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Black Live Matter


Final Task


Angela Davis

Jesse Jackson


Louis Armstrong

Carol Moseley Braun

  • Born on October 8, 1941 (age 81) in Greenville, South Carolina, U.S.A.
  • American political activist, Baptiste minister and politician : candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1984 and 1988. And served as a shadow U.S. senator for the District of Columbia from 1991 to 1997.

Jesse Jackson

Jesse Jackson is a child born out of wedlock he will therefore suffer harassment from other children. He will suffer the laws of racial segregation, until 1955 : the Montgomery bus boycott. He studies in an establishment reserved for blacks. In 1959, he enters thanks to a sports scholarship in the University of Illinois a predominantly white university. At the end of 1 year, he will head towards North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University which is essentially black. This changewas motivated by present racism in the University of Illinois.He will study theology that he will stop during of his course. Under the influence of Pastor Martin Luther King, he enters in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In april 4, 1968 he stands by the side of Martin Luther King, during his assassination.


August 3, 2000

July 19, 2021

June 1968


February 15, 2003

Important dates

Jesse Jackson


October 8, 1941

Obtaining a Bachelor of Science in sociology.

Nominate Baptist pastor.

Receives the Jefferson Prize for the greater public service for the benefit of the less fortunate.

Receives the Spingarn Medal of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom by the US President Bill Clinton.

Facing the approach of a second war against Iraq wrongfully accused of a massive possession of weapons of destruction, he speaks in London in front of millions of people in order to convince British and American citizens to oppose it.

He is made commander in the order of the Legion of Honor by the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron.

Birth of Jesse Jackson.



Contribution to African-American history

Jesse Jackson


Creation of the association PUSH (People United to Serve Humanity) to defend civil rights of the black minority nearby political parties through various means.

Creation of a second association Rainbow Coalition to claim civil rights, for racial minorities, small farmers, working mothers, the unemployed, gays and lesbian.

He goes to Minneapolis to support the family of George Floyd, an African American kiled by white policeman.

  • Born on January 26, 1944 (age 78) in Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A.
  • Communist, pacifist and feminist activist who defends human rights in particular those in the minority, philosopher, academic, and author.

Angela Davis

During his youth, Angela Davis is marked by racism, the humiliation of racial segregation and the present climate of violence in his daily life. His two parents have militant experience. She frequents all his childhood a school for blacks. During these 14 years, two opportunities are offered to herfor these secondary studies : either a school for blacks where she can see medical studies and become a pediatrician, or a private school which aims to placed black students from the south at a coeducational university in the North which is an experimental program. She chooses the school of New York and will try the mixed university experience. During those years in New York, she enters in a Marxist-Leninist youth organization named Advance. This is his first militant experience, she is participating for the first time to demonstrations support civil rights movements. She will continue these studies at a university or she will be one of 3 black students of first year.

October 13,1970

1980 and 1984

August 7,1970

January 5, 1971


Important dates

Angela Davis


January 26,1944

Teaches at the University of California in Los Angeles but she is fired because of his political activism.

Court hostage taking with a murderous end, Angela Davis is said to be an accomplice.

Officially charged by the State of California of murder, kidnapping and conspiracy.

Angela Davis introduces himself in the US presidential elections as a vice-presidential candidate alongside the leader of the Communist Party of the U.S.A., Gus Hall.

Angela Davis receives the price Thomas Merton.

Birth of Angela Davis.

Place in custody and is imprisoned for 16 months in New-York then in California, in Marin County then in San Jose, before being tried and acquitted.

  • Angela Davis is an activist in the civil rights movement in U.S.A.
  • She is a member of Black Panther Party, and is therefore monitored by the FBI.
  • She is being chased by justice following the hostage taking in a court with a murderous end committed the August 7, 1970 where she got involved by supporting 3 black American prisoners accused of murdering a prison guard.

Contribution to African-American history

Angela Davis

  • Born on August 16, 1947 (age 75) in Chigago, Illinois, U.S.A.
  • Former U.S. Senator, an American diplomat, politician and lawyer who represented Illinois in the United States Senate from 1993 to 1999..

Carol Moseley-Braun

Carol Mosely-Braunlives a difficult childhood where she suffers violence from his father and the divorce of these parents in 1963. After this divorce, she will live with his mother and his brothers at his grandmother's place in a known neighborhood to be a violent black ghetto, or they will stay there for 2 years. She joins the Black Panther Party as a volunteer of the breakfast program for underprivileged children. She will get son bachelor university in political science in 1969 and will continue these studies until obtaining of his Juris Doctor.

January 5, 1979



December 1, 1988

From 1999 to 2001

Important dates

Carol Moseley Braun

From 1933 to 1999

August 16, 1947

Elected to the House of Representatives from Illinois.

Senator from Illinois in the United States Congress, she is the first African American woman to be elected to the United States Senate.

Leave the Senate from Illinois.

She gets a senator's seat for his state in Congress.

Named US Ambassador in New Zealand.

Enters the Senate from Illinois.

Birth of Carol Moseley-Braun.

  • She is the first African American woman to be elected to the United States Senate.

Contribution to African-American history

Carol Moseley Braun

  • Born on August 4, 1901 in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
  • Dead on July 6, 1971 (age 69) in New York City, U.S.A.
  • American trumpeter and vocalist. He was among the most influential figures in jazz.

Louis Armstrong


Louis Armstrong is educated by his paternal grandmother because his dad left homeshortly after his birth and his mother is good at everything in white. Child he sings in the streets and lives in a difficult neighborhood and performs various small trades to help his family. He commits various acts of delinquency and is therefore sent to a home for children of color abandoned. In this home, he learns to play the cornet. Once released in 1914, he plays the cornet in the neighborhood cabarets. From 1918, he plays in brass bands with Fate Marable Orchestra on steamboats which goes up the Mississippi.






Important dates

Louis Armstrong


He joins in Chigago King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band.

Louis Armstrong makes these first recordings.

He sings with the greatest blues singers of the moment.

He recorded these first albums under his own name.

Death of Louis Armstrong.

Birth of Louis Armstrong.

  • In September 1957, Louis Armstrong stand up in the name of black people.
  • Behind the cheerful figure of the trumpeter who did not give up playing public entertainers, hid a committed man against segregation, a musician, born at the turn of the century, who laid the foundations of modern jazz.

Contribution to African-American history

Louis Armstrong

  • Born on September 4, 1981 (age 41) in Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
  • American singer, songwriter, dancer and actress.



The singing talent of Beyoncé is discovered during a dance class that she practices at her school in Texas. At 7 years old, she begins to attract the attention of the press, by being mentioned in the Houston Chronicle as a candidate for local awards arts and spectacle. In the fall of 1990, she enters a music school in Houston. At 9 years old, she joins a group of 6 girls who raps and dances nammed Girl’s Tyme. In 2003, she released her first solo album. She will become one of the best-selling artists in the world, with over 200 million records sold worldwide. Beyoncé is the mother of 3 children, with her husband since 2008 Jay-Z.



April 14 and 21, 2018



Important dates


September 4, 1981


Start of Beyoncé with the Destiny's Child.

Album release " The Writing Is On The Wall" who sells more than 10 million copies, which will remain number 1 on the American single charts for 9 weeks.

She win the prize of "Best pop author of the year" awarded by ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers).

Beyoncé launches his solo career.

Beyoncé's first steps in the cinema.

Beyoncé takes part in the Coachella festival with committed songs.

Birth of Beyoncé.

Contribution to African-American history


  • During the Coachella festival, Beyoncé performs 2 performances considered as committed and history for the African American community.
  • First black woman to be headline the Californian festival.
  • First black woman to win the prize for "Best pop author of the year" in 2002.
  • The highest paid African American singer in the history of black artists.