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A scratch and Makey Makey project

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Proposed Path

Tell Me Your Story

Design your character

Is it conductive or not?

First-time set up

Learn how to code with Scratch

Connect Makey Makey to Scratch

Makey Makey

Coding with Scratch

Defining a Block and/or Creating a Variable (on a map or a 3D model)

Create a simple program in Scratch with one trigger point on Makey Makey

Create interactions

Inspiration: Book Doll-E












Read about Scratch




Tell me your story





Create a simple program in Scratch with multiple trigger points on Makey Makey

Understanding a simple circuit

Project inspired from Makey Makey: Media and Literacy

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MAKEY MAKEY The first step of this path is to learn how simple circuits work. You don't need to be a specialist in electricity to actually be able to use the Makey Makey kit. You will also understand how to connect the Makey Makey to your computer and use simple interactive activities like the piano. Then, you will build a testing station to understand the material that is conductive. Makey MakeyPicture by Padaguan - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=50251033

FIRST TME SET UP Learn how to connect Makey Makey to your computer and try out interactive tools like the Piano. This will help you understand how a circuit works.

IS IT CONDUCTIVE? Do you know what is conductive and what is not? Watch this video to learn more. Build your own "Is it Conductive?" testing station! Test-it out with this interactive app.

UNDERSTAND HOW TO MAKE A CIRCUIT Watch the video to understand how to make a simple circuit using Makey Makey. If you want to create one, you can follow the instructions on this page. Here is a schematic to understand what a circuit is as shown in the video.

BUILD YOUR CHARACTER Using a variety of materials, design a character that will be used to plan your interactions. You will need to think about adding conductive material in order to add your interactions with Makey Makey.

READ ABOUT SCRATCH Visit the Scratch website and create a teacher account to easily create accounts for students and manage their projects and comments. Discover the Scratch interface by reading slides 3 to 16 in this presentation.


  1. Connect to Scratch or create a teacher account to save your projects.
  2. Click on Create to open a Scratch project.
  3. At the top, click on Tutorials.
  4. Choose the Getting Started tutorial and click on the arrows to follow the steps.
  5. Complete at least two other tutorials in the top row.


  1. Plug Makey Makey into your computer.
  2. Create a new project in Scratch.
  3. Add the Makey Makey extension (bottom left button) and select Makey Makey.
  4. Use the Makey Makey blocks to add interactions : movement, sounds, change costumes, etc.

CODING WITH SCRATCH AND MAKEY MAKEY Before using Makey Makey in Scratch, you need to learn a few things about Scratch. The first step is to understand the Scratch environment and where the different functions are situated. Then, you will learn simple coding using different tutorials available on the Scratch website. Once you are comfortable with the tool, you will learn how to add the Makey Makey extension into Scratch. "Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and animation with people from all over the world. Scratch is designed especially for ages 8 to 16, but is used by people of all ages."

PLANNING Select a template to start planning the description of your character or your story. Describe a characterCycle 2 Elementary Plan a storyCycle 3 Elementary and SecondaryTo practice vocabulary and prepare prompts Google - WordTo look at a model of a story map and prepare the text Model Resource sheet: Google - Word

WRITING Use a template to describe your character or write your story. You can also look at models before your start. Describe a character Cycle 2 Elementary Write a storyCycle 3 Elementary and SecondaryOption 1: To add interactions on one trigger point on Makey Makey Google - WordOption 2: To add interactions to different trigger points on Makey Makey. Google - Word Look at a model of a story with interactions. Write a short story and plan the interactions for Makey Makey. Google - Word

CREATE A SIMPLE PROGRAM IN SCRATCH OPTION 1 Watch this short tutorial to learn how to record your sounds and program the interactions to one trigger point on Makey Makey. When you are done programming, hook up your wire and try it out!

CREATE A SIMPLE PROGRAM IN SCRATCH OPTION 2 Watch this short tutorial to learn how to record your sounds and program the interactions to multiple trigger points on Makey Makey. Example of a program in Scratch

DEFINING A BLOCK AND/OR CREATING A VARIABLE FOR A MAP OR A 3D MODEL Watch this short tutorial to learn how to program Defining a Block and/or Creating a Variable in Scratch When you are done programming, hook up your wires and try it out!

TELL ME YOUR STORY It is time to design your character and write the interactions! Using a variety of materials, you will design a character that will be used to plan your interactions. Depending on the level of your students, different types of written interactions can be planned. Students could, for example, describe the character, write a story with interactions, and create the settings of the story with interactive elements.

CREATE INTERACTIONS You will now experiment with some possibilities Scratch and Makey Makey can offer when combined.

  • With Option 1 (4A), you will learn how to create a simple program in Scratch with one trigger point on Makey Makey.
  • With Option 2 (4B), you will learn how to create a simple program in Scratch with multiple trigger points on Makey Makey.
  • If you chose to write a story (4C), you will learn how to define a Block and/or Create a Variable (on a map or a 3D model).
Makey MakeyPicture by Padaguan - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=50251033