Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Are we ready and focused?

Do you have your bina materials?

Are you saving food for after class?

Are you in a quiet room?

Did you arrive a few minutes early?

Are you sitting at a desk in a well lit room?

Our pre-class checklist:



Lesson objective

  • I can give commands.
  • I can write commands


A title usually starting with "How to..."A list of materials needed.Numbers to show the order.Imperative verbs to give a commandDiagrams or illustrations
What can you remember about instruction texts?What are the features?
Take turns to be the leader and give each other some commands.
Let's play Simon Says!
You will need:
How to Make a Sandwich

Lesson objective

  • I can give commands.
  • I can write commands


Write your own commands.How would you complete these activities? Can you write a set of instructions to tell someone how to do it?

See you at the next session

Let's start with some exercise!

Lesson objective

  • I can reflect on my learning.
  • I can write some sentences for our bina guide book


Our bodies are microbiomes! There are lots of good types of bacteria living inside our bodies and they help us function everyday and keep out the bad bacteria that make us sick. It is very important that we look after our microbiomes by doing things to stay healthy.

Can you remember what a microbiome is?

Let's review the information we added to our Padlet.

Written and illustrated by the bina students

Our Guide to a Healthy Bina Body

We need to include some information about exercise in our guidebook.

Lesson objective

  • I can reflect on my learning.
  • I can write some sentences for our bina guide book


Write some sentences about exercise for our bina guide book.Create an illustration to go with it.