Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



Welcome to Google




  • Each group will need 4 players.
  • Use the Chromebook as the gameboard.
  • The objective is to reach the central square in first position.
  • Choose the animal that will represent you throughout the game.
  • Click on the die to know how many squares you have to advance, always following the path of the color that corresponds to you.
  • Be careful with the tick boxes! They contain challenges that you must overcome using your computer or discussing with other players in order to continue advancing.
  • If you fail the challenge, you go back 3 squares.

Group 1




Congrats! You are the winner of your game! Now it is time for a break, but you must escape from this mystery breakout. https://bit.ly/jumescape

Roll a Die

Restart game

Player 1

Player 2

Player 4

Player 3

Accessing Google Drive & Creating New Folder Show the other players:

  • How to access Google Drive
  • Create a new folder.
  • Name the folder: Jumangoo
If you need help:
  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Upload Show the other players how to upload a .pdf to Google Drive. Then share it with the other players. (If you don't have a PDF google for any pdf document and save it to your computer to upload.) If you need help:

  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Make a Copy Show the other players how to locate a document that has been shared with you. Then open the document and make a copy. Discuss:

  • When would you want to make a copy of a document that is shared?
  • When would you NOT want to make a copy of a document that is shared?
If you need help:
  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Search Oh no! You have lost a file and can't remember where you put it. Use the search feature to locate the Jumangoo document. If you need help:

  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Word Document We are going to upload a Word document to the Jumangoo folder. (If you don't have one, create a blank one and label it Jumangoo Word.)

  • First, be sure your conversion setting is turned off.
  • Upload the Word document
Check to see that everyone in the group can see the document. Discuss:
  • How can they see it if they didn't create it?
  • How can you tell the difference between a Word document and a Google doc just by looking at it?
If you need help:
  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Add to My Drive Find a document or folder that has been shared with you and add it to your drive.

  • Locate a file/folder in Shared with Me
  • Select the file/folder name.
  • Right click
  • Select Add to My Drive.
Discuss with the other players: Why would this be necessary to do? Why does the icon look different? If you need help:
  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Color Change the color of the Jumangoo folder. Did it change for anyone else? If you need help:

  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Share a Folder Share the Jumangoo folder with the other 3 players and the presenter. (dtrujillo@hendersonisd.net) Be sure everyone knows how to share a folder. Discuss: Can you tell the difference between a shared folder or file and a non-shared folder/file? If so, how? If you need help:

  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Color Change the color of the Jumangoo folder. Did it change for anyone else? If you need help:

  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Download There are times you need your own image or phrase you want to use in another program. You can create an image or phrase in Google Slides and download it as an image.

  • Open the Jumangoo Slides (created earlier)
  • Go to Insert > Image > Search the web.
  • Search for a monkey or rhinoceros.
  • Insert one of the images.
  • Go to File > Download > JPEG image (or PNG image)
  • Save it to your desktop.
If you need help:
  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Add to My Drive Find a document or folder that has been shared with you and add it to your drive.

  • Locate a file/folder in Shared with Me
  • Select the file/folder name.
  • Right click
  • Select Add to My Drive.
Discuss with the other players: Why would this be necessary to do? Why does the icon look different? If you need help:
  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Upload to Drive Oh no! Your computer died!

  • If you regularly upload all of your resources onto Google Drive stay on this spot.
  • If you don't upload them to Drive, move back 3 spaces and
Discuss: What are the advantages of uploading and creating in Google Drive as opposed to saving things on your desktop? If you need help:
  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Discuss What is the difference between Shared Drives and Shared with Me? If you need help:

  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

PDF in Drive Awesome! You found a worksheet that is a PDF, but you need to make one small change to it.

  • Locate the PDF in your drive (you should have one in the Jumangoo folder that was shared earlier).
  • Right click on the title
  • Select "open with Google Docs". Just remember sometimes it is not perfect when it converts over.
If you need help:
  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Where is it? So now you have located the document you searched for in Drive. But where does it live? When the document is open, you can check under File > Document details to find the folder it is in. However, that is just the folder and you may not be sure where that folder lives. Check out the Guide to see how to locate. If you need help:

  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Microsoft Meets Google Did you know you can upload and edit a Word, Excel or PowerPoint in Google Drive? Give it a try. Open the Jumango Word document that was placed in your Jumangoo Folder in Google Drive Start typing! Very easy. You can also save it as a Google Doc if you need to. (File > Save as Google Docs) If you need help:

  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Move Folder You have decided to tidy up Google Drive. What is this Jumangoo folder? Move the Jumangoo folder into one of your other folders. Then you can move it back if you don't want it there. Be sure everyone knows how to do this. If you need help:

  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Create a New Document Show the other players how to create a new document. Name the document: Jumangoo Questions If you need help:

  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Priority Workspace You have a document you use frequently, but it is buried in several folders. There is a perfect place for it to live. It can stay in its folder, but you can also have it in a Priority Workspace which enables easier access to the document. Click the Priority section on the left and create a Workspace. Show the other players as well! If you need help:

  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Add to Priority Workspace Add the Jumangoo Questions document to your Priority Workspace created earlier. Show the other players how to add it.

  • From Drive, select the document
  • Click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner.
  • Select "add to workspace."
  • Select the workspace to add it to.
If you need help:
  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Restore Oh no! You accidently gave edit rights to someone and they changed your whole document!! There is a way to fix that! You can restore it to a previous version. Show other players how to restore one of the Jumangoo Questions document. If you need help:

  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

View Types Click on the icon to the left of the "i" in the upper right corner below your profile picture. What happened? This is how you toggle from List View to Grid View. Discuss the advantages to each of these views. If you need help:

  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Move a File Move the Jumangoo Questions document into the Jumangoo folder that was shared. Be sure that all players know how to share a document. Have each player add their name to the document or a famous quote. Use this document to write any questions you may have during the game. If you need help:

  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Naming Convention Be consistent when naming files, remember they appear in the following order:

  • symbol or special character
  • number
  • alphabetical order
Use this sorting feature to your advantage. Name files with similar beginnings to group them together. Discuss: How do you name your files? How do you plan to start naming them? If you need help:
  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Organize! Did you know you can add emoji's to a file or folder name? Give it a try!

  • In a new tab, navigate to emojipedia.com.
  • Search for a monkey or rhinoceros.
  • Copy the emoji then go back to Drive.
  • Right click on the Jumangoo folder and select rename.
  • Paste (ctrl+v) the emoji at the beginning of the folder name.
If you need help:
  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Get Link You want to send a document to several people and you don't want to add each of their emails to a document. What is the best course of action? Use "Get Link"! Here’s how:

  • Find the document (or folder) and right click on the title.
  • Select "Get Link".
  • Adjust whether you want it to be only Henderson ISD or Anyone with the link.
  • Adjust whether you want them to have View access or Edit access.
  • When would you want people to View?
  • When would you want people to Edit?
  • When would you want it to be sent just to Henderson ISD or to anyone with the link?
If you need help:
  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Google Slides Create a new slide and name it Jumangoo Slides. Be sure to save it in the Jumangoo folder. Change the page size.

  • Go to File
  • Select Page Setup (toward bottom of menu)
  • Select Custom
  • Change dimensions to 4 X 4
If you need help:
  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor

Collaborate on Document Open the Jumangoo Questions document. Have each player add their name to the document or a famous quote. Use this document to write any questions you may have during the game. If you need help:

  • ask another player
  • visit the Help Guide
  • ask the instructor


Escape for your Break
