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Plan for London

ExpectationFocus points to deliver 2024

Deadlines & Review

Page 10 - 11

Performance & Absence management

Page 8-9


Changing Mindset

Page 6


Page 3

London structure

Page 4 - 5

2024 Targets

Page 7


How this will be achieved

  • London field managers are dedicating 80% of their time to hands-on field engagement, specifically addressing performance challenges by providing coaching and emphasizing standards. This proactive approach aims to eliminate negative behaviours and conduct issues, leading to improved productivity, heightened compliance, and enhanced service quality. The goal is a reduction in customer complaints.
  • Each field manager is held responsible for their team's performance, ensuring alignment with our commitments. Through increased visibility on the field, we plan to boost engagement by effectively communicating key business messages and reinforcing required standards during monthly meetings. Additionally, hard work will be duly recognized and rewarded, fostering a culture of appreciation and motivation within the team.

In 2024, our primary goal is achieving operational excellence by emphasizing effective performance management and placing a strong focus on improving the quality and standards of installations. OUR AIMis to boost customer satisfaction and reduce (ELF). Additionally, we're intensifying efforts to streamline processes to minimize absences and enhance productivity. A key strategy involves increasing field manager visits to ensure a more hands-on and supportive approach to our team's performance and well-being.

What do I aim to achive





KPI - Comp/ELF


Morning routines

South London

Rhys Aubrey

East London

Kudawashi Muji

Patrick McInerney


KPI -Comp/ ELF




Andrew Karoullas








Service Delivery

Service Delivery

Service Delivery

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What is the reason for this problem?

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KPI - ELF/ Comp


Jobs being put on hold


KPI - Comp/ELF


Morning routines



West London

Nikolas Fijalkowski

Demi Baker

Stephen Barker





East London

Marcus Rowe











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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy

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What is the reason for this problem?

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Preformance management



As a FM I am responsable for manageing your team preformance

As a FM I will be planning my week to deliver

Weekly Planner

Meeting Deadlines

Preformance related visits

Individual plans

Morning routines

As a FM I will spend 80% of my time on the field driving H&SQuailty Standards

Delivering KPI's

Your topic

As a field manager I will be getting the basics right to drive a productive team


Feedback on preformance

Quality focused visits

Online visit notes

Field manager mindset


"Embrace the power of transforming your mindset; it's the key that unlocks the door to success, turning challenges into opportunities and dreams into reality."

Operational Targets


Green on compliance


To hit contrual target


Zero tolerance on ELF & Non testing

ELF/ Testing

Focus on quality & reduce complaints


Manage behivours through communication

Engagement & communication

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Identify issue

Visit to ouline expections & set clear targets set up plans

Esclate to AOM

Enhanced support visits

8 Review weekly

Review document

Documentaion of coaching and warnings 5 weeks


Additional support/ Support plan

Esclation of preformance

Preformance management mindset

Not accecpting the unacceptable

FM to ensure Plans, Coaching visits, FDF's and other documentation are in place before eslcation. FM to manage the field and AOM to support

High absences

Stage 1 - Document policy - No action unless it is an AWOL

SStage 2- Conduct RTW - Explain company policy - Issue 1st Notice to improve

PAYE investigation

Review document

Stage 3- Conduct RTW - Explain company policy - Issue 2nd Notice to improve

Finial Written - Esclate

Additional support/ Support plan

Refer back to PC

Absence management mindset

Not accecpting the unacceptable

Absence management process

Esclate to AOM






Focus on completions and reviewing previous week poor performers and updating plans 80% of time on the field

80% on the field

80% on the field

80% on the field

80% On the field

How does it look day to day

By asking TM to focus on one issue per week we are more likly to deliver results that are consuistant

Monday - The objective for the day is to prepare for the week ahead

  • Review Friday's compilation figures and understand the results
  • Review last week's performance on completion, ELF Ten steps & plan visits poo performers this week & update plans
  • Anyone failing ELF with 2 or more must have a 360-visit
  • Confirm Payroll
  • Plan visits for this week
  • Read all data to understand performance for last week
  • Push TBT
  • Review emails and respond
Target to deliver completions with exceptional customer services

Tuesday The objective is to conduct visits out on the field with poor performers and have conversations regarding Completion, ELF, Testing, and other issues. Min of 1 H&S audit to go on the system

  • 1 H&S Audit uploaded on the system
  • Review previous weeks' ELF with the engineer and document the conversation log to leave clear action with the engineer so they understand preformance and the need to improve
  • 360 checks
  • Review testing Data and confirm non-payment
  • Push TBT
  • Reply to emails
  • Update the visit report on the link
Objective Drive ELF down to 1%

Tuesday The objective is to conduct visits out on the field with poor performers and have conversations regarding Completion, ELF, Testing, and other issues. Min of 1 H&S audit to go on the system

  • 1 H&S Audit uploaded on the system
  • Review previous weeks' ELF with the engineer and document the conversation log to leave clear action with the engineer so they understand preformance and the need to improve
  • 360 checks
  • Deadline for non-payment information
  • Update the visit report on the link
Objective Drive 10 steps to over 90%

The objective is to conduct visits out on the field with poor performers and have conversations regarding Completion, ELF, Testing, and other issues. Min of 1 H&S audit to go on the system

  • 1 H&S Audit uploaded on the system
  • Review previous weeks' ELF with the engineer and document the conversation log to leave clear action with the engineer so they understand preformance and the need to improve
  • 360 checks
  • Push TBT
  • Reply to emails
  • Update the visit report on the link

The objective is to conduct visits out on the field with poor performers and have conversations regarding Completion, ELF, Testing, and other issues. Min of 1 H&S audit to go on the system

  • 1 H&S Audit uploaded on the system
  • Review previous weeks' ELF with the engineer and document the conversation log to leave clear action with the engineer so they understand preformance and the need to improve
  • 360 checks
  • Push TBT
  • Reply to emails
  • Update the visit report on the link

I actively support and contribute to the ongoing development of our managers in London. As part of our operational framework, every week, all London managers will engage in a comprehensive review session with the Area Operations Manager (AOM). This session is designed not only to discuss performance but also to encourage constructive challenges that foster growth.These reviews will be structured to include clear and actionable items, ensuring that the discussions lead to tangible outcomes. In preparation for these sessions, I encourage all managers to come prepared with the following points, contributing to a proactive and collaborative approach to performance improvement.

  • H&S review your area be prepared to discuss audit failing and overall review of audits you have compleated
  • Review of previous action and update
  • Poor preformers on Compleations, ELF, Testing and absence with paperwork demonstarting preformance management
  • Data on your fails
  • Review of time spent on field


BI - Weekly reviews


Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea.

90 Day Plan

Focus points




4. Financial


  • Sign off Business plan
  • Communicate plan
  • Team changes
  • Qlick training
  • Management structure
  • Set expectation
  • Pay review document sign off
  • Sign off leavers audit with Chris

30 Dayy

  • Management review
  • N11 training
  • Focus on absence management
  • Upskilling review
  • Morning basics management

60 days

  • Review on business plan
  • Review on manager preformance
  • Preformance management review
  • Easter holiday planning

90 Days

  • Easter
  • End of financial year planning
  • All complaints to be closed
  • Tooling audits
  • More H&S audits to be conducted

120 days

  • End of year management review and pay
  • Summer holiday planning
  • SM holiday in May

150 day


Thank you


  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

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Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

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Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • 1. Open Communication Channels: Establish clear and open lines of communication to ensure that team members feel heard and valued. Encourage feedback and suggestions. All field managers are to hold 2 monthly meetings with a clear set agenda that is signed by all attendees
  • 2. Recognition and Appreciation Acknowledge and celebrate individual and team achievements. Recognition boosts morale and motivates team members to continue performing at their best. Managers to recommend engineers for Greg vouchers
  • 3. Coaching & Feedback Provide open and honest feedback on performance Investing in your team's growth demonstrates a commitment to their success.
  • 4. Set Clear Goals and Expectations: Ensure that team members have a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and the overall goals of the organization.

As we navigate the dynamic landscape of our work environment, it becomes increasingly evident that fostering engagement with our teams is paramount to our collective success. Team engagement not only contributes to a positive work atmosphere but also enhances productivity, creativity, and overall job satisfaction.


FM Engagement plan & expectation


Don't be afraid to challenge poor preformance its the only way you will deliver change

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

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Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Managing health and safety is critical for London engineers' well-being, legal compliance, and engineering productivity. All Field Managers, it is imperative to actively identify, report, and address any breaches in health and safety protocols. Field managers, play a pivotal role in conducting thorough Health and Safety (H&S) audits. These audits should be meticulous, covering all aspects of the workplace environment and considering Total Exposure to Risk Assessment (TETRA). The objective is to identify potential risks and hazards, ensuring a safe working environment. Field managers must diligently record audit findings in the system, promoting transparency and accountability. The audit process should not be a mere formality but a robust mechanism to continually enhance health and safety standards. Identified breaches or concerns must be promptly reported to relevant authorities and management for swift intervention. Managers are reminded that the target for independent audits is 95%. Any major issues will result in the engineer being rerouted and meeting AOM within 12 hours. All managers to ensure that corrective actions are complete within 5 working days. To reinforce compliance, it is essential to establish consequences for non-compliance. Any manager found neglecting health and safety standards, as identified through audits or otherwise, will face formal action. This may include disciplinary measures or training programs to rectify non-compliance and prevent its recurrence.

I am accountable for my Area & Engineers

  • More focus on quality and installation standards FM to drive C-SAT by communicating results and recognising 10/10
  • Documentation to be on file for anyone failing C-SAT
  • All complaints are to be closed within 5 working days
  • All FM will be challenged on what action is being taken to constant offenders who damage customer property.

Service and quality is going to be the biggest focus for London in 2024. Service and quality of installation stand as not just a contractual obligation with Open Reach (OR), but as paramount priorities for Kellys. As we are committed to excellence, we recognize that adherence to contractual agreements with OR is not merely a formality but a testament to our unwavering dedication to delivering top-tier services. Beyond contractual obligations, ensuring the highest standards of service and installation quality is a strategic imperative for Kellys. It is a key driver of customer satisfaction, a safeguard against potential disruptions, and a foundation for building lasting trust with our clientele. In this context, every installation is not just a project; it is an opportunity to showcase our commitment to excellence, reinforcing Kelly's position as a reliable and customer-centric partner in the ever-evolving landscape of telecommunications.

Driving service through quality and & excellence



To ensure the successful attainment of our completion targets, each manager must implement a robust monitoring plan for team performance. Regular assessments are key to identifying areas for improvement and overcoming challenges in achieving our targets. Field managers are also expected to actively support engineers facing difficulties meeting completion objectives. Please maintain well-documented coaching records outlining the support provided and strategies discussed. Moreover, for effective collaboration, managers should join calls fully prepared. Understand why each job may have faced challenges and come equipped with a clear plan on how you intend to achieve completion targets goiin the future

You are accountable for delivering compleations

  • Accountable for fails & getting into the detail
  • Manager action plans
  • Preformance management
  • Focus on quality and testing


  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

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Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Anyone with 2 or more ELFS must have a visit & 360 checks done within 5 days this is to be sent to Alister by Friday
  • All managers to ensure that their team is adherent to testing are to review testing data and comment back on why the engineer did not line test & what action has been taken on the engineer.
  • All managers are to communicate to all engineers by 14/01/2024 that any engineer failing on ELF or Testing without a valid reason will be subject to nonpayment. All non-payments will be processed on a Monday & managers will have to inform affected engineers before Monday of nonpayment.
  • All managers will be held to account for their team’s performance on ELF & clear plans to be in place to demonstrate what they are doing to drive ELF performance All managers are to review ELF data weekly and ensure ELF plans are in place for underperformers & being updated on the field with additional ELF focused visits all findings should be documented on ELF plans.
  • ELF is a construal KPI any manager who fails to show on request Updated plans and management controls in mitigating ELF & Testing may face formal action

In our contractual partnership with Open Reach, the significance of ELF and Line testing cannot be overstated. These testing protocols play a pivotal role in upholding service quality, customer satisfaction, and compliance with industry standards. ELF & testing, examining end-to-end connectivity, identifies potential faults and ensures the integrity of the entire network. Simultaneously, Line testing focuses on specific data transmission pathways, pre-empting issues like signal degradation. Our commitment to ELF and Line testing aligns with our contractual targets: Repair TOC Reject at 2%, Copper ELF at 2%, FTTP ELF at 2%, and SI ELF at 3%. Managers' accountability in ELF & testing is crucial. Each manager must meticulously account for their team's ELF & line tests, fostering a culture of responsibility and ownership within their teams. Regular reporting enhances project transparency and provides valuable insights for continuous improvement initiatives. To address ELF and Line testing, managers must take proactive steps. First, they should ensure that testing protocols are integrated into standard operating procedures. Second, periodic training sessions should be conducted with engineers on the field to keep teams abreast of the latest testing methodologies. Third, managers should institute robust 360 checks, emphasising detailed documentation of testing outcomes. Fourth, any identified faults during testing should be swiftly addressed, preventing potential service disruptions.

Setting expectations