Created on January 22, 2023
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Digital Level 3 Extended Diploma in Protective Service
Rebecca Brownlie DTA
Learning Experience Design Plan(Scoping Plan)
Learning Experience Design
- There are many variations in design methods and processes and for many ADDIE is a common approach. Clarke.(2022)
- The process has five stages:
Section 4 Mode of Delivery
Section 5Implementation
Mode of Delivery
Virtual Classroom
Section 6References
Section 3Modular Framework
Section 2Outcomes & Content
Scection 1Audience
Section 5
Outcomes & Content
Blooms Taxonomy
Macro Design
Nizam Oba
Oscar Campbell
Amy Armstrong
Analysis & Data
Leaner Persona's
InterviewPractical AssessmentObservation
Behaviour Data
Digital preferencesAcessibilityBarriers to learningGolas and drivers Digital readiness
Learner Persona
GCSE resultsEHPAdditional qualificationsWork experience
Results Data
Written assessmentSurvey
Prior Learning Data
Analysis (ADDIE)
According to Arshavskiy (2017) target audience analysis should be conducted prior to deciding on the delivery method, content and type albeit each play a major role in the decision making process, in creating successful learning experiences.Understanding an e-leaning audience facilitates courses that are engaging, motivating and tailored to individual needs and expectations establishing fulfillment and accomplishment (DLI, 2022). It also works in conjunction with and aids the creation of learner persona's.The data collection and information-gathering strategies adopted at this stage for the design and delivery of a digital Level 3 Extended Diploma in Protetctive Services qualification involved:
Target Audience Analysis
Analysis (ADDIE)
Personas are powerful in creating learner-focused content in the design and development of digital courses. It involves a fictional based data analysis of the heterogeneous set of learners, consisting of different multicultural backgrounds, geographies, deomographics, socioeconomic, age groups, proficiency and motivational drivers.
Learner Persona's
Perception of Digital Learning
Name: Amy ArmstrongAge: 16Status: StudentEnrolled: 1 week
Digital Readiness
Preferences and Barriers:Amy prefers blended learning experiences (LX) as it offers her greater flexiblity in her academic studies due to time contraints and committments in her volunteering role. She enjoys synchronous social learning and asynchronous micro learning resources including mobile responsive aids.Amy gets frustrated by the lack of publications from the awarding body for her chosen programme of study.
Learner Persona 1
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Perception of Digital Learning
Name: Oscar CampbellAge: 16Status: StudentEnrolled: 1 week
Digital Readiness
Preferences and Barriers:Oscar embraces and takes advantage of new technology and innovation. He often shares his knowledge of the autonomous systems, artificial intellegence (AI) and crewless technology for the future of the military with his peers. Oscar perfers virtual and augmented reality simulations, surveillance such as using drones and online collaborative learningOscar enjoys synchronous digital live learning and asynchronous micro learning resources such as quizzes, problem solving, and games. Oscar beieves that at times lessons feel 'out-dated' with non-engaging and passive materials.
Learner Persona 2
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Perception of Digital Learning
Name: Nizam ObaAge: 18Status: StudentEnrolled: 1 week
Digital Readiness
Preferences and Barriers:Nizam has had little previous digital learning experiences (LX) but he always enjoyed classroom learning with his peers. Due to his ESL status Nazim recieves additional teacher and one-to-one support, who make good use of visual aids and scaffolding apporaches to facilitiate his learning.At times Nizam lacks confidence due to the environmental, language and social and cultural differences where he has previously struggled with his English-based learning.
Learner Persona 1
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The design and development of a digital BTEC Extended Diploma programme may arguably require more open and creative processes and solutions that are sensitive to the complex audiences and needs, Clarke (2022). However, the data analysis stage of ADDIE methodology and the creation of leaner personas has provided invaluable hypothetical archetypes which has informed design considerations tailored to the needs of the learner and achieving the core deliverables. The LXD will combine multiple learning theories and design principles to include blended digital synchronous and asynchronous activities and interventions, performance support, learning in the workflow, nudges and feedback for assessment.Persona driven design will keep the learner at the centre of the design process and has provided focus on key considerations such as motivational drivers, digital readiness and preferences, universal design for learning (UDL), user interface (UI), individual goals and outcomes, and technological specifications.A number of pedagogical theorists and associated principles will invariably be incorporated in the design process. For example, Ivan Pavlov (1902) and behaviourism lending itself to learning objectives and screen and visual repetitions, Benjamin Bloom (1950) cognitivism to include guided and facilitated scaffolding through enquiry, discovery and feedback and Albert Bandura (1961) constructivism, when the learner engages in deeper levels of learning, becoming more independent socially and culturally geared towards the attainment of skills and knowledge, facilitated by multiple learning formats and immersive learning experiences.
Audience AnalysisCommentary Who?
Design (ADDIE)
Produce a high quality digital course for BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Protective Services Bridge the gap between pedagogical academic and industry professionals
Organisational Outcome
Blended digital synchonous and asynchronous learning on the virtual learning environment.Live virtal classrooms with multiple digital interventions on Microsoft TEAMS and VLE.Assessment and feedback tools in multiple formats and Tunitin on VLE
Content Mode of Delivery
Attain the qulaification and the required transferable knowlege and skills for academic progresssion and chosen career pathwaysEngage in high end digital learning experiences and enhance digital literacy skills
Academic Outcome
Outcomes and Content
Learners to achieve a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Protective Services through the design and implementation of a blended digital course
Learners to achieve success by engaing in high end LX tailored to individual needs and expecations
Common intergrated tools will be available to avoid any conflicts in opinions for both formative and summative assessment and feedback: e.g. VLE quizzes and Turnitin
Timely intergration of eLearning tools where the assessment data can be measured to ensure the collection of feedback for further improvement.
8 x 6wk modules over 3 terms. Formative assessment will account for learning curves with new eLearning tools. Each module has 2 summative assessments with a 2 week deadline
"SMART objectives focus on the result rather than the activities and allow learners to measure their own success", Arshavskiy (2017)
SMART and Learning
Higher order thinking skills (HOTS)
Lower order thinkg skills (LOTS)
One theory used to facilitate the gap between the learners' entry points in knowledge and skills and the successful attainment of the qualification and transferable skills is cognitivism methodology and Blooms Taxonomy New Version
Cognitivism and Blooms Taxonomy Hollistic Macro Design
"If LXD is to be more than just a rebadging of old practices, it must wake up to new ideas and contempory technology", (Clarke 2022). Learning is a process that is complex, ongoing and longtail of activity with the latter associated with the 'forgetting curve', (Ebbinghaus 1885). For this reason it is necessary to design experiences that imparts retrieval, reinforcement, practice, application and transfer of knowlegde and skills. The digital level 3 course entails attainment of the qualificaiton whilst working in the workflow. The process facilitates semi-formal practice into application and transfer within the real-world, bridging the public sector skills gap, (Smitham 2021) and encouraging informal lifelong learning. Superannuated methodology such as Anderson (2001) hierarchical model has been applied to learning objectives which focus on cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude) and psychomotive (skill) domains; with digital taxonomy and activities being considered within the 'New Version' of Bloom Taxonomy, in an attempt to avoid cognitive overload, retrieve superordinate information and facilitate concious actions, proficiency and unconcious competence, Gery (1991).SMART objectives have been applied to the Macro design inclusive of modular framework which are both measureable, observeable, motivational and relevant, Arshavskiy (2017) to the needs of the learner and organisation as a whole.
Outcomes and Content Commentary Why?
Design (ADDIE)
- Identify key features of society
- Evaluate rights and responsibilities
- Analyse the role of protective services
- Evaluate the impact of changes
- Evaluate criminal investigation
- Explore methods and types of evidence
- Legal framework
- Implement processes and procedures
- Examine the legal framework
- Investigate the various roles
- Evaluate the criminal trial process
- Apply police powers in a range of simulations and scenarios
- Investigate the main security threats facing the UK
- Assess threats from terrorism
- Evaluate counter terrorist measures
- Plan a respsonse
- Analyse the scope of protetective services
- Explain governemnt bodies
- Analyse roles and responsibilities
- Evaluate the impact of policies
- Compare teamwork and leadership
- Explore theories and techniques
- Demonstrate communication
- Apply communicationin a range of team operations
(Mapped out end to end and beyond LX)
- Behaviourism Theory: learning objectives and screen and visual repetitions (Pavlov, 1902).
- Integrate technology, “multimedia principle” “people learn more deeply from words and pictures than from words alone” (Mayers, 1990).
Module 5Unit 6Government Policies
Module 4Unit 5Teamwork
Module 2Unit 2 Behaviour and Discipline
Module 7Unit 15 Police Powers
Module 1Unit 1Citizenship and Diversity
Module 8Unit 18Criminal Investigation
Module 6Unit 14 Security Threats
Module 3Unit 4 Physical Preparation
Macro Modular Framework Design Considerations
- Explain components of fitness
- Examine lifestyle factors
- Carry out tests for personal fitness levels and fitness
- Design a fitness programme
- Explore psychological perspectives
- Explain behaviour
- Analyse theories
- Make connections and judgements - theory and practice
The main deliverables derive from Pearson's awarding body specification and constitutes the learning curriculum. The linear appraoch of learning objectives, linked to behavioursim theory, allows for the identification of the learning gap, DLI, (2022). Module format and content will focus on screen, graphic and visual repetitions to strengthen consistency and meaning making way for autonomy as learning progresses. The incorporation of Mayers (1990) Signalling Principle will allow navigation through the modules making it obvious to the learners' where to look and what to do next. Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction (1965) will be woven across the modules and the contexts of asynchronous and synchronous learning methods; from initially gaining attention through to aquiring skills, assessment and feedback and effective transfer of proficiency into the workplace.It is intended through the application of such evidence-based approaches and the context of learning design, that the attainment of the outcomes and key deliverables will be achieved.
Modular Framework Commentary What?
Self paced
Self paced
Self paced
Self paced
Self paced
Develop (ADDIE)
- Social learning
- Kowledge and skills application 1.5 hrs
- Social learning
- Kowledge and skills application 1.5 hrs
- Social learning
- Kowledge and skills application 1.5 hrs
- Social learning
- Kowledge and skills application 1.5 hrs
- Social learning
- Kowledge and skills application 1.5 hrs
Summative Assessment
Week 6VC6
Week 5VC5
Week 4VC 4
Week 3VC3
Week 2VC2
Modular Mode of Delivery Learning Flow:Blended, Core and Spoke 3 hrs pw
- Social learning
- Kowledge and skills application 1.5 hrs
Summative Assessment
SPRINT START Self-paced introduction to the course prior to wk1 VCLO1
Week 1VC1
Example Digital Synchronous and Asynchronous Virtual ClassroomModule 8: Unit 18Criminal Investigation
Make it Stick
The application of pedological principles, creation of formats and the blended digital mode of delivery for the Level 3 in Protective Services qualification, will lend itself to habitual learning experiences that will lead to long-term retention and impactful success. Clarke (2022).It is intended that the VLE will successfully integrate microlearning LXP's into the workflow and capture data progressing towards a Learning Record Score (LRS). To have integrated and curated formats would also achieve a more personalised LX, attentive to the learners' moments of need and as such, applications will be explored.However through the core and spoke formats that include effortful, active learning with desirable difficulties, retrievable self-paced practice and feedback and data, it will achieve the desired outcomes.To encapsulate learning experiences that stick, design and intervention will therefore centre on learner's attention, engagement, practice and transfer of knowledge and skills through experiences that present sufficient emotional cognitive effort. Scoping for the mico design will be leveraged from module 8 Unit 18 Criminal Investigation. This will be based on evidenced-based pedogogical principles and bearing in mind C.R.A.P the personal mastery and intergration of Articulate - hopefully
Mode of Delivery and Formats Commentary How?
Analysis (ADDIE)
Implementation Considerations
Access to devises, internet, browsers compatibility, software and tools operation and functionality, UI
Are digital assessment tools and Turnitin facilitating achievement in-line with LO's?
Workshop DeliverablesCovered: methodology, module curriculum, learning outcomes, design, format and content suitability'core and spoke'
Assessment & Feedback
Collaboration with SME's
Analysis (ADDIE)
Design and content outcomes include multiple learning formats and immersive learning experiences.
- Presentation - interactive animated learning content for motivation and engagement.
- Padlet - collaboration, peer and self assessment and live formative feedback
- MS SWAY - acting as nudges, flash cards, learning connectives.
- Multimedia videos - microlearning, instructional, social
- Virtual reality - immersive learning
- Microsoft Forms - assessing competenciesand live feedback
- Quizzes (VLE tools) instant captured formative assessment
Impact of Resources on Learning Commentary
Instructional Design Plan
Screen Plan
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Instructional Design Plan and Prototype
Instructional Design Plan and Prototype
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Working prototype
- Wireframe as per your chosen format
- Screenplan/Storyboard/Lesson plan/e-tivity plan
Instructional Design Plan
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id nisl turpis.
Scoping plan
Commentary of the Design and Development Process
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Arshavskiy, M. (2017) Instructional Design for E-Learning. YourELearningWorld: UKClark, D. (2022) Learning Experience Design. Kogan Page: LondonDirksen, J. (2016) Design for How People Learn. Pearson: LondonPetty, G. (2006) Evidence Based Teaching : A Practical Approach. Nelson Thornes Limited: London,Students%20enhance%20learning%2C%20increase%20productivity%2C%20and%20promote%20creativity.'s_Digital_Taxonomy,8.%20Recruiting%20the%20Right%20People%20...%20More%20items