1. flat
  2. fleet
  3. floor
  4. floppy
  5. fluke
  6. flavour
  7. snowflakes
  8. reflect
  9. inflict
  10. reflect
  11. conflicting
  12. inflation
  1. free
  2. friend
  3. fresher
  4. Friday
  5. frighten
  6. fraudulent
  7. afraid
  8. refrain
  9. defray
  10. refreshment
  11. confronted
  12. refrigerate ​


/v/- 1

Engage your vocal cords to create a voiced sound while allowing the air to pass through the small gap between the teeth and lip, creating a continuous fricative sound.​

Position your top front teeth on your bottom lip, creating a slight gap.

Muscle movement for the /v/ sound

/v/- 2


/v/ In the beginning


/v/ In the middle


/v/ In the end


/f/ & /v/



rule forIrregularPlurals

When nouns end in f or fe, change the f or fe to v then add es.

knife → knives​leaf → leaves​wife → wives​life → lives ​wolf → wolves​thief → thieves​self → selveself → elveshalf → halvesloaf → loavesshelf → shelveshoof → hoovescalf → calves

/f/ - 5

/f/ Sentence practise

  • The fluffy cat curled up on the sofa.​
  • Jeff found his lost phone under the bed.​
  • The chef skillfully prepared a flavorful dish.
  • She loves to play the flute by the fire.​
  • I'm grateful for my family's support.​
  • The leaf gently fell from the tree.​
  • The firefighter bravely fought the flames.​
  • He finished his homework before dinner.

/v/ - 3

/v/ Sentence practise

  • The vase is filled with vibrant flowers.​
  • Victor's voice echoed through the hallway.​
  • She loves to watch movies.
  • Victor is an adventurous juvenile
  • The silver car drove down the avenue.​
  • Olivia received a valuable gift from her valentine.
  • Vivacious Vincent loves to vacuum.
  • He believes in the power of positive thinking

/f/ & /v/

Minimal Pairs

fan - van​ferry - very​leaf - leave​off - of​fender - vendor​grief - grieve​staff - starve​surf - serve​calf - carve​chaff - chav​fast - vast​fat - vat​fee - V​

fine - vine​foul - vowel​gif - give​belief - believe​fail - veil​file - vile​foist - voiced​foal - vole​fox - vox​guff - guvfear - veer​feel - veal​duff - dove​

half - halve​life - live​proof - prove​safe - save​reef - reeve​serf - serve​skiff - skiv​strife - strive​waif - waivefault - vault​feign - vain​feign - vein​fie - vie​

/f/ - 6

Tongue twister

Freddy the friendly fox found five figs,he fed four figs to four fluffy pigs.The fifth fig Freddy saved for his friend,but the fluffy pigs followed him to the fence.

/v/ - 4

Tongue twister

Victor the velvet-voiced vendor vowed,To vend velvet vests in vivid crowds.Vera viewed Victor’s vibrant vow,and vowed to visit his velvet shop now.
  1. ________________ 6.________________
  2. ________________ 7.________________
  3. ________________ 8.________________
  4. ________________ 9.________________
  5. ________________ 10._______________

/f/ - 7

Listen and spell

/v/ - 5

  1. ________________ 6.________________
  2. ________________ 7.________________
  3. ________________ 8.________________
  4. ________________ 9.________________
  5. ________________ 10._______________

Listen and spell

Evaluation - 1/7

Evaluation - 2/7

Evaluation - 3/7

Evaluation - 4/7

Evaluation - 5/7

Evaluation - 6/7

Evaluation - 7/7



Watch the video, and practice making the correct mouth movement by using a handheld mirror.Record yourself repeating after the speaker in the video. Then listen to the recording in comparison to the video.​Annalise your own movement and sound.

Skip to paragraph


Victoria visited her favorite café to have a delicious vanilla-flavored cake. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as she entered. She ordered a frothy cappuccino and savored the creamy foam on top. Sitting by the window, she admired the vibrant flowers in a nearby vase. With each sip, she felt a sense of relaxation and warmth. She chatted with her friend about their upcoming vacation to a tropical paradise. They discussed their love for adventure and the thrill of exploring new places. It was a fabulous afternoon filled with laughter, flavorful treats, and delightful conversations.

Paragraph practise

As we conclude this course, we would appreciate your thoughts and suggestions. Please let us know if you noticed any mistakes or areas for improvement.
