AUDIM Newsletter 1
Created on November 17, 2022
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Newsletter 1
News about the project!
November 2022
About our Erasmus+ Project; AUDIM
News from partners.
Our consortium
Social Media
In the beginning of July, the consortium met online twice and also for the first time for the beginning of the project. Our consortium exists from four partner countries: Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovenia, and The Netherlands. In these first meetings, the consortium divided the work and the things we had to do. Our first face2face meeting took place in Prague the 14th & 15th of July 2022. In a pleasant and collegial atmosphere, the partners mainly discussed how to develop the micro-learning courses into a useful tool for the target group, adult learners, especially the employees of NGOs. All partners have already started developing the content and after the meeting they secured their ideas on how to proceed. The second meeting took place in Ljubljana on the 13th of 14th of October 2022. The meeting began with presentations from partners on work on micro-learning courses. The three main topics are almost complete on the e-learning platform. Partners are moving forward with the development of the video and handbook. The next meeting is planned in the Netherlands.
Our consortium: SPI ~ Socialiniu projektu institutas, Lithuania: The main goal of SPI is to contribute to the solution of current social problems, leading to various social projects implemented in cooperation with social enterprises, government agencies, employment office, social service centers, etc. SPI promotes literacy, creativity and entrepreneurship of socially vulnerable groups of people. ITMC ~ Vizituojanti institucija Informacinių technologijų mokymo centras, Lithuania: ITMC is a non-governmental organisation with many years of experience in graphic design and web development training. ITMC provides training on digitisation, ICT tools, websites and e-learning platforms. Euroface Consulting ~ Czech Republic: Euroface Consulting is a training and consultancy organisation that fosters networking and the transfer of innovation to the education and business sectors, operating regionally, nationally and internationally. Euroface focuses on the development and deployment of ICT. Euroface has many years of experience in the development of e-learning modules, applications, websites, ICT courses for adults, etc. E-learning Concepts ~ Slovenia: The mission of E-learning Concepts is to empower people from all walks of life, helping them to identify and further develop their skills, improving their communication, digital and other basic skills for a better life and better employment. Foundation Knowledge Centre Pro Work ~ The Netherlands: Pro Work's main activities focus on the development and implementation of innovations in education and training. Increasing the digital, literacy and numeracy skills of low-literate adults is central to the activities. Pro Work has experience in European cooperation and most projects relate to career development and the transition from school to work.
ITMC news: On October 26 2022, ITMC had a pleasant meeting with the Lithuanian Women's Lobby organization. During the meeting we introduced the AUDiM project and the micro-courses that will soon be available on our website. We received a lot of positive feedback and participants wanted to try the micro-learning courses.
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For this new Erasmus+ project; "AUDIM" (Adults Upskilling in Digital Marketing, we saw that their is a lack of digital marketing capabilities and skills in the branch of NGO's workers, through that we started this project with the idea to: support adult learners and NGO employees to improve their digital marketing capabilities and skills and better understand how to support their transformation to be more competitive in the labor market. Our consortium wants tackle this problem through several activities and results in the project: - Development of Microlearning courses to help NGO and adult learners improving their capabilities and skills. - Development of a digital toolbox with examples of best practices. - Development of a learning portal online. - Organisation of pilots of the Microlearning courses and the digital toolbox If you want more information about the project, head over to: