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London away day

Rebecca (aka RJ)

Edition one




A series of successful webinars adding in live demonstrations.

Updating the progression of skills and knowledge to reflect the Art and Design Research Review.

Creating and publishing the Art assessment tool.


Migrating the whole scheme to the new style lesson format, including adding R&Rs to lessons.

Creating topical content for customers, such as The Big Draw, The King’s coronation and Christmas.


I joined Kapow in September 2021I’m a content creator responsible for Art and design.

Key achievements 2023


Work with a super-fan school to create footage and content.

To complete a drawing strand review with the aim to strengthen progression in skills and knowledge in lessons / units from Y1 to Y6.

Use original and special content to develop an ‘art club’ area.

Work with artists as guest authors to write new and / or update lessons, or provide alternative units (potentially help with above).


Goals for the first half of 2024


I joined Kapow in September 2021I’m a content creator responsible for Art and design.

Applied for the Geography Association publishers awards (awaiting verdict early April).


‘Introduction to Geography’ webinar.

Published Geography scheme.

R&Rs updated (Autumn & Spring).

6 Geography songs for locational knowledge.

2/3 EYFS units.


Mixed-aged scheme - involved 2 new units.

Subject leader toolkits.

Bespoke maps.

2 blogs written; fieldwork and assessment.

Key achievements 2023


Joined in April 2022 Geography content creator Cluster lead: Geography, Art & Music

Geography in Action - Mike Leach Part 1 v1

Last EYFS unit published.

Subject leader videos.

Blog focusing on the practicalities of fieldwork.

Fieldwork guide for customers.

R&Rs updated for Summer.

First videos in the series ‘Geography in Action’.

Joined in April 2022 Geography content creator Cluster lead: Geography, Art & Music

Goals for the first half of 2024


In collaboration with Caroline, created a new key skills and progression document that includes two new strands: Creating sound and Notation. Focus on tacit knowledge.

Three new units published: EY: Exploring sound, Transport and Y1: Snail and mouse.



Comprehensive review of current content against the Model Music Curriculum, Ofsted review and subject reports.




Key achievements 2023


Joined April 2023 Responsible for Music

Migrate remaining units - create R&Rs that help scaffold learning around the interrelated dimensions of music and notation.

Use KS and progression document to inform all new content and refreshing of units.

Look to involve musicians within new video content - interviews and performances.


Goals for the first half of 2024


Joined April 2023 Responsible for Music

Helped to write the Sikh unit.

Migrated and published units in a variety of subjects.


Alongside the CEAP team updated key content documents (EYFS, GWG, House style, R&R, etc.).

Training via CIEP.

Reviewed a myriad of units and documents: Art, Geography, French, Music, RSE & PSE, R&W, Spanish, Wellbeing.

(Content editor and publisher)

Trained to do minor design amends.

Key achievements 2023

Joined beginning of April 2023 I am a member of the CEAP team with responsibility for reviewing and migrating. I have also done some content writing.


Improving design skills to do minor design edits ensuring a smoother and more efficient process for review.

Work alongside other team members to develop a style guide for songs/lyrics/poems to ensure consistency across Kapow subjects.

(Content editor and publisher)


Helping to write a French unit to meet languages deadlines.

Continue with CIEP training courses to level up skills.


Continue to work as part of the CEAP team on reviewing units to continue to improve Kapow content.

Goals for the first half of 2024

Joined beginning of April 2023 I am a member of the CEAP team with responsibility for reviewing and migrating. I have also done some content writing.

Improved understanding of UX/UI and application of data driven design.

Improved general accessibility and readability as part of the design process by utilising contrast analysers and high-contrast choices.

Developed an understanding of Genially combined with Adobe elements to bring concepts to life.

Development of original Kapow Primary maps working alongside our cartographer.

Smoother, more efficient processes and collaboration with colleagues.

Designing for public events, particularly BETT 2023.

CEaP members trained in Adobe and Genially minor amends.

Approx. 800 Genially’s live and 1,500+ Adobe files (printables) made.


Since 23rd August 2023:11,100 views 249,300 interactions

Well maintained designated shared drives and file system.

Adapting to evolve our resources to meet new demands.

Rebecca (aka RJ)

Joined March 2020Design Lead Researches, maintains and steers the development of our static and interactive resources and leads our lovely design team.

Key achievements 2023


Total interactions/views

Improve our approach and consistency with printable resources, taking into account the varying reading and writing abilities of children at different ages.

Continue to refresh old and outdated resources to improve consistency across subjects.

Activity metrics overview

Continue to develop our knowledge of UX/UI principles and associated skills.

Continue analysing and adapting our resources to become more accessible and impactful.

Collaborate with SoBold to develop guidance around image selection for the web.

Replace all maps with our new original Kapow Primary maps across Geography.

Year 1-3 examples - Pegasus academy trust
Rebecca (aka RJ)

Joined March 2020Design Lead Researches, maintains and steers the development of our static and interactive resources and leads our lovely design team.

Review data to inform future practice with Geniallys.


Goals for the first half of 2024

Title 1

Thank you!

Rebecca (aka RJ)
Inspire team

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