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Now that you arrived at the end of the road, what are the key learnings you bring with you? Your answers should be provided in the form of a colorful ideation map, done by the whole group together, with notes, drawings, tips, sentences, inspirations, or any other thing you might want to add. Goals: To sum up the learning path in a co-creation activity; to recall the learnings that marked the most each one; to make a visual tool for sharing with others. Tips: Go back to the previous activities and check out what you want to highlight from each. Think about if you were to mentor someone else on their 'going green' journey, from now on, what suggestions would you give? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the 10 statements above, the participants who answer YES more times win: 1. I always carry my reusable water bottle. 2. I buy clothes from second-hand shops that will last as long as possible. 3. I walk or take public transportation for work. 4. I prefer to buy local food. 5. I don't (or rarely) eat meat. 6. I compost the organic waste at home. 7. I am involved in my local community 8. I always recycle at home and in the workplace. 9. I try to repair any home appliance that is broken, before deciding to recycle it. 10. I turn off the water while shampooing. Goals: To see who has the most ecological lifestyle; to raise awareness of the little actions one can take. Tips: Each person can add some more statements according to what they do to be sustainable, to check if the others do the same! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, build a green network map with local actors (organizations, businesses, associations, cooperatives, etc.) that could be beneficial for you, or whom you could benefit (clients, beneficiaries). Goals: To build a network map of many diverse organizations/people/entities which are engaged with the social circular economy; to discover what each one has to offer and what others may offer to each one. Tips: The organizations/people/entities may be your partners, potential partners, or others whose connection with you/your business is not that evident but, since they are aligned with your vision of ecological and social sustainability, represent a synergy for you. Think of how the group members can create synergies with each other! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Find the words in the soup and click on the links on each word (on the solutions) to find out more about each! Cheetah Ganges Cairo Vietnam Palm Methane Airplanes Upcycling Consumerism Composting Goals: To find all the words in the words soup; to learn more about why each word is related to the Planet's sustainability. Tips: First, try to find all the words. Check out who has found more words, and then explore together each link. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Match each image to each one of the 8Rs principles. The 8 Rs: - Refuse - Rethink - Reduce - Reuse - Repair - Repurpose - Recycle / upcycle - Rot - Waste Goals: To identify which R each image represents; to explore the 8 Rs principles. Tips: Set 5 minutes for each group member to make the matching. Then, compare the results within the group. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person picks one scenario and should come up with related ecological business ideas. Write them down and use drawings to present to the group. What if... ...we couldn't use electricity? ...we could only buy second-hand raw materials? ...we had to involve multigenerational volunteers? ...we lived in a society that buys only the bare necessities? Goals: To foster the ideation process and to come up with creative business ideas; to adapt the mindset to include ecological and social sustainability in business models. Tips: Use your creativity; utopic scenarios count, and the more ideas, the better. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Altogether, make a drawing of your dream circular office/workplace on a big paper sheet. What does it look like? How do people get there? How is lunchtime? How do you communicate, and organize, ...? What are the main values and principles? Goals: To make a wide and fun drawing of a circular office; to inspire each other, to foster cooperation and team building. Tips: Use collors! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Now that you've learned about time banking... If you belonged to a time bank community, what would you offer, and what would you search for? 1. Each group member should write down 3 things they could offer in exchange for 1 time credit each, and 3 things they would acquire for 1 time credit each. (1 time credit = 1h). 2. Each participant should look at the other members' responses and, together, come up with an exchange plan. Each person should acquire 1 thing from someone else, and provide 1 thing for someone else. 3. Actually put it in practice! Goals: To define an exchange plan where everyone gives 1h of their time (=1 time credit) to provide a product/service for someone else, and where each one acquires a 1h service/product from someone else, for 1 time credit; to understand how you could put in practice this concept. Tips: To facilitate the exchange, each person starts the activity with 1 time bank credit, so they can buy before they sell. If no one seems interested in the first 3 things on your list, check their needs and communicate to see if there's something else you could offer! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person should make a drawing of how they get involved in their communities, and briefly present it to the group. Then, openly discuss how each one would like to be even more involved. Goals: To promote the discussion on how to connect with the local communities; to understand that the path of getting involved and 'going green' should be an ongoing journey and that there's always room for improvement. Tips: Challenge each other, think about your day-to-day life in your neighbourhood Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Debate in an open discussion: is it better to buy in fast fashion, or in thrift shops? What are the pros and cons of each? Does fast fashion equal unsustainability? Does second-hand fashion equal sustainability? Goals: To debate topics such as overconsumption, throwaway culture, long-lasting clothes, greenwashing, ethical production, the effect of sales, etc.; to raise awareness of ethical consumerism. Tips: Question: is it better to have 1 t-shirt from fast fashion, and use it for 10 years; or to have 10 t-shirts from a thrift shop, and use them for 1 year? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Build a 3-column table and, together, write down: 1- All your motivations for 'going green'. 2- Your goals in order to 'go green'. 3- Concrete actions, and small steps, you want to commit to, towards your goals. Goals: To start planning future actions in order to keep walking the path of 'going green'; to understand that this process is continuous and that there's always space for improvement. To facilitate the ongoing connection between all members. Tips: Everyone should contribute, even if the motivations and goals are not shared among all. The actions you commit to taking can be individual or group-wise. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, discuss what are each one's expectations, fears, and needs, for the mentoring process and for the journey of 'going circular'. Everyone has 5 minutes to come up with as many points as they feel. During the next 15 minutes, the group can openly discuss the pointed aspects. Goals: To approach the expectations and limitations of each person in the group; to understand what each one needs for the process to run well; to foster empathy, active listening, open communication, and group cohesion. Tips: Everyone should contribute; be as open as possible regarding if you think you can meet others' expectations; be tolerant regarding the other members' competencies. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Divide the group into 2 - each side will defend one perspective. One side defends the importance of responsible consumers for saving the planet, while the other side defends the importance of responsible corporations for saving the planet. For 8 minutes, the two sides debate with arguments for their side. When time's up, the two sides change perspectives and debate the importance of the side they were against before, for 6 minutes. Goals: To understand the importance of both the consumers' responsibility and the corporation's responsibility in sustainable action; to foster dialogue, tolerance, adaptability, relativity, and balance. Tips: Make sure everyone has their voice heard. Regardless of your personal position, try to be open-minded and think from the outside. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each participant must have an idea of a challenge of ecological action or shift, write it down, and pass it to the person sitting on their right side. One week after, you must check with the others whether they have accomplished the challenge. Goals: To challenge another team member to make a 1-week ecological action or shift; to raise awareness on the small steps one can take in the circularity journey. Tips: Each person must have a different challenge! If you too also join and accomplish the challenge you had passed (in addition to the one you received) you gain extra points! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Imagine you and your team own a small local grocery shop that sells food, cosmetics, and household products. You are currently learning how important it is for the planet’s sustainability to reduce waste, find ecological, non-polluting alternatives and fight over-consumption. Nevertheless, without selling, your shop would not survive. You are facing the dilemma between ecological sustainability and financial health. What would you do? Discuss the theme with your team and find 5 goals that will help you balance and promote responsible and ethical consumerism while ensuring you get enough income. Goals: To debate the meaning and parameters of responsible consumerism, and discuss concrete actions one can take to promote ecological responsibility. Tips: Here we propose some topics for the goals you can set: discounts and promotions; energy saving; community; non-essential products; packaging; expiration dates; ecological footprint; waste. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Have you heard of the concept of "time bank"? If yes, share with the group what you know about it. If not, check the solutions before moving on. Now, look at these words: "Currency" "Value" "Money" "Working time" 1. What do they mean for you? 2. How does time banking challenge the meanings of these words? Goals: To challenge the concepts of "value", "currency", "time", "community", "economy"... Tips: Think about these concepts in the past; each person should be listened to with a non-judgment attitude. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Choose the most sustainable alternative for each situation: 1. Your favorite drink is usually served with a straw. What do you do? a) I ask the barman if they have cardboard straws. b) I ask the barman to please serve it without straws. 2. What option do you choose to ensure good energetic efficiency? a) The town I live in is not extremely cold, so I start by insulating windows and doors and see if still I need to heat the house afterward. b) There is wind entering inside, I choose a wooden fireplace over oil heaters. 3. You have clothes you no longer use. Who do you give them to? a) recycling companies that transform old tissues into new fibers to produce new clothes. b) To someone who needs them. 4. You are on vacation abroad. How do you move around? a) I rent a car, but an electric one. b) I use public transportation. 5. You have to choose what to cook for dinner. What do you choose? a) Beans "burger". b) Cow meat burger. Goals: To debate, within the group, which option represents the most ecological alternative, and why; to start approaching the 8 Rs principles. Tips: More than finding the correct answer, it is important to discuss the reasons behind each alternative being more or less sustainable. Take the opportunity to investigate more about each subject. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and post if there are any public policies or other kinds of movements (for example from associations or companies), nationally or internationally, regarding: 1. plastic disposable objects 2. fast fashion 3. ecological transportation incentives 4. local production, consumption 5. vegetarianism, veganism, or sustainable meat production 6. composting 7. community building 8. recycling 9. recycling, upcycling, repurposing, or remanufacturing electronic devices 10. water saving Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Goals: To explore what exists in society to foster ethical behavior and social responsibility. Tips: Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Check out these links about how to help, cooperate, and network: https://www.ted.com/talks/peter_singer_the_why_and_how_of_effective_altruism https://www.theschooloflife.com/article/in-praise-of-networking/ https://www.ted.com/talks/wendy_woods_collective_cooperation_in_the_social_sector Goals: To gain new insights about the theme of synergies, to gain inspiration, and foster curiosity. Tips: Read/watch the provided resources together and discuss them afterward. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, investigate and share: what resources are out there that can make you learn more about the social circular economy, sustainable development, and other related topics? Goals: To stimulate lifelong learning, research, and improvement. Tips: Some interesting sources for you to explore: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ideas/playlists/sustainable-thinking http://www.gogreen.org/ https://edition.cnn.com/specials/world/goinggreen Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

While new and emerging technologies can be an opportunity for innovation and development, they can also represent risks for developing countries. Open the discussion: what are, in your opinion, the biggest opportunities and challenges of frontier technologies? Goals: To learn more about frontier technologies and what they represent for the development. Tips: Check out the links to learn more: 1. What are disruptive technologies?: https://youtu.be/S86mAHwiij4 2. Frontier Technologies For Sustainable Development: https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/world-economic-and-social-survey-2018-frontier-technologies-for-sustainable-development/ 3. Frontier technologies for a sustainable future: https://youtu.be/NzFTbhmiMyk 4. "Youth discuss the pros and cons of frontier technologies":https://youtu.be/5-tGcUF2tG0 5. Innovation with equity:https://youtu.be/8DF5v895J50 6. Top 10 frontier technologies for climate action: https://www.frontiertech4climate.org/ 7. The impact of frontier technologies on inequalities across countries: https://iap.unido.org/articles/impact-frontier-technologies-inequalities-across-countries 8. Technology disruption: https://youtu.be/pk9RVBwiFbM Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and present examples of time banking in your local community. (in your town, city, country, or anywhere else in the world...). Do you know other examples of cooperation or partnership systems, organizations, or networks? Each person should share with the group at least 1 example. Have you ever taken part in any of those? Would you consider joining any? Goals: To share examples of cooperation, networking, and organizations within the group. Tips: The examples shared may be related to your professional activity, your personal interests, or anything else that might interest the other group members. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Think of one inspiring circular social organization. Briefly research (on their website, social media, articles...) about their office, their practices, the messages they sent, and other relevant aspects... Sketch the case studies down and share them with the group. Goals: To share inspiration from good examples and business role models. Tips: Instead of organizations, you can also think of people, stories, or anything else! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the following statements, identify which ones are myths and which ones are realities: a) Heating plastic in the microwave can cause chemicals to leach into food. b) In 2022, humanity has used by July 28 all the biological resources that the Earth regenerates during the entire year. c) Transportation is the major source of greenhouse gas emissions. d) More than a third of the world’s land surface and nearly 75% of freshwater resources are now devoted to crop or livestock production. e) Around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction. f) ECO clothing lines in fast fashion brands neutralize their impact on the environment. g) Urban areas have more than doubled since 1992. h) Recycling is the most effective action toward sustainability. Goals: To learn more about the planet, resources, sustainability, and ecology, find out which of the statements are true and which are not. Tips: Go through all the statements, each group member identifies with an M (myth) or with an R (reality) each one. In the end, check the solutions to see who has more right answers. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should make a drawing of a staircase. Considering the needs identified in the previous activity, the group should, together, reflect about what are the mentees' goals for the mentoring process. Do all the mentees have the same goal or are there multiple goals? After identifying one or more goals, they should write them down or draw them on top of the 'stairs'. Then, think of, discuss, and register the steps they should take in order to achieve their goals, and write them down along the staircase. Goals: To identify the goals for the mentoring process, which should be aligned with the general goal of the capacitating program: 'going circular' - transitioning into more circular pathways. Tips: The mentoring goals should be realistic and appropriate for the mentoring timeframe - if the goal does not fit within this timeframe, the group should define which one of the steps represents the mentoring goal; the goals of one member do not necessarily need to be the goals of the others - everyone should be listened to. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

For each one of the images, the group should, together, brainstorm ideas on what to do to reduce the waste to zero! Goals: To foster creativity and ideation and to come up with the maximum number of ideas for zero waste solutions. Tips: There are no wrong ideas! To boost the speed factor, you can use an hourglass of about 3 min per image. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should openly discuss: what has motivated them to 'go circular' in their professional life. Each member should tell their stories, identifying the key aspects that have marked their circularity journey and, today, who keeps inspiring them. It can be people, organizations, movements, ... The group should post on the platform the results of the activity in any form (text, video recording, links, etc.). Goals: To get to know more about each other; to increase motivation; to share information, resources, and inspiring stories about the circular and social economy; to stimulate curiosity. Tips: Group members should encourage each other to share their stories; the ones who listen should register the answers of those who are sharing. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!


Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

From left to right, up to down: 1- Reduce; 2- Rot; 3- Rethink; 4- Reuse; 5- Refuse; 6- Repurpose; 7- Waste; 8- Repair; 9- Upcycle. * *This is a suggestion! Different minds can make different associations... ;)

1. - b) - The first principle of the Circular Economy is to change our mindset and refuse the consumption of non-necessary things. 2. - a) - Heating the house without insulating the windows and doors will let the heat leave. 3. - b) - Many products can be used several times before their life ends. 4. - b) - Public transportation is less polluting than electric cars. https://earth.org/save-the-world-with-public-transportation-and-not-electric-cars/ 5. - a) - "The use of animals for meat causes twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods." - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/13/meat-greenhouses-gases-food-production-study

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Time banking is a time-based currency: you provide 1 hour of any service to someone else and receive 1 time-credit for it. - learn more about the basics and philosophy of time banking, and about how it can help your community, here: https://timebanks.org/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Now that you arrived at the end of the road, what are the key learnings you bring with you? Your answers should be provided in the form of a colorful ideation map, done by the whole group together, with notes, drawings, tips, sentences, inspirations, or any other thing you might want to add. Goals: To sum up the learning path in a co-creation activity; to recall the learnings that marked the most each one; to make a visual tool for sharing with others. Tips: Go back to the previous activities and check out what you want to highlight from each. Think about if you were to mentor someone else on their 'going green' journey, from now on, what suggestions would you give? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the 10 statements above, the participants who answer YES more times win: 1. I always carry my reusable water bottle. 2. I buy clothes from second-hand shops that will last as long as possible. 3. I walk or take public transportation for work. 4. I prefer to buy local food. 5. I don't (or rarely) eat meat. 6. I compost the organic waste at home. 7. I am involved in my local community 8. I always recycle at home and in the workplace. 9. I try to repair any home appliance that is broken, before deciding to recycle it. 10. I turn off the water while shampooing. Goals: To see who has the most ecological lifestyle; to raise awareness of the little actions one can take. Tips: Each person can add some more statements according to what they do to be sustainable, to check if the others do the same! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, build a green network map with local actors (organizations, businesses, associations, cooperatives, etc.) that could be beneficial for you, or whom you could benefit (clients, beneficiaries). Goals: To build a network map of many diverse organizations/people/entities which are engaged with the social circular economy; to discover what each one has to offer and what others may offer to each one. Tips: The organizations/people/entities may be your partners, potential partners, or others whose connection with you/your business is not that evident but, since they are aligned with your vision of ecological and social sustainability, represent a synergy for you. Think of how the group members can create synergies with each other! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Find the words in the soup and click on the links on each word (on the solutions) to find out more about each! Cheetah Ganges Cairo Vietnam Palm Methane Airplanes Upcycling Consumerism Composting Goals: To find all the words in the words soup; to learn more about why each word is related to the Planet's sustainability. Tips: First, try to find all the words. Check out who has found more words, and then explore together each link. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Match each image to each one of the 8Rs principles. The 8 Rs: - Refuse - Rethink - Reduce - Reuse - Repair - Repurpose - Recycle / upcycle - Rot - Waste Goals: To identify which R each image represents; to explore the 8 Rs principles. Tips: Set 5 minutes for each group member to make the matching. Then, compare the results within the group. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person picks one scenario and should come up with related ecological business ideas. Write them down and use drawings to present to the group. What if... ...we couldn't use electricity? ...we could only buy second-hand raw materials? ...we had to involve multigenerational volunteers? ...we lived in a society that buys only the bare necessities? Goals: To foster the ideation process and to come up with creative business ideas; to adapt the mindset to include ecological and social sustainability in business models. Tips: Use your creativity; utopic scenarios count, and the more ideas, the better. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Altogether, make a drawing of your dream circular office/workplace on a big paper sheet. What does it look like? How do people get there? How is lunchtime? How do you communicate, and organize, ...? What are the main values and principles? Goals: To make a wide and fun drawing of a circular office; to inspire each other, to foster cooperation and team building. Tips: Use collors! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Now that you've learned about time banking... If you belonged to a time bank community, what would you offer, and what would you search for? 1. Each group member should write down 3 things they could offer in exchange for 1 time credit each, and 3 things they would acquire for 1 time credit each. (1 time credit = 1h). 2. Each participant should look at the other members' responses and, together, come up with an exchange plan. Each person should acquire 1 thing from someone else, and provide 1 thing for someone else. 3. Actually put it in practice! Goals: To define an exchange plan where everyone gives 1h of their time (=1 time credit) to provide a product/service for someone else, and where each one acquires a 1h service/product from someone else, for 1 time credit; to understand how you could put in practice this concept. Tips: To facilitate the exchange, each person starts the activity with 1 time bank credit, so they can buy before they sell. If no one seems interested in the first 3 things on your list, check their needs and communicate to see if there's something else you could offer! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person should make a drawing of how they get involved in their communities, and briefly present it to the group. Then, openly discuss how each one would like to be even more involved. Goals: To promote the discussion on how to connect with the local communities; to understand that the path of getting involved and 'going green' should be an ongoing journey and that there's always room for improvement. Tips: Challenge each other, think about your day-to-day life in your neighbourhood Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Debate in an open discussion: is it better to buy in fast fashion, or in thrift shops? What are the pros and cons of each? Does fast fashion equal unsustainability? Does second-hand fashion equal sustainability? Goals: To debate topics such as overconsumption, throwaway culture, long-lasting clothes, greenwashing, ethical production, the effect of sales, etc.; to raise awareness of ethical consumerism. Tips: Question: is it better to have 1 t-shirt from fast fashion, and use it for 10 years; or to have 10 t-shirts from a thrift shop, and use them for 1 year? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Build a 3-column table and, together, write down: 1- All your motivations for 'going green'. 2- Your goals in order to 'go green'. 3- Concrete actions, and small steps, you want to commit to, towards your goals. Goals: To start planning future actions in order to keep walking the path of 'going green'; to understand that this process is continuous and that there's always space for improvement. To facilitate the ongoing connection between all members. Tips: Everyone should contribute, even if the motivations and goals are not shared among all. The actions you commit to taking can be individual or group-wise. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, discuss what are each one's expectations, fears, and needs, for the mentoring process and for the journey of 'going circular'. Everyone has 5 minutes to come up with as many points as they feel. During the next 15 minutes, the group can openly discuss the pointed aspects. Goals: To approach the expectations and limitations of each person in the group; to understand what each one needs for the process to run well; to foster empathy, active listening, open communication, and group cohesion. Tips: Everyone should contribute; be as open as possible regarding if you think you can meet others' expectations; be tolerant regarding the other members' competencies. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Divide the group into 2 - each side will defend one perspective. One side defends the importance of responsible consumers for saving the planet, while the other side defends the importance of responsible corporations for saving the planet. For 8 minutes, the two sides debate with arguments for their side. When time's up, the two sides change perspectives and debate the importance of the side they were against before, for 6 minutes. Goals: To understand the importance of both the consumers' responsibility and the corporation's responsibility in sustainable action; to foster dialogue, tolerance, adaptability, relativity, and balance. Tips: Make sure everyone has their voice heard. Regardless of your personal position, try to be open-minded and think from the outside. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each participant must have an idea of a challenge of ecological action or shift, write it down, and pass it to the person sitting on their right side. One week after, you must check with the others whether they have accomplished the challenge. Goals: To challenge another team member to make a 1-week ecological action or shift; to raise awareness on the small steps one can take in the circularity journey. Tips: Each person must have a different challenge! If you too also join and accomplish the challenge you had passed (in addition to the one you received) you gain extra points! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Imagine you and your team own a small local grocery shop that sells food, cosmetics, and household products. You are currently learning how important it is for the planet’s sustainability to reduce waste, find ecological, non-polluting alternatives and fight over-consumption. Nevertheless, without selling, your shop would not survive. You are facing the dilemma between ecological sustainability and financial health. What would you do? Discuss the theme with your team and find 5 goals that will help you balance and promote responsible and ethical consumerism while ensuring you get enough income. Goals: To debate the meaning and parameters of responsible consumerism, and discuss concrete actions one can take to promote ecological responsibility. Tips: Here we propose some topics for the goals you can set: discounts and promotions; energy saving; community; non-essential products; packaging; expiration dates; ecological footprint; waste. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Have you heard of the concept of "time bank"? If yes, share with the group what you know about it. If not, check the solutions before moving on. Now, look at these words: "Currency" "Value" "Money" "Working time" 1. What do they mean for you? 2. How does time banking challenge the meanings of these words? Goals: To challenge the concepts of "value", "currency", "time", "community", "economy"... Tips: Think about these concepts in the past; each person should be listened to with a non-judgment attitude. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Choose the most sustainable alternative for each situation: 1. Your favorite drink is usually served with a straw. What do you do? a) I ask the barman if they have cardboard straws. b) I ask the barman to please serve it without straws. 2. What option do you choose to ensure good energetic efficiency? a) The town I live in is not extremely cold, so I start by insulating windows and doors and see if still I need to heat the house afterward. b) There is wind entering inside, I choose a wooden fireplace over oil heaters. 3. You have clothes you no longer use. Who do you give them to? a) recycling companies that transform old tissues into new fibers to produce new clothes. b) To someone who needs them. 4. You are on vacation abroad. How do you move around? a) I rent a car, but an electric one. b) I use public transportation. 5. You have to choose what to cook for dinner. What do you choose? a) Beans "burger". b) Cow meat burger. Goals: To debate, within the group, which option represents the most ecological alternative, and why; to start approaching the 8 Rs principles. Tips: More than finding the correct answer, it is important to discuss the reasons behind each alternative being more or less sustainable. Take the opportunity to investigate more about each subject. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and post if there are any public policies or other kinds of movements (for example from associations or companies), nationally or internationally, regarding: 1. plastic disposable objects 2. fast fashion 3. ecological transportation incentives 4. local production, consumption 5. vegetarianism, veganism, or sustainable meat production 6. composting 7. community building 8. recycling 9. recycling, upcycling, repurposing, or remanufacturing electronic devices 10. water saving Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Goals: To explore what exists in society to foster ethical behavior and social responsibility. Tips: Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Check out these links about how to help, cooperate, and network: https://www.ted.com/talks/peter_singer_the_why_and_how_of_effective_altruism https://www.theschooloflife.com/article/in-praise-of-networking/ https://www.ted.com/talks/wendy_woods_collective_cooperation_in_the_social_sector Goals: To gain new insights about the theme of synergies, to gain inspiration, and foster curiosity. Tips: Read/watch the provided resources together and discuss them afterward. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, investigate and share: what resources are out there that can make you learn more about the social circular economy, sustainable development, and other related topics? Goals: To stimulate lifelong learning, research, and improvement. Tips: Some interesting sources for you to explore: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ideas/playlists/sustainable-thinking http://www.gogreen.org/ https://edition.cnn.com/specials/world/goinggreen Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

While new and emerging technologies can be an opportunity for innovation and development, they can also represent risks for developing countries. Open the discussion: what are, in your opinion, the biggest opportunities and challenges of frontier technologies? Goals: To learn more about frontier technologies and what they represent for the development. Tips: Check out the links to learn more: 1. What are disruptive technologies?: https://youtu.be/S86mAHwiij4 2. Frontier Technologies For Sustainable Development: https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/world-economic-and-social-survey-2018-frontier-technologies-for-sustainable-development/ 3. Frontier technologies for a sustainable future: https://youtu.be/NzFTbhmiMyk 4. "Youth discuss the pros and cons of frontier technologies":https://youtu.be/5-tGcUF2tG0 5. Innovation with equity:https://youtu.be/8DF5v895J50 6. Top 10 frontier technologies for climate action: https://www.frontiertech4climate.org/ 7. The impact of frontier technologies on inequalities across countries: https://iap.unido.org/articles/impact-frontier-technologies-inequalities-across-countries 8. Technology disruption: https://youtu.be/pk9RVBwiFbM Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and present examples of time banking in your local community. (in your town, city, country, or anywhere else in the world...). Do you know other examples of cooperation or partnership systems, organizations, or networks? Each person should share with the group at least 1 example. Have you ever taken part in any of those? Would you consider joining any? Goals: To share examples of cooperation, networking, and organizations within the group. Tips: The examples shared may be related to your professional activity, your personal interests, or anything else that might interest the other group members. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Think of one inspiring circular social organization. Briefly research (on their website, social media, articles...) about their office, their practices, the messages they sent, and other relevant aspects... Sketch the case studies down and share them with the group. Goals: To share inspiration from good examples and business role models. Tips: Instead of organizations, you can also think of people, stories, or anything else! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the following statements, identify which ones are myths and which ones are realities: a) Heating plastic in the microwave can cause chemicals to leach into food. b) In 2022, humanity has used by July 28 all the biological resources that the Earth regenerates during the entire year. c) Transportation is the major source of greenhouse gas emissions. d) More than a third of the world’s land surface and nearly 75% of freshwater resources are now devoted to crop or livestock production. e) Around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction. f) ECO clothing lines in fast fashion brands neutralize their impact on the environment. g) Urban areas have more than doubled since 1992. h) Recycling is the most effective action toward sustainability. Goals: To learn more about the planet, resources, sustainability, and ecology, find out which of the statements are true and which are not. Tips: Go through all the statements, each group member identifies with an M (myth) or with an R (reality) each one. In the end, check the solutions to see who has more right answers. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should make a drawing of a staircase. Considering the needs identified in the previous activity, the group should, together, reflect about what are the mentees' goals for the mentoring process. Do all the mentees have the same goal or are there multiple goals? After identifying one or more goals, they should write them down or draw them on top of the 'stairs'. Then, think of, discuss, and register the steps they should take in order to achieve their goals, and write them down along the staircase. Goals: To identify the goals for the mentoring process, which should be aligned with the general goal of the capacitating program: 'going circular' - transitioning into more circular pathways. Tips: The mentoring goals should be realistic and appropriate for the mentoring timeframe - if the goal does not fit within this timeframe, the group should define which one of the steps represents the mentoring goal; the goals of one member do not necessarily need to be the goals of the others - everyone should be listened to. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

For each one of the images, the group should, together, brainstorm ideas on what to do to reduce the waste to zero! Goals: To foster creativity and ideation and to come up with the maximum number of ideas for zero waste solutions. Tips: There are no wrong ideas! To boost the speed factor, you can use an hourglass of about 3 min per image. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should openly discuss: what has motivated them to 'go circular' in their professional life. Each member should tell their stories, identifying the key aspects that have marked their circularity journey and, today, who keeps inspiring them. It can be people, organizations, movements, ... The group should post on the platform the results of the activity in any form (text, video recording, links, etc.). Goals: To get to know more about each other; to increase motivation; to share information, resources, and inspiring stories about the circular and social economy; to stimulate curiosity. Tips: Group members should encourage each other to share their stories; the ones who listen should register the answers of those who are sharing. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!


Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!

From left to right, up to down: 1- Reduce; 2- Rot; 3- Rethink; 4- Reuse; 5- Refuse; 6- Repurpose; 7- Waste; 8- Repair; 9- Upcycle. * *This is a suggestion! Different minds can make different associations... ;)

1. - b) - The first principle of the Circular Economy is to change our mindset and refuse the consumption of non-necessary things. 2. - a) - Heating the house without insulating the windows and doors will let the heat leave. 3. - b) - Many products can be used several times before their life ends. 4. - b) - Public transportation is less polluting than electric cars. https://earth.org/save-the-world-with-public-transportation-and-not-electric-cars/ 5. - a) - "The use of animals for meat causes twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods." - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/13/meat-greenhouses-gases-food-production-study

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Time banking is a time-based currency: you provide 1 hour of any service to someone else and receive 1 time-credit for it. - learn more about the basics and philosophy of time banking, and about how it can help your community, here: https://timebanks.org/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Now that you arrived at the end of the road, what are the key learnings you bring with you? Your answers should be provided in the form of a colorful ideation map, done by the whole group together, with notes, drawings, tips, sentences, inspirations, or any other thing you might want to add. Goals: To sum up the learning path in a co-creation activity; to recall the learnings that marked the most each one; to make a visual tool for sharing with others. Tips: Go back to the previous activities and check out what you want to highlight from each. Think about if you were to mentor someone else on their 'going green' journey, from now on, what suggestions would you give? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the 10 statements above, the participants who answer YES more times win: 1. I always carry my reusable water bottle. 2. I buy clothes from second-hand shops that will last as long as possible. 3. I walk or take public transportation for work. 4. I prefer to buy local food. 5. I don't (or rarely) eat meat. 6. I compost the organic waste at home. 7. I am involved in my local community 8. I always recycle at home and in the workplace. 9. I try to repair any home appliance that is broken, before deciding to recycle it. 10. I turn off the water while shampooing. Goals: To see who has the most ecological lifestyle; to raise awareness of the little actions one can take. Tips: Each person can add some more statements according to what they do to be sustainable, to check if the others do the same! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, build a green network map with local actors (organizations, businesses, associations, cooperatives, etc.) that could be beneficial for you, or whom you could benefit (clients, beneficiaries). Goals: To build a network map of many diverse organizations/people/entities which are engaged with the social circular economy; to discover what each one has to offer and what others may offer to each one. Tips: The organizations/people/entities may be your partners, potential partners, or others whose connection with you/your business is not that evident but, since they are aligned with your vision of ecological and social sustainability, represent a synergy for you. Think of how the group members can create synergies with each other! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Find the words in the soup and click on the links on each word (on the solutions) to find out more about each! Cheetah Ganges Cairo Vietnam Palm Methane Airplanes Upcycling Consumerism Composting Goals: To find all the words in the words soup; to learn more about why each word is related to the Planet's sustainability. Tips: First, try to find all the words. Check out who has found more words, and then explore together each link. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Match each image to each one of the 8Rs principles. The 8 Rs: - Refuse - Rethink - Reduce - Reuse - Repair - Repurpose - Recycle / upcycle - Rot - Waste Goals: To identify which R each image represents; to explore the 8 Rs principles. Tips: Set 5 minutes for each group member to make the matching. Then, compare the results within the group. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person picks one scenario and should come up with related ecological business ideas. Write them down and use drawings to present to the group. What if... ...we couldn't use electricity? ...we could only buy second-hand raw materials? ...we had to involve multigenerational volunteers? ...we lived in a society that buys only the bare necessities? Goals: To foster the ideation process and to come up with creative business ideas; to adapt the mindset to include ecological and social sustainability in business models. Tips: Use your creativity; utopic scenarios count, and the more ideas, the better. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Altogether, make a drawing of your dream circular office/workplace on a big paper sheet. What does it look like? How do people get there? How is lunchtime? How do you communicate, and organize, ...? What are the main values and principles? Goals: To make a wide and fun drawing of a circular office; to inspire each other, to foster cooperation and team building. Tips: Use collors! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Now that you've learned about time banking... If you belonged to a time bank community, what would you offer, and what would you search for? 1. Each group member should write down 3 things they could offer in exchange for 1 time credit each, and 3 things they would acquire for 1 time credit each. (1 time credit = 1h). 2. Each participant should look at the other members' responses and, together, come up with an exchange plan. Each person should acquire 1 thing from someone else, and provide 1 thing for someone else. 3. Actually put it in practice! Goals: To define an exchange plan where everyone gives 1h of their time (=1 time credit) to provide a product/service for someone else, and where each one acquires a 1h service/product from someone else, for 1 time credit; to understand how you could put in practice this concept. Tips: To facilitate the exchange, each person starts the activity with 1 time bank credit, so they can buy before they sell. If no one seems interested in the first 3 things on your list, check their needs and communicate to see if there's something else you could offer! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person should make a drawing of how they get involved in their communities, and briefly present it to the group. Then, openly discuss how each one would like to be even more involved. Goals: To promote the discussion on how to connect with the local communities; to understand that the path of getting involved and 'going green' should be an ongoing journey and that there's always room for improvement. Tips: Challenge each other, think about your day-to-day life in your neighbourhood Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Debate in an open discussion: is it better to buy in fast fashion, or in thrift shops? What are the pros and cons of each? Does fast fashion equal unsustainability? Does second-hand fashion equal sustainability? Goals: To debate topics such as overconsumption, throwaway culture, long-lasting clothes, greenwashing, ethical production, the effect of sales, etc.; to raise awareness of ethical consumerism. Tips: Question: is it better to have 1 t-shirt from fast fashion, and use it for 10 years; or to have 10 t-shirts from a thrift shop, and use them for 1 year? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Build a 3-column table and, together, write down: 1- All your motivations for 'going green'. 2- Your goals in order to 'go green'. 3- Concrete actions, and small steps, you want to commit to, towards your goals. Goals: To start planning future actions in order to keep walking the path of 'going green'; to understand that this process is continuous and that there's always space for improvement. To facilitate the ongoing connection between all members. Tips: Everyone should contribute, even if the motivations and goals are not shared among all. The actions you commit to taking can be individual or group-wise. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, discuss what are each one's expectations, fears, and needs, for the mentoring process and for the journey of 'going circular'. Everyone has 5 minutes to come up with as many points as they feel. During the next 15 minutes, the group can openly discuss the pointed aspects. Goals: To approach the expectations and limitations of each person in the group; to understand what each one needs for the process to run well; to foster empathy, active listening, open communication, and group cohesion. Tips: Everyone should contribute; be as open as possible regarding if you think you can meet others' expectations; be tolerant regarding the other members' competencies. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Divide the group into 2 - each side will defend one perspective. One side defends the importance of responsible consumers for saving the planet, while the other side defends the importance of responsible corporations for saving the planet. For 8 minutes, the two sides debate with arguments for their side. When time's up, the two sides change perspectives and debate the importance of the side they were against before, for 6 minutes. Goals: To understand the importance of both the consumers' responsibility and the corporation's responsibility in sustainable action; to foster dialogue, tolerance, adaptability, relativity, and balance. Tips: Make sure everyone has their voice heard. Regardless of your personal position, try to be open-minded and think from the outside. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each participant must have an idea of a challenge of ecological action or shift, write it down, and pass it to the person sitting on their right side. One week after, you must check with the others whether they have accomplished the challenge. Goals: To challenge another team member to make a 1-week ecological action or shift; to raise awareness on the small steps one can take in the circularity journey. Tips: Each person must have a different challenge! If you too also join and accomplish the challenge you had passed (in addition to the one you received) you gain extra points! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Imagine you and your team own a small local grocery shop that sells food, cosmetics, and household products. You are currently learning how important it is for the planet’s sustainability to reduce waste, find ecological, non-polluting alternatives and fight over-consumption. Nevertheless, without selling, your shop would not survive. You are facing the dilemma between ecological sustainability and financial health. What would you do? Discuss the theme with your team and find 5 goals that will help you balance and promote responsible and ethical consumerism while ensuring you get enough income. Goals: To debate the meaning and parameters of responsible consumerism, and discuss concrete actions one can take to promote ecological responsibility. Tips: Here we propose some topics for the goals you can set: discounts and promotions; energy saving; community; non-essential products; packaging; expiration dates; ecological footprint; waste. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Have you heard of the concept of "time bank"? If yes, share with the group what you know about it. If not, check the solutions before moving on. Now, look at these words: "Currency" "Value" "Money" "Working time" 1. What do they mean for you? 2. How does time banking challenge the meanings of these words? Goals: To challenge the concepts of "value", "currency", "time", "community", "economy"... Tips: Think about these concepts in the past; each person should be listened to with a non-judgment attitude. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Choose the most sustainable alternative for each situation: 1. Your favorite drink is usually served with a straw. What do you do? a) I ask the barman if they have cardboard straws. b) I ask the barman to please serve it without straws. 2. What option do you choose to ensure good energetic efficiency? a) The town I live in is not extremely cold, so I start by insulating windows and doors and see if still I need to heat the house afterward. b) There is wind entering inside, I choose a wooden fireplace over oil heaters. 3. You have clothes you no longer use. Who do you give them to? a) recycling companies that transform old tissues into new fibers to produce new clothes. b) To someone who needs them. 4. You are on vacation abroad. How do you move around? a) I rent a car, but an electric one. b) I use public transportation. 5. You have to choose what to cook for dinner. What do you choose? a) Beans "burger". b) Cow meat burger. Goals: To debate, within the group, which option represents the most ecological alternative, and why; to start approaching the 8 Rs principles. Tips: More than finding the correct answer, it is important to discuss the reasons behind each alternative being more or less sustainable. Take the opportunity to investigate more about each subject. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and post if there are any public policies or other kinds of movements (for example from associations or companies), nationally or internationally, regarding: 1. plastic disposable objects 2. fast fashion 3. ecological transportation incentives 4. local production, consumption 5. vegetarianism, veganism, or sustainable meat production 6. composting 7. community building 8. recycling 9. recycling, upcycling, repurposing, or remanufacturing electronic devices 10. water saving Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Goals: To explore what exists in society to foster ethical behavior and social responsibility. Tips: Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Check out these links about how to help, cooperate, and network: https://www.ted.com/talks/peter_singer_the_why_and_how_of_effective_altruism https://www.theschooloflife.com/article/in-praise-of-networking/ https://www.ted.com/talks/wendy_woods_collective_cooperation_in_the_social_sector Goals: To gain new insights about the theme of synergies, to gain inspiration, and foster curiosity. Tips: Read/watch the provided resources together and discuss them afterward. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, investigate and share: what resources are out there that can make you learn more about the social circular economy, sustainable development, and other related topics? Goals: To stimulate lifelong learning, research, and improvement. Tips: Some interesting sources for you to explore: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ideas/playlists/sustainable-thinking http://www.gogreen.org/ https://edition.cnn.com/specials/world/goinggreen Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

While new and emerging technologies can be an opportunity for innovation and development, they can also represent risks for developing countries. Open the discussion: what are, in your opinion, the biggest opportunities and challenges of frontier technologies? Goals: To learn more about frontier technologies and what they represent for the development. Tips: Check out the links to learn more: 1. What are disruptive technologies?: https://youtu.be/S86mAHwiij4 2. Frontier Technologies For Sustainable Development: https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/world-economic-and-social-survey-2018-frontier-technologies-for-sustainable-development/ 3. Frontier technologies for a sustainable future: https://youtu.be/NzFTbhmiMyk 4. "Youth discuss the pros and cons of frontier technologies":https://youtu.be/5-tGcUF2tG0 5. Innovation with equity:https://youtu.be/8DF5v895J50 6. Top 10 frontier technologies for climate action: https://www.frontiertech4climate.org/ 7. The impact of frontier technologies on inequalities across countries: https://iap.unido.org/articles/impact-frontier-technologies-inequalities-across-countries 8. Technology disruption: https://youtu.be/pk9RVBwiFbM Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and present examples of time banking in your local community. (in your town, city, country, or anywhere else in the world...). Do you know other examples of cooperation or partnership systems, organizations, or networks? Each person should share with the group at least 1 example. Have you ever taken part in any of those? Would you consider joining any? Goals: To share examples of cooperation, networking, and organizations within the group. Tips: The examples shared may be related to your professional activity, your personal interests, or anything else that might interest the other group members. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Think of one inspiring circular social organization. Briefly research (on their website, social media, articles...) about their office, their practices, the messages they sent, and other relevant aspects... Sketch the case studies down and share them with the group. Goals: To share inspiration from good examples and business role models. Tips: Instead of organizations, you can also think of people, stories, or anything else! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the following statements, identify which ones are myths and which ones are realities: a) Heating plastic in the microwave can cause chemicals to leach into food. b) In 2022, humanity has used by July 28 all the biological resources that the Earth regenerates during the entire year. c) Transportation is the major source of greenhouse gas emissions. d) More than a third of the world’s land surface and nearly 75% of freshwater resources are now devoted to crop or livestock production. e) Around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction. f) ECO clothing lines in fast fashion brands neutralize their impact on the environment. g) Urban areas have more than doubled since 1992. h) Recycling is the most effective action toward sustainability. Goals: To learn more about the planet, resources, sustainability, and ecology, find out which of the statements are true and which are not. Tips: Go through all the statements, each group member identifies with an M (myth) or with an R (reality) each one. In the end, check the solutions to see who has more right answers. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should make a drawing of a staircase. Considering the needs identified in the previous activity, the group should, together, reflect about what are the mentees' goals for the mentoring process. Do all the mentees have the same goal or are there multiple goals? After identifying one or more goals, they should write them down or draw them on top of the 'stairs'. Then, think of, discuss, and register the steps they should take in order to achieve their goals, and write them down along the staircase. Goals: To identify the goals for the mentoring process, which should be aligned with the general goal of the capacitating program: 'going circular' - transitioning into more circular pathways. Tips: The mentoring goals should be realistic and appropriate for the mentoring timeframe - if the goal does not fit within this timeframe, the group should define which one of the steps represents the mentoring goal; the goals of one member do not necessarily need to be the goals of the others - everyone should be listened to. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

For each one of the images, the group should, together, brainstorm ideas on what to do to reduce the waste to zero! Goals: To foster creativity and ideation and to come up with the maximum number of ideas for zero waste solutions. Tips: There are no wrong ideas! To boost the speed factor, you can use an hourglass of about 3 min per image. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should openly discuss: what has motivated them to 'go circular' in their professional life. Each member should tell their stories, identifying the key aspects that have marked their circularity journey and, today, who keeps inspiring them. It can be people, organizations, movements, ... The group should post on the platform the results of the activity in any form (text, video recording, links, etc.). Goals: To get to know more about each other; to increase motivation; to share information, resources, and inspiring stories about the circular and social economy; to stimulate curiosity. Tips: Group members should encourage each other to share their stories; the ones who listen should register the answers of those who are sharing. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!


Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!

From left to right, up to down: 1- Reduce; 2- Rot; 3- Rethink; 4- Reuse; 5- Refuse; 6- Repurpose; 7- Waste; 8- Repair; 9- Upcycle. * *This is a suggestion! Different minds can make different associations... ;)

1. - b) - The first principle of the Circular Economy is to change our mindset and refuse the consumption of non-necessary things. 2. - a) - Heating the house without insulating the windows and doors will let the heat leave. 3. - b) - Many products can be used several times before their life ends. 4. - b) - Public transportation is less polluting than electric cars. https://earth.org/save-the-world-with-public-transportation-and-not-electric-cars/ 5. - a) - "The use of animals for meat causes twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods." - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/13/meat-greenhouses-gases-food-production-study

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Time banking is a time-based currency: you provide 1 hour of any service to someone else and receive 1 time-credit for it. - learn more about the basics and philosophy of time banking, and about how it can help your community, here: https://timebanks.org/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Now that you arrived at the end of the road, what are the key learnings you bring with you? Your answers should be provided in the form of a colorful ideation map, done by the whole group together, with notes, drawings, tips, sentences, inspirations, or any other thing you might want to add. Goals: To sum up the learning path in a co-creation activity; to recall the learnings that marked the most each one; to make a visual tool for sharing with others. Tips: Go back to the previous activities and check out what you want to highlight from each. Think about if you were to mentor someone else on their 'going green' journey, from now on, what suggestions would you give? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the 10 statements above, the participants who answer YES more times win: 1. I always carry my reusable water bottle. 2. I buy clothes from second-hand shops that will last as long as possible. 3. I walk or take public transportation for work. 4. I prefer to buy local food. 5. I don't (or rarely) eat meat. 6. I compost the organic waste at home. 7. I am involved in my local community 8. I always recycle at home and in the workplace. 9. I try to repair any home appliance that is broken, before deciding to recycle it. 10. I turn off the water while shampooing. Goals: To see who has the most ecological lifestyle; to raise awareness of the little actions one can take. Tips: Each person can add some more statements according to what they do to be sustainable, to check if the others do the same! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, build a green network map with local actors (organizations, businesses, associations, cooperatives, etc.) that could be beneficial for you, or whom you could benefit (clients, beneficiaries). Goals: To build a network map of many diverse organizations/people/entities which are engaged with the social circular economy; to discover what each one has to offer and what others may offer to each one. Tips: The organizations/people/entities may be your partners, potential partners, or others whose connection with you/your business is not that evident but, since they are aligned with your vision of ecological and social sustainability, represent a synergy for you. Think of how the group members can create synergies with each other! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Find the words in the soup and click on the links on each word (on the solutions) to find out more about each! Cheetah Ganges Cairo Vietnam Palm Methane Airplanes Upcycling Consumerism Composting Goals: To find all the words in the words soup; to learn more about why each word is related to the Planet's sustainability. Tips: First, try to find all the words. Check out who has found more words, and then explore together each link. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Match each image to each one of the 8Rs principles. The 8 Rs: - Refuse - Rethink - Reduce - Reuse - Repair - Repurpose - Recycle / upcycle - Rot - Waste Goals: To identify which R each image represents; to explore the 8 Rs principles. Tips: Set 5 minutes for each group member to make the matching. Then, compare the results within the group. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person picks one scenario and should come up with related ecological business ideas. Write them down and use drawings to present to the group. What if... ...we couldn't use electricity? ...we could only buy second-hand raw materials? ...we had to involve multigenerational volunteers? ...we lived in a society that buys only the bare necessities? Goals: To foster the ideation process and to come up with creative business ideas; to adapt the mindset to include ecological and social sustainability in business models. Tips: Use your creativity; utopic scenarios count, and the more ideas, the better. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Altogether, make a drawing of your dream circular office/workplace on a big paper sheet. What does it look like? How do people get there? How is lunchtime? How do you communicate, and organize, ...? What are the main values and principles? Goals: To make a wide and fun drawing of a circular office; to inspire each other, to foster cooperation and team building. Tips: Use collors! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Now that you've learned about time banking... If you belonged to a time bank community, what would you offer, and what would you search for? 1. Each group member should write down 3 things they could offer in exchange for 1 time credit each, and 3 things they would acquire for 1 time credit each. (1 time credit = 1h). 2. Each participant should look at the other members' responses and, together, come up with an exchange plan. Each person should acquire 1 thing from someone else, and provide 1 thing for someone else. 3. Actually put it in practice! Goals: To define an exchange plan where everyone gives 1h of their time (=1 time credit) to provide a product/service for someone else, and where each one acquires a 1h service/product from someone else, for 1 time credit; to understand how you could put in practice this concept. Tips: To facilitate the exchange, each person starts the activity with 1 time bank credit, so they can buy before they sell. If no one seems interested in the first 3 things on your list, check their needs and communicate to see if there's something else you could offer! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person should make a drawing of how they get involved in their communities, and briefly present it to the group. Then, openly discuss how each one would like to be even more involved. Goals: To promote the discussion on how to connect with the local communities; to understand that the path of getting involved and 'going green' should be an ongoing journey and that there's always room for improvement. Tips: Challenge each other, think about your day-to-day life in your neighbourhood Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Debate in an open discussion: is it better to buy in fast fashion, or in thrift shops? What are the pros and cons of each? Does fast fashion equal unsustainability? Does second-hand fashion equal sustainability? Goals: To debate topics such as overconsumption, throwaway culture, long-lasting clothes, greenwashing, ethical production, the effect of sales, etc.; to raise awareness of ethical consumerism. Tips: Question: is it better to have 1 t-shirt from fast fashion, and use it for 10 years; or to have 10 t-shirts from a thrift shop, and use them for 1 year? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Build a 3-column table and, together, write down: 1- All your motivations for 'going green'. 2- Your goals in order to 'go green'. 3- Concrete actions, and small steps, you want to commit to, towards your goals. Goals: To start planning future actions in order to keep walking the path of 'going green'; to understand that this process is continuous and that there's always space for improvement. To facilitate the ongoing connection between all members. Tips: Everyone should contribute, even if the motivations and goals are not shared among all. The actions you commit to taking can be individual or group-wise. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, discuss what are each one's expectations, fears, and needs, for the mentoring process and for the journey of 'going circular'. Everyone has 5 minutes to come up with as many points as they feel. During the next 15 minutes, the group can openly discuss the pointed aspects. Goals: To approach the expectations and limitations of each person in the group; to understand what each one needs for the process to run well; to foster empathy, active listening, open communication, and group cohesion. Tips: Everyone should contribute; be as open as possible regarding if you think you can meet others' expectations; be tolerant regarding the other members' competencies. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Divide the group into 2 - each side will defend one perspective. One side defends the importance of responsible consumers for saving the planet, while the other side defends the importance of responsible corporations for saving the planet. For 8 minutes, the two sides debate with arguments for their side. When time's up, the two sides change perspectives and debate the importance of the side they were against before, for 6 minutes. Goals: To understand the importance of both the consumers' responsibility and the corporation's responsibility in sustainable action; to foster dialogue, tolerance, adaptability, relativity, and balance. Tips: Make sure everyone has their voice heard. Regardless of your personal position, try to be open-minded and think from the outside. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each participant must have an idea of a challenge of ecological action or shift, write it down, and pass it to the person sitting on their right side. One week after, you must check with the others whether they have accomplished the challenge. Goals: To challenge another team member to make a 1-week ecological action or shift; to raise awareness on the small steps one can take in the circularity journey. Tips: Each person must have a different challenge! If you too also join and accomplish the challenge you had passed (in addition to the one you received) you gain extra points! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Imagine you and your team own a small local grocery shop that sells food, cosmetics, and household products. You are currently learning how important it is for the planet’s sustainability to reduce waste, find ecological, non-polluting alternatives and fight over-consumption. Nevertheless, without selling, your shop would not survive. You are facing the dilemma between ecological sustainability and financial health. What would you do? Discuss the theme with your team and find 5 goals that will help you balance and promote responsible and ethical consumerism while ensuring you get enough income. Goals: To debate the meaning and parameters of responsible consumerism, and discuss concrete actions one can take to promote ecological responsibility. Tips: Here we propose some topics for the goals you can set: discounts and promotions; energy saving; community; non-essential products; packaging; expiration dates; ecological footprint; waste. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Have you heard of the concept of "time bank"? If yes, share with the group what you know about it. If not, check the solutions before moving on. Now, look at these words: "Currency" "Value" "Money" "Working time" 1. What do they mean for you? 2. How does time banking challenge the meanings of these words? Goals: To challenge the concepts of "value", "currency", "time", "community", "economy"... Tips: Think about these concepts in the past; each person should be listened to with a non-judgment attitude. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Choose the most sustainable alternative for each situation: 1. Your favorite drink is usually served with a straw. What do you do? a) I ask the barman if they have cardboard straws. b) I ask the barman to please serve it without straws. 2. What option do you choose to ensure good energetic efficiency? a) The town I live in is not extremely cold, so I start by insulating windows and doors and see if still I need to heat the house afterward. b) There is wind entering inside, I choose a wooden fireplace over oil heaters. 3. You have clothes you no longer use. Who do you give them to? a) recycling companies that transform old tissues into new fibers to produce new clothes. b) To someone who needs them. 4. You are on vacation abroad. How do you move around? a) I rent a car, but an electric one. b) I use public transportation. 5. You have to choose what to cook for dinner. What do you choose? a) Beans "burger". b) Cow meat burger. Goals: To debate, within the group, which option represents the most ecological alternative, and why; to start approaching the 8 Rs principles. Tips: More than finding the correct answer, it is important to discuss the reasons behind each alternative being more or less sustainable. Take the opportunity to investigate more about each subject. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and post if there are any public policies or other kinds of movements (for example from associations or companies), nationally or internationally, regarding: 1. plastic disposable objects 2. fast fashion 3. ecological transportation incentives 4. local production, consumption 5. vegetarianism, veganism, or sustainable meat production 6. composting 7. community building 8. recycling 9. recycling, upcycling, repurposing, or remanufacturing electronic devices 10. water saving Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Goals: To explore what exists in society to foster ethical behavior and social responsibility. Tips: Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Check out these links about how to help, cooperate, and network: https://www.ted.com/talks/peter_singer_the_why_and_how_of_effective_altruism https://www.theschooloflife.com/article/in-praise-of-networking/ https://www.ted.com/talks/wendy_woods_collective_cooperation_in_the_social_sector Goals: To gain new insights about the theme of synergies, to gain inspiration, and foster curiosity. Tips: Read/watch the provided resources together and discuss them afterward. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, investigate and share: what resources are out there that can make you learn more about the social circular economy, sustainable development, and other related topics? Goals: To stimulate lifelong learning, research, and improvement. Tips: Some interesting sources for you to explore: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ideas/playlists/sustainable-thinking http://www.gogreen.org/ https://edition.cnn.com/specials/world/goinggreen Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

While new and emerging technologies can be an opportunity for innovation and development, they can also represent risks for developing countries. Open the discussion: what are, in your opinion, the biggest opportunities and challenges of frontier technologies? Goals: To learn more about frontier technologies and what they represent for the development. Tips: Check out the links to learn more: 1. What are disruptive technologies?: https://youtu.be/S86mAHwiij4 2. Frontier Technologies For Sustainable Development: https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/world-economic-and-social-survey-2018-frontier-technologies-for-sustainable-development/ 3. Frontier technologies for a sustainable future: https://youtu.be/NzFTbhmiMyk 4. "Youth discuss the pros and cons of frontier technologies":https://youtu.be/5-tGcUF2tG0 5. Innovation with equity:https://youtu.be/8DF5v895J50 6. Top 10 frontier technologies for climate action: https://www.frontiertech4climate.org/ 7. The impact of frontier technologies on inequalities across countries: https://iap.unido.org/articles/impact-frontier-technologies-inequalities-across-countries 8. Technology disruption: https://youtu.be/pk9RVBwiFbM Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and present examples of time banking in your local community. (in your town, city, country, or anywhere else in the world...). Do you know other examples of cooperation or partnership systems, organizations, or networks? Each person should share with the group at least 1 example. Have you ever taken part in any of those? Would you consider joining any? Goals: To share examples of cooperation, networking, and organizations within the group. Tips: The examples shared may be related to your professional activity, your personal interests, or anything else that might interest the other group members. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Think of one inspiring circular social organization. Briefly research (on their website, social media, articles...) about their office, their practices, the messages they sent, and other relevant aspects... Sketch the case studies down and share them with the group. Goals: To share inspiration from good examples and business role models. Tips: Instead of organizations, you can also think of people, stories, or anything else! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the following statements, identify which ones are myths and which ones are realities: a) Heating plastic in the microwave can cause chemicals to leach into food. b) In 2022, humanity has used by July 28 all the biological resources that the Earth regenerates during the entire year. c) Transportation is the major source of greenhouse gas emissions. d) More than a third of the world’s land surface and nearly 75% of freshwater resources are now devoted to crop or livestock production. e) Around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction. f) ECO clothing lines in fast fashion brands neutralize their impact on the environment. g) Urban areas have more than doubled since 1992. h) Recycling is the most effective action toward sustainability. Goals: To learn more about the planet, resources, sustainability, and ecology, find out which of the statements are true and which are not. Tips: Go through all the statements, each group member identifies with an M (myth) or with an R (reality) each one. In the end, check the solutions to see who has more right answers. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should make a drawing of a staircase. Considering the needs identified in the previous activity, the group should, together, reflect about what are the mentees' goals for the mentoring process. Do all the mentees have the same goal or are there multiple goals? After identifying one or more goals, they should write them down or draw them on top of the 'stairs'. Then, think of, discuss, and register the steps they should take in order to achieve their goals, and write them down along the staircase. Goals: To identify the goals for the mentoring process, which should be aligned with the general goal of the capacitating program: 'going circular' - transitioning into more circular pathways. Tips: The mentoring goals should be realistic and appropriate for the mentoring timeframe - if the goal does not fit within this timeframe, the group should define which one of the steps represents the mentoring goal; the goals of one member do not necessarily need to be the goals of the others - everyone should be listened to. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

For each one of the images, the group should, together, brainstorm ideas on what to do to reduce the waste to zero! Goals: To foster creativity and ideation and to come up with the maximum number of ideas for zero waste solutions. Tips: There are no wrong ideas! To boost the speed factor, you can use an hourglass of about 3 min per image. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should openly discuss: what has motivated them to 'go circular' in their professional life. Each member should tell their stories, identifying the key aspects that have marked their circularity journey and, today, who keeps inspiring them. It can be people, organizations, movements, ... The group should post on the platform the results of the activity in any form (text, video recording, links, etc.). Goals: To get to know more about each other; to increase motivation; to share information, resources, and inspiring stories about the circular and social economy; to stimulate curiosity. Tips: Group members should encourage each other to share their stories; the ones who listen should register the answers of those who are sharing. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!


Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!

From left to right, up to down: 1- Reduce; 2- Rot; 3- Rethink; 4- Reuse; 5- Refuse; 6- Repurpose; 7- Waste; 8- Repair; 9- Upcycle. * *This is a suggestion! Different minds can make different associations... ;)

1. - b) - The first principle of the Circular Economy is to change our mindset and refuse the consumption of non-necessary things. 2. - a) - Heating the house without insulating the windows and doors will let the heat leave. 3. - b) - Many products can be used several times before their life ends. 4. - b) - Public transportation is less polluting than electric cars. https://earth.org/save-the-world-with-public-transportation-and-not-electric-cars/ 5. - a) - "The use of animals for meat causes twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods." - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/13/meat-greenhouses-gases-food-production-study

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Time banking is a time-based currency: you provide 1 hour of any service to someone else and receive 1 time-credit for it. - learn more about the basics and philosophy of time banking, and about how it can help your community, here: https://timebanks.org/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Now that you arrived at the end of the road, what are the key learnings you bring with you? Your answers should be provided in the form of a colorful ideation map, done by the whole group together, with notes, drawings, tips, sentences, inspirations, or any other thing you might want to add. Goals: To sum up the learning path in a co-creation activity; to recall the learnings that marked the most each one; to make a visual tool for sharing with others. Tips: Go back to the previous activities and check out what you want to highlight from each. Think about if you were to mentor someone else on their 'going green' journey, from now on, what suggestions would you give? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the 10 statements above, the participants who answer YES more times win: 1. I always carry my reusable water bottle. 2. I buy clothes from second-hand shops that will last as long as possible. 3. I walk or take public transportation for work. 4. I prefer to buy local food. 5. I don't (or rarely) eat meat. 6. I compost the organic waste at home. 7. I am involved in my local community 8. I always recycle at home and in the workplace. 9. I try to repair any home appliance that is broken, before deciding to recycle it. 10. I turn off the water while shampooing. Goals: To see who has the most ecological lifestyle; to raise awareness of the little actions one can take. Tips: Each person can add some more statements according to what they do to be sustainable, to check if the others do the same! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, build a green network map with local actors (organizations, businesses, associations, cooperatives, etc.) that could be beneficial for you, or whom you could benefit (clients, beneficiaries). Goals: To build a network map of many diverse organizations/people/entities which are engaged with the social circular economy; to discover what each one has to offer and what others may offer to each one. Tips: The organizations/people/entities may be your partners, potential partners, or others whose connection with you/your business is not that evident but, since they are aligned with your vision of ecological and social sustainability, represent a synergy for you. Think of how the group members can create synergies with each other! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Find the words in the soup and click on the links on each word (on the solutions) to find out more about each! Cheetah Ganges Cairo Vietnam Palm Methane Airplanes Upcycling Consumerism Composting Goals: To find all the words in the words soup; to learn more about why each word is related to the Planet's sustainability. Tips: First, try to find all the words. Check out who has found more words, and then explore together each link. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Match each image to each one of the 8Rs principles. The 8 Rs: - Refuse - Rethink - Reduce - Reuse - Repair - Repurpose - Recycle / upcycle - Rot - Waste Goals: To identify which R each image represents; to explore the 8 Rs principles. Tips: Set 5 minutes for each group member to make the matching. Then, compare the results within the group. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person picks one scenario and should come up with related ecological business ideas. Write them down and use drawings to present to the group. What if... ...we couldn't use electricity? ...we could only buy second-hand raw materials? ...we had to involve multigenerational volunteers? ...we lived in a society that buys only the bare necessities? Goals: To foster the ideation process and to come up with creative business ideas; to adapt the mindset to include ecological and social sustainability in business models. Tips: Use your creativity; utopic scenarios count, and the more ideas, the better. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Altogether, make a drawing of your dream circular office/workplace on a big paper sheet. What does it look like? How do people get there? How is lunchtime? How do you communicate, and organize, ...? What are the main values and principles? Goals: To make a wide and fun drawing of a circular office; to inspire each other, to foster cooperation and team building. Tips: Use collors! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Now that you've learned about time banking... If you belonged to a time bank community, what would you offer, and what would you search for? 1. Each group member should write down 3 things they could offer in exchange for 1 time credit each, and 3 things they would acquire for 1 time credit each. (1 time credit = 1h). 2. Each participant should look at the other members' responses and, together, come up with an exchange plan. Each person should acquire 1 thing from someone else, and provide 1 thing for someone else. 3. Actually put it in practice! Goals: To define an exchange plan where everyone gives 1h of their time (=1 time credit) to provide a product/service for someone else, and where each one acquires a 1h service/product from someone else, for 1 time credit; to understand how you could put in practice this concept. Tips: To facilitate the exchange, each person starts the activity with 1 time bank credit, so they can buy before they sell. If no one seems interested in the first 3 things on your list, check their needs and communicate to see if there's something else you could offer! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person should make a drawing of how they get involved in their communities, and briefly present it to the group. Then, openly discuss how each one would like to be even more involved. Goals: To promote the discussion on how to connect with the local communities; to understand that the path of getting involved and 'going green' should be an ongoing journey and that there's always room for improvement. Tips: Challenge each other, think about your day-to-day life in your neighbourhood Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Debate in an open discussion: is it better to buy in fast fashion, or in thrift shops? What are the pros and cons of each? Does fast fashion equal unsustainability? Does second-hand fashion equal sustainability? Goals: To debate topics such as overconsumption, throwaway culture, long-lasting clothes, greenwashing, ethical production, the effect of sales, etc.; to raise awareness of ethical consumerism. Tips: Question: is it better to have 1 t-shirt from fast fashion, and use it for 10 years; or to have 10 t-shirts from a thrift shop, and use them for 1 year? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Build a 3-column table and, together, write down: 1- All your motivations for 'going green'. 2- Your goals in order to 'go green'. 3- Concrete actions, and small steps, you want to commit to, towards your goals. Goals: To start planning future actions in order to keep walking the path of 'going green'; to understand that this process is continuous and that there's always space for improvement. To facilitate the ongoing connection between all members. Tips: Everyone should contribute, even if the motivations and goals are not shared among all. The actions you commit to taking can be individual or group-wise. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, discuss what are each one's expectations, fears, and needs, for the mentoring process and for the journey of 'going circular'. Everyone has 5 minutes to come up with as many points as they feel. During the next 15 minutes, the group can openly discuss the pointed aspects. Goals: To approach the expectations and limitations of each person in the group; to understand what each one needs for the process to run well; to foster empathy, active listening, open communication, and group cohesion. Tips: Everyone should contribute; be as open as possible regarding if you think you can meet others' expectations; be tolerant regarding the other members' competencies. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Divide the group into 2 - each side will defend one perspective. One side defends the importance of responsible consumers for saving the planet, while the other side defends the importance of responsible corporations for saving the planet. For 8 minutes, the two sides debate with arguments for their side. When time's up, the two sides change perspectives and debate the importance of the side they were against before, for 6 minutes. Goals: To understand the importance of both the consumers' responsibility and the corporation's responsibility in sustainable action; to foster dialogue, tolerance, adaptability, relativity, and balance. Tips: Make sure everyone has their voice heard. Regardless of your personal position, try to be open-minded and think from the outside. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each participant must have an idea of a challenge of ecological action or shift, write it down, and pass it to the person sitting on their right side. One week after, you must check with the others whether they have accomplished the challenge. Goals: To challenge another team member to make a 1-week ecological action or shift; to raise awareness on the small steps one can take in the circularity journey. Tips: Each person must have a different challenge! If you too also join and accomplish the challenge you had passed (in addition to the one you received) you gain extra points! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Imagine you and your team own a small local grocery shop that sells food, cosmetics, and household products. You are currently learning how important it is for the planet’s sustainability to reduce waste, find ecological, non-polluting alternatives and fight over-consumption. Nevertheless, without selling, your shop would not survive. You are facing the dilemma between ecological sustainability and financial health. What would you do? Discuss the theme with your team and find 5 goals that will help you balance and promote responsible and ethical consumerism while ensuring you get enough income. Goals: To debate the meaning and parameters of responsible consumerism, and discuss concrete actions one can take to promote ecological responsibility. Tips: Here we propose some topics for the goals you can set: discounts and promotions; energy saving; community; non-essential products; packaging; expiration dates; ecological footprint; waste. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Have you heard of the concept of "time bank"? If yes, share with the group what you know about it. If not, check the solutions before moving on. Now, look at these words: "Currency" "Value" "Money" "Working time" 1. What do they mean for you? 2. How does time banking challenge the meanings of these words? Goals: To challenge the concepts of "value", "currency", "time", "community", "economy"... Tips: Think about these concepts in the past; each person should be listened to with a non-judgment attitude. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Choose the most sustainable alternative for each situation: 1. Your favorite drink is usually served with a straw. What do you do? a) I ask the barman if they have cardboard straws. b) I ask the barman to please serve it without straws. 2. What option do you choose to ensure good energetic efficiency? a) The town I live in is not extremely cold, so I start by insulating windows and doors and see if still I need to heat the house afterward. b) There is wind entering inside, I choose a wooden fireplace over oil heaters. 3. You have clothes you no longer use. Who do you give them to? a) recycling companies that transform old tissues into new fibers to produce new clothes. b) To someone who needs them. 4. You are on vacation abroad. How do you move around? a) I rent a car, but an electric one. b) I use public transportation. 5. You have to choose what to cook for dinner. What do you choose? a) Beans "burger". b) Cow meat burger. Goals: To debate, within the group, which option represents the most ecological alternative, and why; to start approaching the 8 Rs principles. Tips: More than finding the correct answer, it is important to discuss the reasons behind each alternative being more or less sustainable. Take the opportunity to investigate more about each subject. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and post if there are any public policies or other kinds of movements (for example from associations or companies), nationally or internationally, regarding: 1. plastic disposable objects 2. fast fashion 3. ecological transportation incentives 4. local production, consumption 5. vegetarianism, veganism, or sustainable meat production 6. composting 7. community building 8. recycling 9. recycling, upcycling, repurposing, or remanufacturing electronic devices 10. water saving Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Goals: To explore what exists in society to foster ethical behavior and social responsibility. Tips: Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Check out these links about how to help, cooperate, and network: https://www.ted.com/talks/peter_singer_the_why_and_how_of_effective_altruism https://www.theschooloflife.com/article/in-praise-of-networking/ https://www.ted.com/talks/wendy_woods_collective_cooperation_in_the_social_sector Goals: To gain new insights about the theme of synergies, to gain inspiration, and foster curiosity. Tips: Read/watch the provided resources together and discuss them afterward. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, investigate and share: what resources are out there that can make you learn more about the social circular economy, sustainable development, and other related topics? Goals: To stimulate lifelong learning, research, and improvement. Tips: Some interesting sources for you to explore: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ideas/playlists/sustainable-thinking http://www.gogreen.org/ https://edition.cnn.com/specials/world/goinggreen Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

While new and emerging technologies can be an opportunity for innovation and development, they can also represent risks for developing countries. Open the discussion: what are, in your opinion, the biggest opportunities and challenges of frontier technologies? Goals: To learn more about frontier technologies and what they represent for the development. Tips: Check out the links to learn more: 1. What are disruptive technologies?: https://youtu.be/S86mAHwiij4 2. Frontier Technologies For Sustainable Development: https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/world-economic-and-social-survey-2018-frontier-technologies-for-sustainable-development/ 3. Frontier technologies for a sustainable future: https://youtu.be/NzFTbhmiMyk 4. "Youth discuss the pros and cons of frontier technologies":https://youtu.be/5-tGcUF2tG0 5. Innovation with equity:https://youtu.be/8DF5v895J50 6. Top 10 frontier technologies for climate action: https://www.frontiertech4climate.org/ 7. The impact of frontier technologies on inequalities across countries: https://iap.unido.org/articles/impact-frontier-technologies-inequalities-across-countries 8. Technology disruption: https://youtu.be/pk9RVBwiFbM Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and present examples of time banking in your local community. (in your town, city, country, or anywhere else in the world...). Do you know other examples of cooperation or partnership systems, organizations, or networks? Each person should share with the group at least 1 example. Have you ever taken part in any of those? Would you consider joining any? Goals: To share examples of cooperation, networking, and organizations within the group. Tips: The examples shared may be related to your professional activity, your personal interests, or anything else that might interest the other group members. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Think of one inspiring circular social organization. Briefly research (on their website, social media, articles...) about their office, their practices, the messages they sent, and other relevant aspects... Sketch the case studies down and share them with the group. Goals: To share inspiration from good examples and business role models. Tips: Instead of organizations, you can also think of people, stories, or anything else! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the following statements, identify which ones are myths and which ones are realities: a) Heating plastic in the microwave can cause chemicals to leach into food. b) In 2022, humanity has used by July 28 all the biological resources that the Earth regenerates during the entire year. c) Transportation is the major source of greenhouse gas emissions. d) More than a third of the world’s land surface and nearly 75% of freshwater resources are now devoted to crop or livestock production. e) Around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction. f) ECO clothing lines in fast fashion brands neutralize their impact on the environment. g) Urban areas have more than doubled since 1992. h) Recycling is the most effective action toward sustainability. Goals: To learn more about the planet, resources, sustainability, and ecology, find out which of the statements are true and which are not. Tips: Go through all the statements, each group member identifies with an M (myth) or with an R (reality) each one. In the end, check the solutions to see who has more right answers. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should make a drawing of a staircase. Considering the needs identified in the previous activity, the group should, together, reflect about what are the mentees' goals for the mentoring process. Do all the mentees have the same goal or are there multiple goals? After identifying one or more goals, they should write them down or draw them on top of the 'stairs'. Then, think of, discuss, and register the steps they should take in order to achieve their goals, and write them down along the staircase. Goals: To identify the goals for the mentoring process, which should be aligned with the general goal of the capacitating program: 'going circular' - transitioning into more circular pathways. Tips: The mentoring goals should be realistic and appropriate for the mentoring timeframe - if the goal does not fit within this timeframe, the group should define which one of the steps represents the mentoring goal; the goals of one member do not necessarily need to be the goals of the others - everyone should be listened to. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

For each one of the images, the group should, together, brainstorm ideas on what to do to reduce the waste to zero! Goals: To foster creativity and ideation and to come up with the maximum number of ideas for zero waste solutions. Tips: There are no wrong ideas! To boost the speed factor, you can use an hourglass of about 3 min per image. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should openly discuss: what has motivated them to 'go circular' in their professional life. Each member should tell their stories, identifying the key aspects that have marked their circularity journey and, today, who keeps inspiring them. It can be people, organizations, movements, ... The group should post on the platform the results of the activity in any form (text, video recording, links, etc.). Goals: To get to know more about each other; to increase motivation; to share information, resources, and inspiring stories about the circular and social economy; to stimulate curiosity. Tips: Group members should encourage each other to share their stories; the ones who listen should register the answers of those who are sharing. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!


Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!

From left to right, up to down: 1- Reduce; 2- Rot; 3- Rethink; 4- Reuse; 5- Refuse; 6- Repurpose; 7- Waste; 8- Repair; 9- Upcycle. * *This is a suggestion! Different minds can make different associations... ;)

1. - b) - The first principle of the Circular Economy is to change our mindset and refuse the consumption of non-necessary things. 2. - a) - Heating the house without insulating the windows and doors will let the heat leave. 3. - b) - Many products can be used several times before their life ends. 4. - b) - Public transportation is less polluting than electric cars. https://earth.org/save-the-world-with-public-transportation-and-not-electric-cars/ 5. - a) - "The use of animals for meat causes twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods." - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/13/meat-greenhouses-gases-food-production-study

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Time banking is a time-based currency: you provide 1 hour of any service to someone else and receive 1 time-credit for it. - learn more about the basics and philosophy of time banking, and about how it can help your community, here: https://timebanks.org/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Now that you arrived at the end of the road, what are the key learnings you bring with you? Your answers should be provided in the form of a colorful ideation map, done by the whole group together, with notes, drawings, tips, sentences, inspirations, or any other thing you might want to add. Goals: To sum up the learning path in a co-creation activity; to recall the learnings that marked the most each one; to make a visual tool for sharing with others. Tips: Go back to the previous activities and check out what you want to highlight from each. Think about if you were to mentor someone else on their 'going green' journey, from now on, what suggestions would you give? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the 10 statements above, the participants who answer YES more times win: 1. I always carry my reusable water bottle. 2. I buy clothes from second-hand shops that will last as long as possible. 3. I walk or take public transportation for work. 4. I prefer to buy local food. 5. I don't (or rarely) eat meat. 6. I compost the organic waste at home. 7. I am involved in my local community 8. I always recycle at home and in the workplace. 9. I try to repair any home appliance that is broken, before deciding to recycle it. 10. I turn off the water while shampooing. Goals: To see who has the most ecological lifestyle; to raise awareness of the little actions one can take. Tips: Each person can add some more statements according to what they do to be sustainable, to check if the others do the same! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, build a green network map with local actors (organizations, businesses, associations, cooperatives, etc.) that could be beneficial for you, or whom you could benefit (clients, beneficiaries). Goals: To build a network map of many diverse organizations/people/entities which are engaged with the social circular economy; to discover what each one has to offer and what others may offer to each one. Tips: The organizations/people/entities may be your partners, potential partners, or others whose connection with you/your business is not that evident but, since they are aligned with your vision of ecological and social sustainability, represent a synergy for you. Think of how the group members can create synergies with each other! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Find the words in the soup and click on the links on each word (on the solutions) to find out more about each! Cheetah Ganges Cairo Vietnam Palm Methane Airplanes Upcycling Consumerism Composting Goals: To find all the words in the words soup; to learn more about why each word is related to the Planet's sustainability. Tips: First, try to find all the words. Check out who has found more words, and then explore together each link. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Match each image to each one of the 8Rs principles. The 8 Rs: - Refuse - Rethink - Reduce - Reuse - Repair - Repurpose - Recycle / upcycle - Rot - Waste Goals: To identify which R each image represents; to explore the 8 Rs principles. Tips: Set 5 minutes for each group member to make the matching. Then, compare the results within the group. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person picks one scenario and should come up with related ecological business ideas. Write them down and use drawings to present to the group. What if... ...we couldn't use electricity? ...we could only buy second-hand raw materials? ...we had to involve multigenerational volunteers? ...we lived in a society that buys only the bare necessities? Goals: To foster the ideation process and to come up with creative business ideas; to adapt the mindset to include ecological and social sustainability in business models. Tips: Use your creativity; utopic scenarios count, and the more ideas, the better. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Altogether, make a drawing of your dream circular office/workplace on a big paper sheet. What does it look like? How do people get there? How is lunchtime? How do you communicate, and organize, ...? What are the main values and principles? Goals: To make a wide and fun drawing of a circular office; to inspire each other, to foster cooperation and team building. Tips: Use collors! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Now that you've learned about time banking... If you belonged to a time bank community, what would you offer, and what would you search for? 1. Each group member should write down 3 things they could offer in exchange for 1 time credit each, and 3 things they would acquire for 1 time credit each. (1 time credit = 1h). 2. Each participant should look at the other members' responses and, together, come up with an exchange plan. Each person should acquire 1 thing from someone else, and provide 1 thing for someone else. 3. Actually put it in practice! Goals: To define an exchange plan where everyone gives 1h of their time (=1 time credit) to provide a product/service for someone else, and where each one acquires a 1h service/product from someone else, for 1 time credit; to understand how you could put in practice this concept. Tips: To facilitate the exchange, each person starts the activity with 1 time bank credit, so they can buy before they sell. If no one seems interested in the first 3 things on your list, check their needs and communicate to see if there's something else you could offer! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person should make a drawing of how they get involved in their communities, and briefly present it to the group. Then, openly discuss how each one would like to be even more involved. Goals: To promote the discussion on how to connect with the local communities; to understand that the path of getting involved and 'going green' should be an ongoing journey and that there's always room for improvement. Tips: Challenge each other, think about your day-to-day life in your neighbourhood Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Debate in an open discussion: is it better to buy in fast fashion, or in thrift shops? What are the pros and cons of each? Does fast fashion equal unsustainability? Does second-hand fashion equal sustainability? Goals: To debate topics such as overconsumption, throwaway culture, long-lasting clothes, greenwashing, ethical production, the effect of sales, etc.; to raise awareness of ethical consumerism. Tips: Question: is it better to have 1 t-shirt from fast fashion, and use it for 10 years; or to have 10 t-shirts from a thrift shop, and use them for 1 year? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Build a 3-column table and, together, write down: 1- All your motivations for 'going green'. 2- Your goals in order to 'go green'. 3- Concrete actions, and small steps, you want to commit to, towards your goals. Goals: To start planning future actions in order to keep walking the path of 'going green'; to understand that this process is continuous and that there's always space for improvement. To facilitate the ongoing connection between all members. Tips: Everyone should contribute, even if the motivations and goals are not shared among all. The actions you commit to taking can be individual or group-wise. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, discuss what are each one's expectations, fears, and needs, for the mentoring process and for the journey of 'going circular'. Everyone has 5 minutes to come up with as many points as they feel. During the next 15 minutes, the group can openly discuss the pointed aspects. Goals: To approach the expectations and limitations of each person in the group; to understand what each one needs for the process to run well; to foster empathy, active listening, open communication, and group cohesion. Tips: Everyone should contribute; be as open as possible regarding if you think you can meet others' expectations; be tolerant regarding the other members' competencies. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Divide the group into 2 - each side will defend one perspective. One side defends the importance of responsible consumers for saving the planet, while the other side defends the importance of responsible corporations for saving the planet. For 8 minutes, the two sides debate with arguments for their side. When time's up, the two sides change perspectives and debate the importance of the side they were against before, for 6 minutes. Goals: To understand the importance of both the consumers' responsibility and the corporation's responsibility in sustainable action; to foster dialogue, tolerance, adaptability, relativity, and balance. Tips: Make sure everyone has their voice heard. Regardless of your personal position, try to be open-minded and think from the outside. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each participant must have an idea of a challenge of ecological action or shift, write it down, and pass it to the person sitting on their right side. One week after, you must check with the others whether they have accomplished the challenge. Goals: To challenge another team member to make a 1-week ecological action or shift; to raise awareness on the small steps one can take in the circularity journey. Tips: Each person must have a different challenge! If you too also join and accomplish the challenge you had passed (in addition to the one you received) you gain extra points! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Imagine you and your team own a small local grocery shop that sells food, cosmetics, and household products. You are currently learning how important it is for the planet’s sustainability to reduce waste, find ecological, non-polluting alternatives and fight over-consumption. Nevertheless, without selling, your shop would not survive. You are facing the dilemma between ecological sustainability and financial health. What would you do? Discuss the theme with your team and find 5 goals that will help you balance and promote responsible and ethical consumerism while ensuring you get enough income. Goals: To debate the meaning and parameters of responsible consumerism, and discuss concrete actions one can take to promote ecological responsibility. Tips: Here we propose some topics for the goals you can set: discounts and promotions; energy saving; community; non-essential products; packaging; expiration dates; ecological footprint; waste. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Have you heard of the concept of "time bank"? If yes, share with the group what you know about it. If not, check the solutions before moving on. Now, look at these words: "Currency" "Value" "Money" "Working time" 1. What do they mean for you? 2. How does time banking challenge the meanings of these words? Goals: To challenge the concepts of "value", "currency", "time", "community", "economy"... Tips: Think about these concepts in the past; each person should be listened to with a non-judgment attitude. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Choose the most sustainable alternative for each situation: 1. Your favorite drink is usually served with a straw. What do you do? a) I ask the barman if they have cardboard straws. b) I ask the barman to please serve it without straws. 2. What option do you choose to ensure good energetic efficiency? a) The town I live in is not extremely cold, so I start by insulating windows and doors and see if still I need to heat the house afterward. b) There is wind entering inside, I choose a wooden fireplace over oil heaters. 3. You have clothes you no longer use. Who do you give them to? a) recycling companies that transform old tissues into new fibers to produce new clothes. b) To someone who needs them. 4. You are on vacation abroad. How do you move around? a) I rent a car, but an electric one. b) I use public transportation. 5. You have to choose what to cook for dinner. What do you choose? a) Beans "burger". b) Cow meat burger. Goals: To debate, within the group, which option represents the most ecological alternative, and why; to start approaching the 8 Rs principles. Tips: More than finding the correct answer, it is important to discuss the reasons behind each alternative being more or less sustainable. Take the opportunity to investigate more about each subject. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and post if there are any public policies or other kinds of movements (for example from associations or companies), nationally or internationally, regarding: 1. plastic disposable objects 2. fast fashion 3. ecological transportation incentives 4. local production, consumption 5. vegetarianism, veganism, or sustainable meat production 6. composting 7. community building 8. recycling 9. recycling, upcycling, repurposing, or remanufacturing electronic devices 10. water saving Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Goals: To explore what exists in society to foster ethical behavior and social responsibility. Tips: Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Check out these links about how to help, cooperate, and network: https://www.ted.com/talks/peter_singer_the_why_and_how_of_effective_altruism https://www.theschooloflife.com/article/in-praise-of-networking/ https://www.ted.com/talks/wendy_woods_collective_cooperation_in_the_social_sector Goals: To gain new insights about the theme of synergies, to gain inspiration, and foster curiosity. Tips: Read/watch the provided resources together and discuss them afterward. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, investigate and share: what resources are out there that can make you learn more about the social circular economy, sustainable development, and other related topics? Goals: To stimulate lifelong learning, research, and improvement. Tips: Some interesting sources for you to explore: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ideas/playlists/sustainable-thinking http://www.gogreen.org/ https://edition.cnn.com/specials/world/goinggreen Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

While new and emerging technologies can be an opportunity for innovation and development, they can also represent risks for developing countries. Open the discussion: what are, in your opinion, the biggest opportunities and challenges of frontier technologies? Goals: To learn more about frontier technologies and what they represent for the development. Tips: Check out the links to learn more: 1. What are disruptive technologies?: https://youtu.be/S86mAHwiij4 2. Frontier Technologies For Sustainable Development: https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/world-economic-and-social-survey-2018-frontier-technologies-for-sustainable-development/ 3. Frontier technologies for a sustainable future: https://youtu.be/NzFTbhmiMyk 4. "Youth discuss the pros and cons of frontier technologies":https://youtu.be/5-tGcUF2tG0 5. Innovation with equity:https://youtu.be/8DF5v895J50 6. Top 10 frontier technologies for climate action: https://www.frontiertech4climate.org/ 7. The impact of frontier technologies on inequalities across countries: https://iap.unido.org/articles/impact-frontier-technologies-inequalities-across-countries 8. Technology disruption: https://youtu.be/pk9RVBwiFbM Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and present examples of time banking in your local community. (in your town, city, country, or anywhere else in the world...). Do you know other examples of cooperation or partnership systems, organizations, or networks? Each person should share with the group at least 1 example. Have you ever taken part in any of those? Would you consider joining any? Goals: To share examples of cooperation, networking, and organizations within the group. Tips: The examples shared may be related to your professional activity, your personal interests, or anything else that might interest the other group members. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Think of one inspiring circular social organization. Briefly research (on their website, social media, articles...) about their office, their practices, the messages they sent, and other relevant aspects... Sketch the case studies down and share them with the group. Goals: To share inspiration from good examples and business role models. Tips: Instead of organizations, you can also think of people, stories, or anything else! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the following statements, identify which ones are myths and which ones are realities: a) Heating plastic in the microwave can cause chemicals to leach into food. b) In 2022, humanity has used by July 28 all the biological resources that the Earth regenerates during the entire year. c) Transportation is the major source of greenhouse gas emissions. d) More than a third of the world’s land surface and nearly 75% of freshwater resources are now devoted to crop or livestock production. e) Around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction. f) ECO clothing lines in fast fashion brands neutralize their impact on the environment. g) Urban areas have more than doubled since 1992. h) Recycling is the most effective action toward sustainability. Goals: To learn more about the planet, resources, sustainability, and ecology, find out which of the statements are true and which are not. Tips: Go through all the statements, each group member identifies with an M (myth) or with an R (reality) each one. In the end, check the solutions to see who has more right answers. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should make a drawing of a staircase. Considering the needs identified in the previous activity, the group should, together, reflect about what are the mentees' goals for the mentoring process. Do all the mentees have the same goal or are there multiple goals? After identifying one or more goals, they should write them down or draw them on top of the 'stairs'. Then, think of, discuss, and register the steps they should take in order to achieve their goals, and write them down along the staircase. Goals: To identify the goals for the mentoring process, which should be aligned with the general goal of the capacitating program: 'going circular' - transitioning into more circular pathways. Tips: The mentoring goals should be realistic and appropriate for the mentoring timeframe - if the goal does not fit within this timeframe, the group should define which one of the steps represents the mentoring goal; the goals of one member do not necessarily need to be the goals of the others - everyone should be listened to. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

For each one of the images, the group should, together, brainstorm ideas on what to do to reduce the waste to zero! Goals: To foster creativity and ideation and to come up with the maximum number of ideas for zero waste solutions. Tips: There are no wrong ideas! To boost the speed factor, you can use an hourglass of about 3 min per image. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should openly discuss: what has motivated them to 'go circular' in their professional life. Each member should tell their stories, identifying the key aspects that have marked their circularity journey and, today, who keeps inspiring them. It can be people, organizations, movements, ... The group should post on the platform the results of the activity in any form (text, video recording, links, etc.). Goals: To get to know more about each other; to increase motivation; to share information, resources, and inspiring stories about the circular and social economy; to stimulate curiosity. Tips: Group members should encourage each other to share their stories; the ones who listen should register the answers of those who are sharing. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!


Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!

From left to right, up to down: 1- Reduce; 2- Rot; 3- Rethink; 4- Reuse; 5- Refuse; 6- Repurpose; 7- Waste; 8- Repair; 9- Upcycle. * *This is a suggestion! Different minds can make different associations... ;)

1. - b) - The first principle of the Circular Economy is to change our mindset and refuse the consumption of non-necessary things. 2. - a) - Heating the house without insulating the windows and doors will let the heat leave. 3. - b) - Many products can be used several times before their life ends. 4. - b) - Public transportation is less polluting than electric cars. https://earth.org/save-the-world-with-public-transportation-and-not-electric-cars/ 5. - a) - "The use of animals for meat causes twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods." - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/13/meat-greenhouses-gases-food-production-study

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Time banking is a time-based currency: you provide 1 hour of any service to someone else and receive 1 time-credit for it. - learn more about the basics and philosophy of time banking, and about how it can help your community, here: https://timebanks.org/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Now that you arrived at the end of the road, what are the key learnings you bring with you? Your answers should be provided in the form of a colorful ideation map, done by the whole group together, with notes, drawings, tips, sentences, inspirations, or any other thing you might want to add. Goals: To sum up the learning path in a co-creation activity; to recall the learnings that marked the most each one; to make a visual tool for sharing with others. Tips: Go back to the previous activities and check out what you want to highlight from each. Think about if you were to mentor someone else on their 'going green' journey, from now on, what suggestions would you give? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the 10 statements above, the participants who answer YES more times win: 1. I always carry my reusable water bottle. 2. I buy clothes from second-hand shops that will last as long as possible. 3. I walk or take public transportation for work. 4. I prefer to buy local food. 5. I don't (or rarely) eat meat. 6. I compost the organic waste at home. 7. I am involved in my local community 8. I always recycle at home and in the workplace. 9. I try to repair any home appliance that is broken, before deciding to recycle it. 10. I turn off the water while shampooing. Goals: To see who has the most ecological lifestyle; to raise awareness of the little actions one can take. Tips: Each person can add some more statements according to what they do to be sustainable, to check if the others do the same! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, build a green network map with local actors (organizations, businesses, associations, cooperatives, etc.) that could be beneficial for you, or whom you could benefit (clients, beneficiaries). Goals: To build a network map of many diverse organizations/people/entities which are engaged with the social circular economy; to discover what each one has to offer and what others may offer to each one. Tips: The organizations/people/entities may be your partners, potential partners, or others whose connection with you/your business is not that evident but, since they are aligned with your vision of ecological and social sustainability, represent a synergy for you. Think of how the group members can create synergies with each other! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Find the words in the soup and click on the links on each word (on the solutions) to find out more about each! Cheetah Ganges Cairo Vietnam Palm Methane Airplanes Upcycling Consumerism Composting Goals: To find all the words in the words soup; to learn more about why each word is related to the Planet's sustainability. Tips: First, try to find all the words. Check out who has found more words, and then explore together each link. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Match each image to each one of the 8Rs principles. The 8 Rs: - Refuse - Rethink - Reduce - Reuse - Repair - Repurpose - Recycle / upcycle - Rot - Waste Goals: To identify which R each image represents; to explore the 8 Rs principles. Tips: Set 5 minutes for each group member to make the matching. Then, compare the results within the group. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person picks one scenario and should come up with related ecological business ideas. Write them down and use drawings to present to the group. What if... ...we couldn't use electricity? ...we could only buy second-hand raw materials? ...we had to involve multigenerational volunteers? ...we lived in a society that buys only the bare necessities? Goals: To foster the ideation process and to come up with creative business ideas; to adapt the mindset to include ecological and social sustainability in business models. Tips: Use your creativity; utopic scenarios count, and the more ideas, the better. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Altogether, make a drawing of your dream circular office/workplace on a big paper sheet. What does it look like? How do people get there? How is lunchtime? How do you communicate, and organize, ...? What are the main values and principles? Goals: To make a wide and fun drawing of a circular office; to inspire each other, to foster cooperation and team building. Tips: Use collors! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Now that you've learned about time banking... If you belonged to a time bank community, what would you offer, and what would you search for? 1. Each group member should write down 3 things they could offer in exchange for 1 time credit each, and 3 things they would acquire for 1 time credit each. (1 time credit = 1h). 2. Each participant should look at the other members' responses and, together, come up with an exchange plan. Each person should acquire 1 thing from someone else, and provide 1 thing for someone else. 3. Actually put it in practice! Goals: To define an exchange plan where everyone gives 1h of their time (=1 time credit) to provide a product/service for someone else, and where each one acquires a 1h service/product from someone else, for 1 time credit; to understand how you could put in practice this concept. Tips: To facilitate the exchange, each person starts the activity with 1 time bank credit, so they can buy before they sell. If no one seems interested in the first 3 things on your list, check their needs and communicate to see if there's something else you could offer! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person should make a drawing of how they get involved in their communities, and briefly present it to the group. Then, openly discuss how each one would like to be even more involved. Goals: To promote the discussion on how to connect with the local communities; to understand that the path of getting involved and 'going green' should be an ongoing journey and that there's always room for improvement. Tips: Challenge each other, think about your day-to-day life in your neighbourhood Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Debate in an open discussion: is it better to buy in fast fashion, or in thrift shops? What are the pros and cons of each? Does fast fashion equal unsustainability? Does second-hand fashion equal sustainability? Goals: To debate topics such as overconsumption, throwaway culture, long-lasting clothes, greenwashing, ethical production, the effect of sales, etc.; to raise awareness of ethical consumerism. Tips: Question: is it better to have 1 t-shirt from fast fashion, and use it for 10 years; or to have 10 t-shirts from a thrift shop, and use them for 1 year? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Build a 3-column table and, together, write down: 1- All your motivations for 'going green'. 2- Your goals in order to 'go green'. 3- Concrete actions, and small steps, you want to commit to, towards your goals. Goals: To start planning future actions in order to keep walking the path of 'going green'; to understand that this process is continuous and that there's always space for improvement. To facilitate the ongoing connection between all members. Tips: Everyone should contribute, even if the motivations and goals are not shared among all. The actions you commit to taking can be individual or group-wise. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, discuss what are each one's expectations, fears, and needs, for the mentoring process and for the journey of 'going circular'. Everyone has 5 minutes to come up with as many points as they feel. During the next 15 minutes, the group can openly discuss the pointed aspects. Goals: To approach the expectations and limitations of each person in the group; to understand what each one needs for the process to run well; to foster empathy, active listening, open communication, and group cohesion. Tips: Everyone should contribute; be as open as possible regarding if you think you can meet others' expectations; be tolerant regarding the other members' competencies. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Divide the group into 2 - each side will defend one perspective. One side defends the importance of responsible consumers for saving the planet, while the other side defends the importance of responsible corporations for saving the planet. For 8 minutes, the two sides debate with arguments for their side. When time's up, the two sides change perspectives and debate the importance of the side they were against before, for 6 minutes. Goals: To understand the importance of both the consumers' responsibility and the corporation's responsibility in sustainable action; to foster dialogue, tolerance, adaptability, relativity, and balance. Tips: Make sure everyone has their voice heard. Regardless of your personal position, try to be open-minded and think from the outside. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each participant must have an idea of a challenge of ecological action or shift, write it down, and pass it to the person sitting on their right side. One week after, you must check with the others whether they have accomplished the challenge. Goals: To challenge another team member to make a 1-week ecological action or shift; to raise awareness on the small steps one can take in the circularity journey. Tips: Each person must have a different challenge! If you too also join and accomplish the challenge you had passed (in addition to the one you received) you gain extra points! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Imagine you and your team own a small local grocery shop that sells food, cosmetics, and household products. You are currently learning how important it is for the planet’s sustainability to reduce waste, find ecological, non-polluting alternatives and fight over-consumption. Nevertheless, without selling, your shop would not survive. You are facing the dilemma between ecological sustainability and financial health. What would you do? Discuss the theme with your team and find 5 goals that will help you balance and promote responsible and ethical consumerism while ensuring you get enough income. Goals: To debate the meaning and parameters of responsible consumerism, and discuss concrete actions one can take to promote ecological responsibility. Tips: Here we propose some topics for the goals you can set: discounts and promotions; energy saving; community; non-essential products; packaging; expiration dates; ecological footprint; waste. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Have you heard of the concept of "time bank"? If yes, share with the group what you know about it. If not, check the solutions before moving on. Now, look at these words: "Currency" "Value" "Money" "Working time" 1. What do they mean for you? 2. How does time banking challenge the meanings of these words? Goals: To challenge the concepts of "value", "currency", "time", "community", "economy"... Tips: Think about these concepts in the past; each person should be listened to with a non-judgment attitude. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Choose the most sustainable alternative for each situation: 1. Your favorite drink is usually served with a straw. What do you do? a) I ask the barman if they have cardboard straws. b) I ask the barman to please serve it without straws. 2. What option do you choose to ensure good energetic efficiency? a) The town I live in is not extremely cold, so I start by insulating windows and doors and see if still I need to heat the house afterward. b) There is wind entering inside, I choose a wooden fireplace over oil heaters. 3. You have clothes you no longer use. Who do you give them to? a) recycling companies that transform old tissues into new fibers to produce new clothes. b) To someone who needs them. 4. You are on vacation abroad. How do you move around? a) I rent a car, but an electric one. b) I use public transportation. 5. You have to choose what to cook for dinner. What do you choose? a) Beans "burger". b) Cow meat burger. Goals: To debate, within the group, which option represents the most ecological alternative, and why; to start approaching the 8 Rs principles. Tips: More than finding the correct answer, it is important to discuss the reasons behind each alternative being more or less sustainable. Take the opportunity to investigate more about each subject. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and post if there are any public policies or other kinds of movements (for example from associations or companies), nationally or internationally, regarding: 1. plastic disposable objects 2. fast fashion 3. ecological transportation incentives 4. local production, consumption 5. vegetarianism, veganism, or sustainable meat production 6. composting 7. community building 8. recycling 9. recycling, upcycling, repurposing, or remanufacturing electronic devices 10. water saving Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Goals: To explore what exists in society to foster ethical behavior and social responsibility. Tips: Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Check out these links about how to help, cooperate, and network: https://www.ted.com/talks/peter_singer_the_why_and_how_of_effective_altruism https://www.theschooloflife.com/article/in-praise-of-networking/ https://www.ted.com/talks/wendy_woods_collective_cooperation_in_the_social_sector Goals: To gain new insights about the theme of synergies, to gain inspiration, and foster curiosity. Tips: Read/watch the provided resources together and discuss them afterward. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, investigate and share: what resources are out there that can make you learn more about the social circular economy, sustainable development, and other related topics? Goals: To stimulate lifelong learning, research, and improvement. Tips: Some interesting sources for you to explore: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ideas/playlists/sustainable-thinking http://www.gogreen.org/ https://edition.cnn.com/specials/world/goinggreen Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

While new and emerging technologies can be an opportunity for innovation and development, they can also represent risks for developing countries. Open the discussion: what are, in your opinion, the biggest opportunities and challenges of frontier technologies? Goals: To learn more about frontier technologies and what they represent for the development. Tips: Check out the links to learn more: 1. What are disruptive technologies?: https://youtu.be/S86mAHwiij4 2. Frontier Technologies For Sustainable Development: https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/world-economic-and-social-survey-2018-frontier-technologies-for-sustainable-development/ 3. Frontier technologies for a sustainable future: https://youtu.be/NzFTbhmiMyk 4. "Youth discuss the pros and cons of frontier technologies": https://youtu.be/5-tGcUF2tG0 5. Innovation with equity: https://youtu.be/8DF5v895J50 6. Top 10 frontier technologies for climate action: https://www.frontiertech4climate.org/ 7. The impact of frontier technologies on inequalities across countries: https://iap.unido.org/articles/impact-frontier-technologies-inequalities-across-countries 8. Technology disruption: https://youtu.be/pk9RVBwiFbM Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and present examples of time banking in your local community. (in your town, city, country, or anywhere else in the world...). Do you know other examples of cooperation or partnership systems, organizations, or networks? Each person should share with the group at least 1 example. Have you ever taken part in any of those? Would you consider joining any? Goals: To share examples of cooperation, networking, and organizations within the group. Tips: The examples shared may be related to your professional activity, your personal interests, or anything else that might interest the other group members. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Think of one inspiring circular social organization. Briefly research (on their website, social media, articles...) about their office, their practices, the messages they sent, and other relevant aspects... Sketch the case studies down and share them with the group. Goals: To share inspiration from good examples and business role models. Tips: Instead of organizations, you can also think of people, stories, or anything else! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the following statements, identify which ones are myths and which ones are realities: a) Heating plastic in the microwave can cause chemicals to leach into food. b) In 2022, humanity has used by July 28 all the biological resources that the Earth regenerates during the entire year. c) Transportation is the major source of greenhouse gas emissions. d) More than a third of the world’s land surface and nearly 75% of freshwater resources are now devoted to crop or livestock production. e) Around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction. f) ECO clothing lines in fast fashion brands neutralize their impact on the environment. g) Urban areas have more than doubled since 1992. h) Recycling is the most effective action toward sustainability. Goals: To learn more about the planet, resources, sustainability, and ecology, find out which of the statements are true and which are not. Tips: Go through all the statements, each group member identifies with an M (myth) or with an R (reality) each one. In the end, check the solutions to see who has more right answers. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should make a drawing of a staircase. Considering the needs identified in the previous activity, the group should, together, reflect about what are the mentees' goals for the mentoring process. Do all the mentees have the same goal or are there multiple goals? After identifying one or more goals, they should write them down or draw them on top of the 'stairs'. Then, think of, discuss, and register the steps they should take in order to achieve their goals, and write them down along the staircase. Goals: To identify the goals for the mentoring process, which should be aligned with the general goal of the capacitating program: 'going circular' - transitioning into more circular pathways. Tips: The mentoring goals should be realistic and appropriate for the mentoring timeframe - if the goal does not fit within this timeframe, the group should define which one of the steps represents the mentoring goal; the goals of one member do not necessarily need to be the goals of the others - everyone should be listened to. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

For each one of the images, the group should, together, brainstorm ideas on what to do to reduce the waste to zero! Goals: To foster creativity and ideation and to come up with the maximum number of ideas for zero waste solutions. Tips: There are no wrong ideas! To boost the speed factor, you can use an hourglass of about 3 min per image. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should openly discuss: what has motivated them to 'go circular' in their professional life. Each member should tell their stories, identifying the key aspects that have marked their circularity journey and, today, who keeps inspiring them. It can be people, organizations, movements, ... The group should post on the platform the results of the activity in any form (text, video recording, links, etc.). Goals: To get to know more about each other; to increase motivation; to share information, resources, and inspiring stories about the circular and social economy; to stimulate curiosity. Tips: Group members should encourage each other to share their stories; the ones who listen should register the answers of those who are sharing. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!


Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!

From left to right, up to down: 1- Reduce; 2- Rot; 3- Rethink; 4- Reuse; 5- Refuse; 6- Repurpose; 7- Waste; 8- Repair; 9- Upcycle. * *This is a suggestion! Different minds can make different associations... ;)

1. - b) - The first principle of the Circular Economy is to change our mindset and refuse the consumption of non-necessary things. 2. - a) - Heating the house without insulating the windows and doors will let the heat leave. 3. - b) - Many products can be used several times before their life ends. 4. - b) - Public transportation is less polluting than electric cars. https://earth.org/save-the-world-with-public-transportation-and-not-electric-cars/ 5. - a) - "The use of animals for meat causes twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods." - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/13/meat-greenhouses-gases-food-production-study

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Time banking is a time-based currency: you provide 1 hour of any service to someone else and receive 1 time-credit for it. - learn more about the basics and philosophy of time banking, and about how it can help your community, here: https://timebanks.org/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Now that you arrived at the end of the road, what are the key learnings you bring with you? Your answers should be provided in the form of a colorful ideation map, done by the whole group together, with notes, drawings, tips, sentences, inspirations, or any other thing you might want to add. Goals: To sum up the learning path in a co-creation activity; to recall the learnings that marked the most each one; to make a visual tool for sharing with others. Tips: Go back to the previous activities and check out what you want to highlight from each. Think about if you were to mentor someone else on their 'going green' journey, from now on, what suggestions would you give? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the 10 statements above, the participants who answer YES more times win: 1. I always carry my reusable water bottle. 2. I buy clothes from second-hand shops that will last as long as possible. 3. I walk or take public transportation for work. 4. I prefer to buy local food. 5. I don't (or rarely) eat meat. 6. I compost the organic waste at home. 7. I am involved in my local community 8. I always recycle at home and in the workplace. 9. I try to repair any home appliance that is broken, before deciding to recycle it. 10. I turn off the water while shampooing. Goals: To see who has the most ecological lifestyle; to raise awareness of the little actions one can take. Tips: Each person can add some more statements according to what they do to be sustainable, to check if the others do the same! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, build a green network map with local actors (organizations, businesses, associations, cooperatives, etc.) that could be beneficial for you, or whom you could benefit (clients, beneficiaries). Goals: To build a network map of many diverse organizations/people/entities which are engaged with the social circular economy; to discover what each one has to offer and what others may offer to each one. Tips: The organizations/people/entities may be your partners, potential partners, or others whose connection with you/your business is not that evident but, since they are aligned with your vision of ecological and social sustainability, represent a synergy for you. Think of how the group members can create synergies with each other! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Find the words in the soup and click on the links on each word (on the solutions) to find out more about each! Cheetah Ganges Cairo Vietnam Palm Methane Airplanes Upcycling Consumerism Composting Goals: To find all the words in the words soup; to learn more about why each word is related to the Planet's sustainability. Tips: First, try to find all the words. Check out who has found more words, and then explore together each link. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Match each image to each one of the 8Rs principles. The 8 Rs: - Refuse - Rethink - Reduce - Reuse - Repair - Repurpose - Recycle / upcycle - Rot - Waste Goals: To identify which R each image represents; to explore the 8 Rs principles. Tips: Set 5 minutes for each group member to make the matching. Then, compare the results within the group. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person picks one scenario and should come up with related ecological business ideas. Write them down and use drawings to present to the group. What if... ...we couldn't use electricity? ...we could only buy second-hand raw materials? ...we had to involve multigenerational volunteers? ...we lived in a society that buys only the bare necessities? Goals: To foster the ideation process and to come up with creative business ideas; to adapt the mindset to include ecological and social sustainability in business models. Tips: Use your creativity; utopic scenarios count, and the more ideas, the better. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Altogether, make a drawing of your dream circular office/workplace on a big paper sheet. What does it look like? How do people get there? How is lunchtime? How do you communicate, and organize, ...? What are the main values and principles? Goals: To make a wide and fun drawing of a circular office; to inspire each other, to foster cooperation and team building. Tips: Use collors! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Now that you've learned about time banking... If you belonged to a time bank community, what would you offer, and what would you search for? 1. Each group member should write down 3 things they could offer in exchange for 1 time credit each, and 3 things they would acquire for 1 time credit each. (1 time credit = 1h). 2. Each participant should look at the other members' responses and, together, come up with an exchange plan. Each person should acquire 1 thing from someone else, and provide 1 thing for someone else. 3. Actually put it in practice! Goals: To define an exchange plan where everyone gives 1h of their time (=1 time credit) to provide a product/service for someone else, and where each one acquires a 1h service/product from someone else, for 1 time credit; to understand how you could put in practice this concept. Tips: To facilitate the exchange, each person starts the activity with 1 time bank credit, so they can buy before they sell. If no one seems interested in the first 3 things on your list, check their needs and communicate to see if there's something else you could offer! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person should make a drawing of how they get involved in their communities, and briefly present it to the group. Then, openly discuss how each one would like to be even more involved. Goals: To promote the discussion on how to connect with the local communities; to understand that the path of getting involved and 'going green' should be an ongoing journey and that there's always room for improvement. Tips: Challenge each other, think about your day-to-day life in your neighbourhood Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Debate in an open discussion: is it better to buy in fast fashion, or in thrift shops? What are the pros and cons of each? Does fast fashion equal unsustainability? Does second-hand fashion equal sustainability? Goals: To debate topics such as overconsumption, throwaway culture, long-lasting clothes, greenwashing, ethical production, the effect of sales, etc.; to raise awareness of ethical consumerism. Tips: Question: is it better to have 1 t-shirt from fast fashion, and use it for 10 years; or to have 10 t-shirts from a thrift shop, and use them for 1 year? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Build a 3-column table and, together, write down: 1- All your motivations for 'going green'. 2- Your goals in order to 'go green'. 3- Concrete actions, and small steps, you want to commit to, towards your goals. Goals: To start planning future actions in order to keep walking the path of 'going green'; to understand that this process is continuous and that there's always space for improvement. To facilitate the ongoing connection between all members. Tips: Everyone should contribute, even if the motivations and goals are not shared among all. The actions you commit to taking can be individual or group-wise. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, discuss what are each one's expectations, fears, and needs, for the mentoring process and for the journey of 'going circular'. Everyone has 5 minutes to come up with as many points as they feel. During the next 15 minutes, the group can openly discuss the pointed aspects. Goals: To approach the expectations and limitations of each person in the group; to understand what each one needs for the process to run well; to foster empathy, active listening, open communication, and group cohesion. Tips: Everyone should contribute; be as open as possible regarding if you think you can meet others' expectations; be tolerant regarding the other members' competencies. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Divide the group into 2 - each side will defend one perspective. One side defends the importance of responsible consumers for saving the planet, while the other side defends the importance of responsible corporations for saving the planet. For 8 minutes, the two sides debate with arguments for their side. When time's up, the two sides change perspectives and debate the importance of the side they were against before, for 6 minutes. Goals: To understand the importance of both the consumers' responsibility and the corporation's responsibility in sustainable action; to foster dialogue, tolerance, adaptability, relativity, and balance. Tips: Make sure everyone has their voice heard. Regardless of your personal position, try to be open-minded and think from the outside. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each participant must have an idea of a challenge of ecological action or shift, write it down, and pass it to the person sitting on their right side. One week after, you must check with the others whether they have accomplished the challenge. Goals: To challenge another team member to make a 1-week ecological action or shift; to raise awareness on the small steps one can take in the circularity journey. Tips: Each person must have a different challenge! If you too also join and accomplish the challenge you had passed (in addition to the one you received) you gain extra points! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Imagine you and your team own a small local grocery shop that sells food, cosmetics, and household products. You are currently learning how important it is for the planet’s sustainability to reduce waste, find ecological, non-polluting alternatives and fight over-consumption. Nevertheless, without selling, your shop would not survive. You are facing the dilemma between ecological sustainability and financial health. What would you do? Discuss the theme with your team and find 5 goals that will help you balance and promote responsible and ethical consumerism while ensuring you get enough income. Goals: To debate the meaning and parameters of responsible consumerism, and discuss concrete actions one can take to promote ecological responsibility. Tips: Here we propose some topics for the goals you can set: discounts and promotions; energy saving; community; non-essential products; packaging; expiration dates; ecological footprint; waste. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Have you heard of the concept of "time bank"? If yes, share with the group what you know about it. If not, check the solutions before moving on. Now, look at these words: "Currency" "Value" "Money" "Working time" 1. What do they mean for you? 2. How does time banking challenge the meanings of these words? Goals: To challenge the concepts of "value", "currency", "time", "community", "economy"... Tips: Think about these concepts in the past; each person should be listened to with a non-judgment attitude. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Choose the most sustainable alternative for each situation: 1. Your favorite drink is usually served with a straw. What do you do? a) I ask the barman if they have cardboard straws. b) I ask the barman to please serve it without straws. 2. What option do you choose to ensure good energetic efficiency? a) The town I live in is not extremely cold, so I start by insulating windows and doors and see if still I need to heat the house afterward. b) There is wind entering inside, I choose a wooden fireplace over oil heaters. 3. You have clothes you no longer use. Who do you give them to? a) recycling companies that transform old tissues into new fibers to produce new clothes. b) To someone who needs them. 4. You are on vacation abroad. How do you move around? a) I rent a car, but an electric one. b) I use public transportation. 5. You have to choose what to cook for dinner. What do you choose? a) Beans "burger". b) Cow meat burger. Goals: To debate, within the group, which option represents the most ecological alternative, and why; to start approaching the 8 Rs principles. Tips: More than finding the correct answer, it is important to discuss the reasons behind each alternative being more or less sustainable. Take the opportunity to investigate more about each subject. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and post if there are any public policies or other kinds of movements (for example from associations or companies), nationally or internationally, regarding: 1. plastic disposable objects 2. fast fashion 3. ecological transportation incentives 4. local production, consumption 5. vegetarianism, veganism, or sustainable meat production 6. composting 7. community building 8. recycling 9. recycling, upcycling, repurposing, or remanufacturing electronic devices 10. water saving Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Goals: To explore what exists in society to foster ethical behavior and social responsibility. Tips: Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Check out these links about how to help, cooperate, and network: https://www.ted.com/talks/peter_singer_the_why_and_how_of_effective_altruism https://www.theschooloflife.com/article/in-praise-of-networking/ https://www.ted.com/talks/wendy_woods_collective_cooperation_in_the_social_sector Goals: To gain new insights about the theme of synergies, to gain inspiration, and foster curiosity. Tips: Read/watch the provided resources together and discuss them afterward. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, investigate and share: what resources are out there that can make you learn more about the social circular economy, sustainable development, and other related topics? Goals: To stimulate lifelong learning, research, and improvement. Tips: Some interesting sources for you to explore: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ideas/playlists/sustainable-thinking http://www.gogreen.org/ https://edition.cnn.com/specials/world/goinggreen Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

While new and emerging technologies can be an opportunity for innovation and development, they can also represent risks for developing countries. Open the discussion: what are, in your opinion, the biggest opportunities and challenges of frontier technologies? Goals: To learn more about frontier technologies and what they represent for the development. Tips: Check out the links to learn more: 1. What are disruptive technologies?: https://youtu.be/S86mAHwiij4 2. Frontier Technologies For Sustainable Development: https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/world-economic-and-social-survey-2018-frontier-technologies-for-sustainable-development/ 3. Frontier technologies for a sustainable future: https://youtu.be/NzFTbhmiMyk 4. "Youth discuss the pros and cons of frontier technologies": https://youtu.be/5-tGcUF2tG0 5. Innovation with equity: https://youtu.be/8DF5v895J50 6. Top 10 frontier technologies for climate action: https://www.frontiertech4climate.org/ 7. The impact of frontier technologies on inequalities across countries: https://iap.unido.org/articles/impact-frontier-technologies-inequalities-across-countries 8. Technology disruption: https://youtu.be/pk9RVBwiFbM Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and present examples of time banking in your local community. (in your town, city, country, or anywhere else in the world...). Do you know other examples of cooperation or partnership systems, organizations, or networks? Each person should share with the group at least 1 example. Have you ever taken part in any of those? Would you consider joining any? Goals: To share examples of cooperation, networking, and organizations within the group. Tips: The examples shared may be related to your professional activity, your personal interests, or anything else that might interest the other group members. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Think of one inspiring circular social organization. Briefly research (on their website, social media, articles...) about their office, their practices, the messages they sent, and other relevant aspects... Sketch the case studies down and share them with the group. Goals: To share inspiration from good examples and business role models. Tips: Instead of organizations, you can also think of people, stories, or anything else! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the following statements, identify which ones are myths and which ones are realities: a) Heating plastic in the microwave can cause chemicals to leach into food. b) In 2022, humanity has used by July 28 all the biological resources that the Earth regenerates during the entire year. c) Transportation is the major source of greenhouse gas emissions. d) More than a third of the world’s land surface and nearly 75% of freshwater resources are now devoted to crop or livestock production. e) Around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction. f) ECO clothing lines in fast fashion brands neutralize their impact on the environment. g) Urban areas have more than doubled since 1992. h) Recycling is the most effective action toward sustainability. Goals: To learn more about the planet, resources, sustainability, and ecology, find out which of the statements are true and which are not. Tips: Go through all the statements, each group member identifies with an M (myth) or with an R (reality) each one. In the end, check the solutions to see who has more right answers. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should make a drawing of a staircase. Considering the needs identified in the previous activity, the group should, together, reflect about what are the mentees' goals for the mentoring process. Do all the mentees have the same goal or are there multiple goals? After identifying one or more goals, they should write them down or draw them on top of the 'stairs'. Then, think of, discuss, and register the steps they should take in order to achieve their goals, and write them down along the staircase. Goals: To identify the goals for the mentoring process, which should be aligned with the general goal of the capacitating program: 'going circular' - transitioning into more circular pathways. Tips: The mentoring goals should be realistic and appropriate for the mentoring timeframe - if the goal does not fit within this timeframe, the group should define which one of the steps represents the mentoring goal; the goals of one member do not necessarily need to be the goals of the others - everyone should be listened to. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

For each one of the images, the group should, together, brainstorm ideas on what to do to reduce the waste to zero! Goals: To foster creativity and ideation and to come up with the maximum number of ideas for zero waste solutions. Tips: There are no wrong ideas! To boost the speed factor, you can use an hourglass of about 3 min per image. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should openly discuss: what has motivated them to 'go circular' in their professional life. Each member should tell their stories, identifying the key aspects that have marked their circularity journey and, today, who keeps inspiring them. It can be people, organizations, movements, ... The group should post on the platform the results of the activity in any form (text, video recording, links, etc.). Goals: To get to know more about each other; to increase motivation; to share information, resources, and inspiring stories about the circular and social economy; to stimulate curiosity. Tips: Group members should encourage each other to share their stories; the ones who listen should register the answers of those who are sharing. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!


Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!

From left to right, up to down: 1- Reduce; 2- Rot; 3- Rethink; 4- Reuse; 5- Refuse; 6- Repurpose; 7- Waste; 8- Repair; 9- Upcycle. * *This is a suggestion! Different minds can make different associations... ;)

1. - b) - The first principle of the Circular Economy is to change our mindset and refuse the consumption of non-necessary things. 2. - a) - Heating the house without insulating the windows and doors will let the heat leave. 3. - b) - Many products can be used several times before their life ends. 4. - b) - Public transportation is less polluting than electric cars. https://earth.org/save-the-world-with-public-transportation-and-not-electric-cars/ 5. - a) - "The use of animals for meat causes twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods." - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/13/meat-greenhouses-gases-food-production-study

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Time banking is a time-based currency: you provide 1 hour of any service to someone else and receive 1 time-credit for it. - learn more about the basics and philosophy of time banking, and about how it can help your community, here: https://timebanks.org/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Now that you arrived at the end of the road, what are the key learnings you bring with you? Your answers should be provided in the form of a colorful ideation map, done by the whole group together, with notes, drawings, tips, sentences, inspirations, or any other thing you might want to add. Goals: To sum up the learning path in a co-creation activity; to recall the learnings that marked the most each one; to make a visual tool for sharing with others. Tips: Go back to the previous activities and check out what you want to highlight from each. Think about if you were to mentor someone else on their 'going green' journey, from now on, what suggestions would you give? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the 10 statements above, the participants who answer YES more times win: 1. I always carry my reusable water bottle. 2. I buy clothes from second-hand shops that will last as long as possible. 3. I walk or take public transportation for work. 4. I prefer to buy local food. 5. I don't (or rarely) eat meat. 6. I compost the organic waste at home. 7. I am involved in my local community 8. I always recycle at home and in the workplace. 9. I try to repair any home appliance that is broken, before deciding to recycle it. 10. I turn off the water while shampooing. Goals: To see who has the most ecological lifestyle; to raise awareness of the little actions one can take. Tips: Each person can add some more statements according to what they do to be sustainable, to check if the others do the same! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, build a green network map with local actors (organizations, businesses, associations, cooperatives, etc.) that could be beneficial for you, or whom you could benefit (clients, beneficiaries). Goals: To build a network map of many diverse organizations/people/entities which are engaged with the social circular economy; to discover what each one has to offer and what others may offer to each one. Tips: The organizations/people/entities may be your partners, potential partners, or others whose connection with you/your business is not that evident but, since they are aligned with your vision of ecological and social sustainability, represent a synergy for you. Think of how the group members can create synergies with each other! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Find the words in the soup and click on the links on each word (on the solutions) to find out more about each! Cheetah Ganges Cairo Vietnam Palm Methane Airplanes Upcycling Consumerism Composting Goals: To find all the words in the words soup; to learn more about why each word is related to the Planet's sustainability. Tips: First, try to find all the words. Check out who has found more words, and then explore together each link. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Match each image to each one of the 8Rs principles. The 8 Rs: - Refuse - Rethink - Reduce - Reuse - Repair - Repurpose - Recycle / upcycle - Rot - Waste Goals: To identify which R each image represents; to explore the 8 Rs principles. Tips: Set 5 minutes for each group member to make the matching. Then, compare the results within the group. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person picks one scenario and should come up with related ecological business ideas. Write them down and use drawings to present to the group. What if... ...we couldn't use electricity? ...we could only buy second-hand raw materials? ...we had to involve multigenerational volunteers? ...we lived in a society that buys only the bare necessities? Goals: To foster the ideation process and to come up with creative business ideas; to adapt the mindset to include ecological and social sustainability in business models. Tips: Use your creativity; utopic scenarios count, and the more ideas, the better. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Altogether, make a drawing of your dream circular office/workplace on a big paper sheet. What does it look like? How do people get there? How is lunchtime? How do you communicate, and organize, ...? What are the main values and principles? Goals: To make a wide and fun drawing of a circular office; to inspire each other, to foster cooperation and team building. Tips: Use collors! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Now that you've learned about time banking... If you belonged to a time bank community, what would you offer, and what would you search for? 1. Each group member should write down 3 things they could offer in exchange for 1 time credit each, and 3 things they would acquire for 1 time credit each. (1 time credit = 1h). 2. Each participant should look at the other members' responses and, together, come up with an exchange plan. Each person should acquire 1 thing from someone else, and provide 1 thing for someone else. 3. Actually put it in practice! Goals: To define an exchange plan where everyone gives 1h of their time (=1 time credit) to provide a product/service for someone else, and where each one acquires a 1h service/product from someone else, for 1 time credit; to understand how you could put in practice this concept. Tips: To facilitate the exchange, each person starts the activity with 1 time bank credit, so they can buy before they sell. If no one seems interested in the first 3 things on your list, check their needs and communicate to see if there's something else you could offer! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person should make a drawing of how they get involved in their communities, and briefly present it to the group. Then, openly discuss how each one would like to be even more involved. Goals: To promote the discussion on how to connect with the local communities; to understand that the path of getting involved and 'going green' should be an ongoing journey and that there's always room for improvement. Tips: Challenge each other, think about your day-to-day life in your neighbourhood Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Debate in an open discussion: is it better to buy in fast fashion, or in thrift shops? What are the pros and cons of each? Does fast fashion equal unsustainability? Does second-hand fashion equal sustainability? Goals: To debate topics such as overconsumption, throwaway culture, long-lasting clothes, greenwashing, ethical production, the effect of sales, etc.; to raise awareness of ethical consumerism. Tips: Question: is it better to have 1 t-shirt from fast fashion, and use it for 10 years; or to have 10 t-shirts from a thrift shop, and use them for 1 year? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Build a 3-column table and, together, write down: 1- All your motivations for 'going green'. 2- Your goals in order to 'go green'. 3- Concrete actions, and small steps, you want to commit to, towards your goals. Goals: To start planning future actions in order to keep walking the path of 'going green'; to understand that this process is continuous and that there's always space for improvement. To facilitate the ongoing connection between all members. Tips: Everyone should contribute, even if the motivations and goals are not shared among all. The actions you commit to taking can be individual or group-wise. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, discuss what are each one's expectations, fears, and needs, for the mentoring process and for the journey of 'going circular'. Everyone has 5 minutes to come up with as many points as they feel. During the next 15 minutes, the group can openly discuss the pointed aspects. Goals: To approach the expectations and limitations of each person in the group; to understand what each one needs for the process to run well; to foster empathy, active listening, open communication, and group cohesion. Tips: Everyone should contribute; be as open as possible regarding if you think you can meet others' expectations; be tolerant regarding the other members' competencies. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Divide the group into 2 - each side will defend one perspective. One side defends the importance of responsible consumers for saving the planet, while the other side defends the importance of responsible corporations for saving the planet. For 8 minutes, the two sides debate with arguments for their side. When time's up, the two sides change perspectives and debate the importance of the side they were against before, for 6 minutes. Goals: To understand the importance of both the consumers' responsibility and the corporation's responsibility in sustainable action; to foster dialogue, tolerance, adaptability, relativity, and balance. Tips: Make sure everyone has their voice heard. Regardless of your personal position, try to be open-minded and think from the outside. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each participant must have an idea of a challenge of ecological action or shift, write it down, and pass it to the person sitting on their right side. One week after, you must check with the others whether they have accomplished the challenge. Goals: To challenge another team member to make a 1-week ecological action or shift; to raise awareness on the small steps one can take in the circularity journey. Tips: Each person must have a different challenge! If you too also join and accomplish the challenge you had passed (in addition to the one you received) you gain extra points! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Imagine you and your team own a small local grocery shop that sells food, cosmetics, and household products. You are currently learning how important it is for the planet’s sustainability to reduce waste, find ecological, non-polluting alternatives and fight over-consumption. Nevertheless, without selling, your shop would not survive. You are facing the dilemma between ecological sustainability and financial health. What would you do? Discuss the theme with your team and find 5 goals that will help you balance and promote responsible and ethical consumerism while ensuring you get enough income. Goals: To debate the meaning and parameters of responsible consumerism, and discuss concrete actions one can take to promote ecological responsibility. Tips: Here we propose some topics for the goals you can set: discounts and promotions; energy saving; community; non-essential products; packaging; expiration dates; ecological footprint; waste. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Have you heard of the concept of "time bank"? If yes, share with the group what you know about it. If not, check the solutions before moving on. Now, look at these words: "Currency" "Value" "Money" "Working time" 1. What do they mean for you? 2. How does time banking challenge the meanings of these words? Goals: To challenge the concepts of "value", "currency", "time", "community", "economy"... Tips: Think about these concepts in the past; each person should be listened to with a non-judgment attitude. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Choose the most sustainable alternative for each situation: 1. Your favorite drink is usually served with a straw. What do you do? a) I ask the barman if they have cardboard straws. b) I ask the barman to please serve it without straws. 2. What option do you choose to ensure good energetic efficiency? a) The town I live in is not extremely cold, so I start by insulating windows and doors and see if still I need to heat the house afterward. b) There is wind entering inside, I choose a wooden fireplace over oil heaters. 3. You have clothes you no longer use. Who do you give them to? a) recycling companies that transform old tissues into new fibers to produce new clothes. b) To someone who needs them. 4. You are on vacation abroad. How do you move around? a) I rent a car, but an electric one. b) I use public transportation. 5. You have to choose what to cook for dinner. What do you choose? a) Beans "burger". b) Cow meat burger. Goals: To debate, within the group, which option represents the most ecological alternative, and why; to start approaching the 8 Rs principles. Tips: More than finding the correct answer, it is important to discuss the reasons behind each alternative being more or less sustainable. Take the opportunity to investigate more about each subject. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and post if there are any public policies or other kinds of movements (for example from associations or companies), nationally or internationally, regarding: 1. plastic disposable objects 2. fast fashion 3. ecological transportation incentives 4. local production, consumption 5. vegetarianism, veganism, or sustainable meat production 6. composting 7. community building 8. recycling 9. recycling, upcycling, repurposing, or remanufacturing electronic devices 10. water saving Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Goals: To explore what exists in society to foster ethical behavior and social responsibility. Tips: Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Check out these links about how to help, cooperate, and network: https://www.ted.com/talks/peter_singer_the_why_and_how_of_effective_altruism https://www.theschooloflife.com/article/in-praise-of-networking/ https://www.ted.com/talks/wendy_woods_collective_cooperation_in_the_social_sector Goals: To gain new insights about the theme of synergies, to gain inspiration, and foster curiosity. Tips: Read/watch the provided resources together and discuss them afterward. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, investigate and share: what resources are out there that can make you learn more about the social circular economy, sustainable development, and other related topics? Goals: To stimulate lifelong learning, research, and improvement. Tips: Some interesting sources for you to explore: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ideas/playlists/sustainable-thinking http://www.gogreen.org/ https://edition.cnn.com/specials/world/goinggreen Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

While new and emerging technologies can be an opportunity for innovation and development, they can also represent risks for developing countries. Open the discussion: what are, in your opinion, the biggest opportunities and challenges of frontier technologies? Goals: To learn more about frontier technologies and what they represent for the development. Tips: Check out the links to learn more: 1. What are disruptive technologies?: https://youtu.be/S86mAHwiij4 2. Frontier Technologies For Sustainable Development: https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/world-economic-and-social-survey-2018-frontier-technologies-for-sustainable-development/ 3. Frontier technologies for a sustainable future: https://youtu.be/NzFTbhmiMyk 4. "Youth discuss the pros and cons of frontier technologies": https://youtu.be/5-tGcUF2tG0 5. Innovation with equity: https://youtu.be/8DF5v895J50 6. Top 10 frontier technologies for climate action: https://www.frontiertech4climate.org/ 7. The impact of frontier technologies on inequalities across countries: https://iap.unido.org/articles/impact-frontier-technologies-inequalities-across-countries 8. Technology disruption: https://youtu.be/pk9RVBwiFbM Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and present examples of time banking in your local community. (in your town, city, country, or anywhere else in the world...). Do you know other examples of cooperation or partnership systems, organizations, or networks? Each person should share with the group at least 1 example. Have you ever taken part in any of those? Would you consider joining any? Goals: To share examples of cooperation, networking, and organizations within the group. Tips: The examples shared may be related to your professional activity, your personal interests, or anything else that might interest the other group members. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Think of one inspiring circular social organization. Briefly research (on their website, social media, articles...) about their office, their practices, the messages they sent, and other relevant aspects... Sketch the case studies down and share them with the group. Goals: To share inspiration from good examples and business role models. Tips: Instead of organizations, you can also think of people, stories, or anything else! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the following statements, identify which ones are myths and which ones are realities: a) Heating plastic in the microwave can cause chemicals to leach into food. b) In 2022, humanity has used by July 28 all the biological resources that the Earth regenerates during the entire year. c) Transportation is the major source of greenhouse gas emissions. d) More than a third of the world’s land surface and nearly 75% of freshwater resources are now devoted to crop or livestock production. e) Around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction. f) ECO clothing lines in fast fashion brands neutralize their impact on the environment. g) Urban areas have more than doubled since 1992. h) Recycling is the most effective action toward sustainability. Goals: To learn more about the planet, resources, sustainability, and ecology, find out which of the statements are true and which are not. Tips: Go through all the statements, each group member identifies with an M (myth) or with an R (reality) each one. In the end, check the solutions to see who has more right answers. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should make a drawing of a staircase. Considering the needs identified in the previous activity, the group should, together, reflect about what are the mentees' goals for the mentoring process. Do all the mentees have the same goal or are there multiple goals? After identifying one or more goals, they should write them down or draw them on top of the 'stairs'. Then, think of, discuss, and register the steps they should take in order to achieve their goals, and write them down along the staircase. Goals: To identify the goals for the mentoring process, which should be aligned with the general goal of the capacitating program: 'going circular' - transitioning into more circular pathways. Tips: The mentoring goals should be realistic and appropriate for the mentoring timeframe - if the goal does not fit within this timeframe, the group should define which one of the steps represents the mentoring goal; the goals of one member do not necessarily need to be the goals of the others - everyone should be listened to. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

For each one of the images, the group should, together, brainstorm ideas on what to do to reduce the waste to zero! Goals: To foster creativity and ideation and to come up with the maximum number of ideas for zero waste solutions. Tips: There are no wrong ideas! To boost the speed factor, you can use an hourglass of about 3 min per image. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should openly discuss: what has motivated them to 'go circular' in their professional life. Each member should tell their stories, identifying the key aspects that have marked their circularity journey and, today, who keeps inspiring them. It can be people, organizations, movements, ... The group should post on the platform the results of the activity in any form (text, video recording, links, etc.). Goals: To get to know more about each other; to increase motivation; to share information, resources, and inspiring stories about the circular and social economy; to stimulate curiosity. Tips: Group members should encourage each other to share their stories; the ones who listen should register the answers of those who are sharing. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!


Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!

From left to right, up to down: 1- Reduce; 2- Rot; 3- Rethink; 4- Reuse; 5- Refuse; 6- Repurpose; 7- Waste; 8- Repair; 9- Upcycle. * *This is a suggestion! Different minds can make different associations... ;)

1. - b) - The first principle of the Circular Economy is to change our mindset and refuse the consumption of non-necessary things. 2. - a) - Heating the house without insulating the windows and doors will let the heat leave. 3. - b) - Many products can be used several times before their life ends. 4. - b) - Public transportation is less polluting than electric cars. https://earth.org/save-the-world-with-public-transportation-and-not-electric-cars/ 5. - a) - "The use of animals for meat causes twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods." - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/13/meat-greenhouses-gases-food-production-study

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Time banking is a time-based currency: you provide 1 hour of any service to someone else and receive 1 time-credit for it. - learn more about the basics and philosophy of time banking, and about how it can help your community, here: https://timebanks.org/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Now that you arrived at the end of the road, what are the key learnings you bring with you? Your answers should be provided in the form of a colorful ideation map, done by the whole group together, with notes, drawings, tips, sentences, inspirations, or any other thing you might want to add. Goals: To sum up the learning path in a co-creation activity; to recall the learnings that marked the most each one; to make a visual tool for sharing with others. Tips: Go back to the previous activities and check out what you want to highlight from each. Think about if you were to mentor someone else on their 'going green' journey, from now on, what suggestions would you give? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the 10 statements above, the participants who answer YES more times win: 1. I always carry my reusable water bottle. 2. I buy clothes from second-hand shops that will last as long as possible. 3. I walk or take public transportation for work. 4. I prefer to buy local food. 5. I don't (or rarely) eat meat. 6. I compost the organic waste at home. 7. I am involved in my local community 8. I always recycle at home and in the workplace. 9. I try to repair any home appliance that is broken, before deciding to recycle it. 10. I turn off the water while shampooing. Goals: To see who has the most ecological lifestyle; to raise awareness of the little actions one can take. Tips: Each person can add some more statements according to what they do to be sustainable, to check if the others do the same! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, build a green network map with local actors (organizations, businesses, associations, cooperatives, etc.) that could be beneficial for you, or whom you could benefit (clients, beneficiaries). Goals: To build a network map of many diverse organizations/people/entities which are engaged with the social circular economy; to discover what each one has to offer and what others may offer to each one. Tips: The organizations/people/entities may be your partners, potential partners, or others whose connection with you/your business is not that evident but, since they are aligned with your vision of ecological and social sustainability, represent a synergy for you. Think of how the group members can create synergies with each other! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Find the words in the soup and click on the links on each word (on the solutions) to find out more about each! Cheetah Ganges Cairo Vietnam Palm Methane Airplanes Upcycling Consumerism Composting Goals: To find all the words in the words soup; to learn more about why each word is related to the Planet's sustainability. Tips: First, try to find all the words. Check out who has found more words, and then explore together each link. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Match each image to each one of the 8Rs principles. The 8 Rs: - Refuse - Rethink - Reduce - Reuse - Repair - Repurpose - Recycle / upcycle - Rot - Waste Goals: To identify which R each image represents; to explore the 8 Rs principles. Tips: Set 5 minutes for each group member to make the matching. Then, compare the results within the group. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person picks one scenario and should come up with related ecological business ideas. Write them down and use drawings to present to the group. What if... ...we couldn't use electricity? ...we could only buy second-hand raw materials? ...we had to involve multigenerational volunteers? ...we lived in a society that buys only the bare necessities? Goals: To foster the ideation process and to come up with creative business ideas; to adapt the mindset to include ecological and social sustainability in business models. Tips: Use your creativity; utopic scenarios count, and the more ideas, the better. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Altogether, make a drawing of your dream circular office/workplace on a big paper sheet. What does it look like? How do people get there? How is lunchtime? How do you communicate, and organize, ...? What are the main values and principles? Goals: To make a wide and fun drawing of a circular office; to inspire each other, to foster cooperation and team building. Tips: Use collors! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Now that you've learned about time banking... If you belonged to a time bank community, what would you offer, and what would you search for? 1. Each group member should write down 3 things they could offer in exchange for 1 time credit each, and 3 things they would acquire for 1 time credit each. (1 time credit = 1h). 2. Each participant should look at the other members' responses and, together, come up with an exchange plan. Each person should acquire 1 thing from someone else, and provide 1 thing for someone else. 3. Actually put it in practice! Goals: To define an exchange plan where everyone gives 1h of their time (=1 time credit) to provide a product/service for someone else, and where each one acquires a 1h service/product from someone else, for 1 time credit; to understand how you could put in practice this concept. Tips: To facilitate the exchange, each person starts the activity with 1 time bank credit, so they can buy before they sell. If no one seems interested in the first 3 things on your list, check their needs and communicate to see if there's something else you could offer! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person should make a drawing of how they get involved in their communities, and briefly present it to the group. Then, openly discuss how each one would like to be even more involved. Goals: To promote the discussion on how to connect with the local communities; to understand that the path of getting involved and 'going green' should be an ongoing journey and that there's always room for improvement. Tips: Challenge each other, think about your day-to-day life in your neighbourhood Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Debate in an open discussion: is it better to buy in fast fashion, or in thrift shops? What are the pros and cons of each? Does fast fashion equal unsustainability? Does second-hand fashion equal sustainability? Goals: To debate topics such as overconsumption, throwaway culture, long-lasting clothes, greenwashing, ethical production, the effect of sales, etc.; to raise awareness of ethical consumerism. Tips: Question: is it better to have 1 t-shirt from fast fashion, and use it for 10 years; or to have 10 t-shirts from a thrift shop, and use them for 1 year? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Build a 3-column table and, together, write down: 1- All your motivations for 'going green'. 2- Your goals in order to 'go green'. 3- Concrete actions, and small steps, you want to commit to, towards your goals. Goals: To start planning future actions in order to keep walking the path of 'going green'; to understand that this process is continuous and that there's always space for improvement. To facilitate the ongoing connection between all members. Tips: Everyone should contribute, even if the motivations and goals are not shared among all. The actions you commit to taking can be individual or group-wise. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, discuss what are each one's expectations, fears, and needs, for the mentoring process and for the journey of 'going circular'. Everyone has 5 minutes to come up with as many points as they feel. During the next 15 minutes, the group can openly discuss the pointed aspects. Goals: To approach the expectations and limitations of each person in the group; to understand what each one needs for the process to run well; to foster empathy, active listening, open communication, and group cohesion. Tips: Everyone should contribute; be as open as possible regarding if you think you can meet others' expectations; be tolerant regarding the other members' competencies. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Divide the group into 2 - each side will defend one perspective. One side defends the importance of responsible consumers for saving the planet, while the other side defends the importance of responsible corporations for saving the planet. For 8 minutes, the two sides debate with arguments for their side. When time's up, the two sides change perspectives and debate the importance of the side they were against before, for 6 minutes. Goals: To understand the importance of both the consumers' responsibility and the corporation's responsibility in sustainable action; to foster dialogue, tolerance, adaptability, relativity, and balance. Tips: Make sure everyone has their voice heard. Regardless of your personal position, try to be open-minded and think from the outside. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each participant must have an idea of a challenge of ecological action or shift, write it down, and pass it to the person sitting on their right side. One week after, you must check with the others whether they have accomplished the challenge. Goals: To challenge another team member to make a 1-week ecological action or shift; to raise awareness on the small steps one can take in the circularity journey. Tips: Each person must have a different challenge! If you too also join and accomplish the challenge you had passed (in addition to the one you received) you gain extra points! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Imagine you and your team own a small local grocery shop that sells food, cosmetics, and household products. You are currently learning how important it is for the planet’s sustainability to reduce waste, find ecological, non-polluting alternatives and fight over-consumption. Nevertheless, without selling, your shop would not survive. You are facing the dilemma between ecological sustainability and financial health. What would you do? Discuss the theme with your team and find 5 goals that will help you balance and promote responsible and ethical consumerism while ensuring you get enough income. Goals: To debate the meaning and parameters of responsible consumerism, and discuss concrete actions one can take to promote ecological responsibility. Tips: Here we propose some topics for the goals you can set: discounts and promotions; energy saving; community; non-essential products; packaging; expiration dates; ecological footprint; waste. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Have you heard of the concept of "time bank"? If yes, share with the group what you know about it. If not, check the solutions before moving on. Now, look at these words: "Currency" "Value" "Money" "Working time" 1. What do they mean for you? 2. How does time banking challenge the meanings of these words? Goals: To challenge the concepts of "value", "currency", "time", "community", "economy"... Tips: Think about these concepts in the past; each person should be listened to with a non-judgment attitude. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Choose the most sustainable alternative for each situation: 1. Your favorite drink is usually served with a straw. What do you do? a) I ask the barman if they have cardboard straws. b) I ask the barman to please serve it without straws. 2. What option do you choose to ensure good energetic efficiency? a) The town I live in is not extremely cold, so I start by insulating windows and doors and see if still I need to heat the house afterward. b) There is wind entering inside, I choose a wooden fireplace over oil heaters. 3. You have clothes you no longer use. Who do you give them to? a) recycling companies that transform old tissues into new fibers to produce new clothes. b) To someone who needs them. 4. You are on vacation abroad. How do you move around? a) I rent a car, but an electric one. b) I use public transportation. 5. You have to choose what to cook for dinner. What do you choose? a) Beans "burger". b) Cow meat burger. Goals: To debate, within the group, which option represents the most ecological alternative, and why; to start approaching the 8 Rs principles. Tips: More than finding the correct answer, it is important to discuss the reasons behind each alternative being more or less sustainable. Take the opportunity to investigate more about each subject. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and post if there are any public policies or other kinds of movements (for example from associations or companies), nationally or internationally, regarding: 1. plastic disposable objects 2. fast fashion 3. ecological transportation incentives 4. local production, consumption 5. vegetarianism, veganism, or sustainable meat production 6. composting 7. community building 8. recycling 9. recycling, upcycling, repurposing, or remanufacturing electronic devices 10. water saving Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Goals: To explore what exists in society to foster ethical behavior and social responsibility. Tips: Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Check out these links about how to help, cooperate, and network: https://www.ted.com/talks/peter_singer_the_why_and_how_of_effective_altruism https://www.theschooloflife.com/article/in-praise-of-networking/ https://www.ted.com/talks/wendy_woods_collective_cooperation_in_the_social_sector Goals: To gain new insights about the theme of synergies, to gain inspiration, and foster curiosity. Tips: Read/watch the provided resources together and discuss them afterward. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, investigate and share: what resources are out there that can make you learn more about the social circular economy, sustainable development, and other related topics? Goals: To stimulate lifelong learning, research, and improvement. Tips: Some interesting sources for you to explore: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ideas/playlists/sustainable-thinking http://www.gogreen.org/ https://edition.cnn.com/specials/world/goinggreen Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

While new and emerging technologies can be an opportunity for innovation and development, they can also represent risks for developing countries. Open the discussion: what are, in your opinion, the biggest opportunities and challenges of frontier technologies? Goals: To learn more about frontier technologies and what they represent for the development. Tips: Check out the links to learn more: 1. What are disruptive technologies?: https://youtu.be/S86mAHwiij4 2. Frontier Technologies For Sustainable Development: https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/world-economic-and-social-survey-2018-frontier-technologies-for-sustainable-development/ 3. Frontier technologies for a sustainable future: https://youtu.be/NzFTbhmiMyk 4. "Youth discuss the pros and cons of frontier technologies": https://youtu.be/5-tGcUF2tG0 5. Innovation with equity: https://youtu.be/8DF5v895J50 6. Top 10 frontier technologies for climate action: https://www.frontiertech4climate.org/ 7. The impact of frontier technologies on inequalities across countries: https://iap.unido.org/articles/impact-frontier-technologies-inequalities-across-countries 8. Technology disruption: https://youtu.be/pk9RVBwiFbM Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and present examples of time banking in your local community. (in your town, city, country, or anywhere else in the world...). Do you know other examples of cooperation or partnership systems, organizations, or networks? Each person should share with the group at least 1 example. Have you ever taken part in any of those? Would you consider joining any? Goals: To share examples of cooperation, networking, and organizations within the group. Tips: The examples shared may be related to your professional activity, your personal interests, or anything else that might interest the other group members. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Think of one inspiring circular social organization. Briefly research (on their website, social media, articles...) about their office, their practices, the messages they sent, and other relevant aspects... Sketch the case studies down and share them with the group. Goals: To share inspiration from good examples and business role models. Tips: Instead of organizations, you can also think of people, stories, or anything else! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the following statements, identify which ones are myths and which ones are realities: a) Heating plastic in the microwave can cause chemicals to leach into food. b) In 2022, humanity has used by July 28 all the biological resources that the Earth regenerates during the entire year. c) Transportation is the major source of greenhouse gas emissions. d) More than a third of the world’s land surface and nearly 75% of freshwater resources are now devoted to crop or livestock production. e) Around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction. f) ECO clothing lines in fast fashion brands neutralize their impact on the environment. g) Urban areas have more than doubled since 1992. h) Recycling is the most effective action toward sustainability. Goals: To learn more about the planet, resources, sustainability, and ecology, find out which of the statements are true and which are not. Tips: Go through all the statements, each group member identifies with an M (myth) or with an R (reality) each one. In the end, check the solutions to see who has more right answers. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should make a drawing of a staircase. Considering the needs identified in the previous activity, the group should, together, reflect about what are the mentees' goals for the mentoring process. Do all the mentees have the same goal or are there multiple goals? After identifying one or more goals, they should write them down or draw them on top of the 'stairs'. Then, think of, discuss, and register the steps they should take in order to achieve their goals, and write them down along the staircase. Goals: To identify the goals for the mentoring process, which should be aligned with the general goal of the capacitating program: 'going circular' - transitioning into more circular pathways. Tips: The mentoring goals should be realistic and appropriate for the mentoring timeframe - if the goal does not fit within this timeframe, the group should define which one of the steps represents the mentoring goal; the goals of one member do not necessarily need to be the goals of the others - everyone should be listened to. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

For each one of the images, the group should, together, brainstorm ideas on what to do to reduce the waste to zero! Goals: To foster creativity and ideation and to come up with the maximum number of ideas for zero waste solutions. Tips: There are no wrong ideas! To boost the speed factor, you can use an hourglass of about 3 min per image. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should openly discuss: what has motivated them to 'go circular' in their professional life. Each member should tell their stories, identifying the key aspects that have marked their circularity journey and, today, who keeps inspiring them. It can be people, organizations, movements, ... The group should post on the platform the results of the activity in any form (text, video recording, links, etc.). Goals: To get to know more about each other; to increase motivation; to share information, resources, and inspiring stories about the circular and social economy; to stimulate curiosity. Tips: Group members should encourage each other to share their stories; the ones who listen should register the answers of those who are sharing. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!


Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!

From left to right, up to down: 1- Reduce; 2- Rot; 3- Rethink; 4- Reuse; 5- Refuse; 6- Repurpose; 7- Waste; 8- Repair; 9- Upcycle. * *This is a suggestion! Different minds can make different associations... ;)

1. - b) - The first principle of the Circular Economy is to change our mindset and refuse the consumption of non-necessary things. 2. - a) - Heating the house without insulating the windows and doors will let the heat leave. 3. - b) - Many products can be used several times before their life ends. 4. - b) - Public transportation is less polluting than electric cars. https://earth.org/save-the-world-with-public-transportation-and-not-electric-cars/ 5. - a) - "The use of animals for meat causes twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods." - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/13/meat-greenhouses-gases-food-production-study

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Time banking is a time-based currency: you provide 1 hour of any service to someone else and receive 1 time-credit for it. - learn more about the basics and philosophy of time banking, and about how it can help your community, here: https://timebanks.org/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Now that you arrived at the end of the road, what are the key learnings you bring with you? Your answers should be provided in the form of a colorful ideation map, done by the whole group together, with notes, drawings, tips, sentences, inspirations, or any other thing you might want to add. Goals: To sum up the learning path in a co-creation activity; to recall the learnings that marked the most each one; to make a visual tool for sharing with others. Tips: Go back to the previous activities and check out what you want to highlight from each. Think about if you were to mentor someone else on their 'going green' journey, from now on, what suggestions would you give? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the 10 statements above, the participants who answer YES more times win: 1. I always carry my reusable water bottle. 2. I buy clothes from second-hand shops that will last as long as possible. 3. I walk or take public transportation for work. 4. I prefer to buy local food. 5. I don't (or rarely) eat meat. 6. I compost the organic waste at home. 7. I am involved in my local community 8. I always recycle at home and in the workplace. 9. I try to repair any home appliance that is broken, before deciding to recycle it. 10. I turn off the water while shampooing. Goals: To see who has the most ecological lifestyle; to raise awareness of the little actions one can take. Tips: Each person can add some more statements according to what they do to be sustainable, to check if the others do the same! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, build a green network map with local actors (organizations, businesses, associations, cooperatives, etc.) that could be beneficial for you, or whom you could benefit (clients, beneficiaries). Goals: To build a network map of many diverse organizations/people/entities which are engaged with the social circular economy; to discover what each one has to offer and what others may offer to each one. Tips: The organizations/people/entities may be your partners, potential partners, or others whose connection with you/your business is not that evident but, since they are aligned with your vision of ecological and social sustainability, represent a synergy for you. Think of how the group members can create synergies with each other! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Find the words in the soup and click on the links on each word (on the solutions) to find out more about each! Cheetah Ganges Cairo Vietnam Palm Methane Airplanes Upcycling Consumerism Composting Goals: To find all the words in the words soup; to learn more about why each word is related to the Planet's sustainability. Tips: First, try to find all the words. Check out who has found more words, and then explore together each link. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Match each image to each one of the 8Rs principles. The 8 Rs: - Refuse - Rethink - Reduce - Reuse - Repair - Repurpose - Recycle / upcycle - Rot - Waste Goals: To identify which R each image represents; to explore the 8 Rs principles. Tips: Set 5 minutes for each group member to make the matching. Then, compare the results within the group. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person picks one scenario and should come up with related ecological business ideas. Write them down and use drawings to present to the group. What if... ...we couldn't use electricity? ...we could only buy second-hand raw materials? ...we had to involve multigenerational volunteers? ...we lived in a society that buys only the bare necessities? Goals: To foster the ideation process and to come up with creative business ideas; to adapt the mindset to include ecological and social sustainability in business models. Tips: Use your creativity; utopic scenarios count, and the more ideas, the better. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Altogether, make a drawing of your dream circular office/workplace on a big paper sheet. What does it look like? How do people get there? How is lunchtime? How do you communicate, and organize, ...? What are the main values and principles? Goals: To make a wide and fun drawing of a circular office; to inspire each other, to foster cooperation and team building. Tips: Use collors! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Now that you've learned about time banking... If you belonged to a time bank community, what would you offer, and what would you search for? 1. Each group member should write down 3 things they could offer in exchange for 1 time credit each, and 3 things they would acquire for 1 time credit each. (1 time credit = 1h). 2. Each participant should look at the other members' responses and, together, come up with an exchange plan. Each person should acquire 1 thing from someone else, and provide 1 thing for someone else. 3. Actually put it in practice! Goals: To define an exchange plan where everyone gives 1h of their time (=1 time credit) to provide a product/service for someone else, and where each one acquires a 1h service/product from someone else, for 1 time credit; to understand how you could put in practice this concept. Tips: To facilitate the exchange, each person starts the activity with 1 time bank credit, so they can buy before they sell. If no one seems interested in the first 3 things on your list, check their needs and communicate to see if there's something else you could offer! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person should make a drawing of how they get involved in their communities, and briefly present it to the group. Then, openly discuss how each one would like to be even more involved. Goals: To promote the discussion on how to connect with the local communities; to understand that the path of getting involved and 'going green' should be an ongoing journey and that there's always room for improvement. Tips: Challenge each other, think about your day-to-day life in your neighbourhood Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Debate in an open discussion: is it better to buy in fast fashion, or in thrift shops? What are the pros and cons of each? Does fast fashion equal unsustainability? Does second-hand fashion equal sustainability? Goals: To debate topics such as overconsumption, throwaway culture, long-lasting clothes, greenwashing, ethical production, the effect of sales, etc.; to raise awareness of ethical consumerism. Tips: Question: is it better to have 1 t-shirt from fast fashion, and use it for 10 years; or to have 10 t-shirts from a thrift shop, and use them for 1 year? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Build a 3-column table and, together, write down: 1- All your motivations for 'going green'. 2- Your goals in order to 'go green'. 3- Concrete actions, and small steps, you want to commit to, towards your goals. Goals: To start planning future actions in order to keep walking the path of 'going green'; to understand that this process is continuous and that there's always space for improvement. To facilitate the ongoing connection between all members. Tips: Everyone should contribute, even if the motivations and goals are not shared among all. The actions you commit to taking can be individual or group-wise. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, discuss what are each one's expectations, fears, and needs, for the mentoring process and for the journey of 'going circular'. Everyone has 5 minutes to come up with as many points as they feel. During the next 15 minutes, the group can openly discuss the pointed aspects. Goals: To approach the expectations and limitations of each person in the group; to understand what each one needs for the process to run well; to foster empathy, active listening, open communication, and group cohesion. Tips: Everyone should contribute; be as open as possible regarding if you think you can meet others' expectations; be tolerant regarding the other members' competencies. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Divide the group into 2 - each side will defend one perspective. One side defends the importance of responsible consumers for saving the planet, while the other side defends the importance of responsible corporations for saving the planet. For 8 minutes, the two sides debate with arguments for their side. When time's up, the two sides change perspectives and debate the importance of the side they were against before, for 6 minutes. Goals: To understand the importance of both the consumers' responsibility and the corporation's responsibility in sustainable action; to foster dialogue, tolerance, adaptability, relativity, and balance. Tips: Make sure everyone has their voice heard. Regardless of your personal position, try to be open-minded and think from the outside. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each participant must have an idea of a challenge of ecological action or shift, write it down, and pass it to the person sitting on their right side. One week after, you must check with the others whether they have accomplished the challenge. Goals: To challenge another team member to make a 1-week ecological action or shift; to raise awareness on the small steps one can take in the circularity journey. Tips: Each person must have a different challenge! If you too also join and accomplish the challenge you had passed (in addition to the one you received) you gain extra points! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Imagine you and your team own a small local grocery shop that sells food, cosmetics, and household products. You are currently learning how important it is for the planet’s sustainability to reduce waste, find ecological, non-polluting alternatives and fight over-consumption. Nevertheless, without selling, your shop would not survive. You are facing the dilemma between ecological sustainability and financial health. What would you do? Discuss the theme with your team and find 5 goals that will help you balance and promote responsible and ethical consumerism while ensuring you get enough income. Goals: To debate the meaning and parameters of responsible consumerism, and discuss concrete actions one can take to promote ecological responsibility. Tips: Here we propose some topics for the goals you can set: discounts and promotions; energy saving; community; non-essential products; packaging; expiration dates; ecological footprint; waste. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Have you heard of the concept of "time bank"? If yes, share with the group what you know about it. If not, check the solutions before moving on. Now, look at these words: "Currency" "Value" "Money" "Working time" 1. What do they mean for you? 2. How does time banking challenge the meanings of these words? Goals: To challenge the concepts of "value", "currency", "time", "community", "economy"... Tips: Think about these concepts in the past; each person should be listened to with a non-judgment attitude. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Choose the most sustainable alternative for each situation: 1. Your favorite drink is usually served with a straw. What do you do? a) I ask the barman if they have cardboard straws. b) I ask the barman to please serve it without straws. 2. What option do you choose to ensure good energetic efficiency? a) The town I live in is not extremely cold, so I start by insulating windows and doors and see if still I need to heat the house afterward. b) There is wind entering inside, I choose a wooden fireplace over oil heaters. 3. You have clothes you no longer use. Who do you give them to? a) recycling companies that transform old tissues into new fibers to produce new clothes. b) To someone who needs them. 4. You are on vacation abroad. How do you move around? a) I rent a car, but an electric one. b) I use public transportation. 5. You have to choose what to cook for dinner. What do you choose? a) Beans "burger". b) Cow meat burger. Goals: To debate, within the group, which option represents the most ecological alternative, and why; to start approaching the 8 Rs principles. Tips: More than finding the correct answer, it is important to discuss the reasons behind each alternative being more or less sustainable. Take the opportunity to investigate more about each subject. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and post if there are any public policies or other kinds of movements (for example from associations or companies), nationally or internationally, regarding: 1. plastic disposable objects 2. fast fashion 3. ecological transportation incentives 4. local production, consumption 5. vegetarianism, veganism, or sustainable meat production 6. composting 7. community building 8. recycling 9. recycling, upcycling, repurposing, or remanufacturing electronic devices 10. water saving Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Goals: To explore what exists in society to foster ethical behavior and social responsibility. Tips: Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Check out these links about how to help, cooperate, and network: https://www.ted.com/talks/peter_singer_the_why_and_how_of_effective_altruism https://www.theschooloflife.com/article/in-praise-of-networking/ https://www.ted.com/talks/wendy_woods_collective_cooperation_in_the_social_sector Goals: To gain new insights about the theme of synergies, to gain inspiration, and foster curiosity. Tips: Read/watch the provided resources together and discuss them afterward. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, investigate and share: what resources are out there that can make you learn more about the social circular economy, sustainable development, and other related topics? Goals: To stimulate lifelong learning, research, and improvement. Tips: Some interesting sources for you to explore: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ideas/playlists/sustainable-thinking http://www.gogreen.org/ https://edition.cnn.com/specials/world/goinggreen Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

While new and emerging technologies can be an opportunity for innovation and development, they can also represent risks for developing countries. Open the discussion: what are, in your opinion, the biggest opportunities and challenges of frontier technologies? Goals: To learn more about frontier technologies and what they represent for the development. Tips: Check out the links to learn more: 1. What are disruptive technologies?: https://youtu.be/S86mAHwiij4 2. Frontier Technologies For Sustainable Development: https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/world-economic-and-social-survey-2018-frontier-technologies-for-sustainable-development/ 3. Frontier technologies for a sustainable future: https://youtu.be/NzFTbhmiMyk 4. "Youth discuss the pros and cons of frontier technologies": https://youtu.be/5-tGcUF2tG0 5. Innovation with equity: https://youtu.be/8DF5v895J50 6. Top 10 frontier technologies for climate action: https://www.frontiertech4climate.org/ 7. The impact of frontier technologies on inequalities across countries: https://iap.unido.org/articles/impact-frontier-technologies-inequalities-across-countries 8. Technology disruption: https://youtu.be/pk9RVBwiFbM Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and present examples of time banking in your local community. (in your town, city, country, or anywhere else in the world...). Do you know other examples of cooperation or partnership systems, organizations, or networks? Each person should share with the group at least 1 example. Have you ever taken part in any of those? Would you consider joining any? Goals: To share examples of cooperation, networking, and organizations within the group. Tips: The examples shared may be related to your professional activity, your personal interests, or anything else that might interest the other group members. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Think of one inspiring circular social organization. Briefly research (on their website, social media, articles...) about their office, their practices, the messages they sent, and other relevant aspects... Sketch the case studies down and share them with the group. Goals: To share inspiration from good examples and business role models. Tips: Instead of organizations, you can also think of people, stories, or anything else! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the following statements, identify which ones are myths and which ones are realities: a) Heating plastic in the microwave can cause chemicals to leach into food. b) In 2022, humanity has used by July 28 all the biological resources that the Earth regenerates during the entire year. c) Transportation is the major source of greenhouse gas emissions. d) More than a third of the world’s land surface and nearly 75% of freshwater resources are now devoted to crop or livestock production. e) Around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction. f) ECO clothing lines in fast fashion brands neutralize their impact on the environment. g) Urban areas have more than doubled since 1992. h) Recycling is the most effective action toward sustainability. Goals: To learn more about the planet, resources, sustainability, and ecology, find out which of the statements are true and which are not. Tips: Go through all the statements, each group member identifies with an M (myth) or with an R (reality) each one. In the end, check the solutions to see who has more right answers. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should make a drawing of a staircase. Considering the needs identified in the previous activity, the group should, together, reflect about what are the mentees' goals for the mentoring process. Do all the mentees have the same goal or are there multiple goals? After identifying one or more goals, they should write them down or draw them on top of the 'stairs'. Then, think of, discuss, and register the steps they should take in order to achieve their goals, and write them down along the staircase. Goals: To identify the goals for the mentoring process, which should be aligned with the general goal of the capacitating program: 'going circular' - transitioning into more circular pathways. Tips: The mentoring goals should be realistic and appropriate for the mentoring timeframe - if the goal does not fit within this timeframe, the group should define which one of the steps represents the mentoring goal; the goals of one member do not necessarily need to be the goals of the others - everyone should be listened to. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

For each one of the images, the group should, together, brainstorm ideas on what to do to reduce the waste to zero! Goals: To foster creativity and ideation and to come up with the maximum number of ideas for zero waste solutions. Tips: There are no wrong ideas! To boost the speed factor, you can use an hourglass of about 3 min per image. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should openly discuss: what has motivated them to 'go circular' in their professional life. Each member should tell their stories, identifying the key aspects that have marked their circularity journey and, today, who keeps inspiring them. It can be people, organizations, movements, ... The group should post on the platform the results of the activity in any form (text, video recording, links, etc.). Goals: To get to know more about each other; to increase motivation; to share information, resources, and inspiring stories about the circular and social economy; to stimulate curiosity. Tips: Group members should encourage each other to share their stories; the ones who listen should register the answers of those who are sharing. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!


Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!

From left to right, up to down: 1- Reduce; 2- Rot; 3- Rethink; 4- Reuse; 5- Refuse; 6- Repurpose; 7- Waste; 8- Repair; 9- Upcycle. * *This is a suggestion! Different minds can make different associations... ;)

1. - b) - The first principle of the Circular Economy is to change our mindset and refuse the consumption of non-necessary things. 2. - a) - Heating the house without insulating the windows and doors will let the heat leave. 3. - b) - Many products can be used several times before their life ends. 4. - b) - Public transportation is less polluting than electric cars. https://earth.org/save-the-world-with-public-transportation-and-not-electric-cars/ 5. - a) - "The use of animals for meat causes twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods." - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/13/meat-greenhouses-gases-food-production-study

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Time banking is a time-based currency: you provide 1 hour of any service to someone else and receive 1 time-credit for it. - learn more about the basics and philosophy of time banking, and about how it can help your community, here: https://timebanks.org/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Now that you arrived at the end of the road, what are the key learnings you bring with you? Your answers should be provided in the form of a colorful ideation map, done by the whole group together, with notes, drawings, tips, sentences, inspirations, or any other thing you might want to add. Goals: To sum up the learning path in a co-creation activity; to recall the learnings that marked the most each one; to make a visual tool for sharing with others. Tips: Go back to the previous activities and check out what you want to highlight from each. Think about if you were to mentor someone else on their 'going green' journey, from now on, what suggestions would you give? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the 10 statements above, the participants who answer YES more times win: 1. I always carry my reusable water bottle. 2. I buy clothes from second-hand shops that will last as long as possible. 3. I walk or take public transportation for work. 4. I prefer to buy local food. 5. I don't (or rarely) eat meat. 6. I compost the organic waste at home. 7. I am involved in my local community 8. I always recycle at home and in the workplace. 9. I try to repair any home appliance that is broken, before deciding to recycle it. 10. I turn off the water while shampooing. Goals: To see who has the most ecological lifestyle; to raise awareness of the little actions one can take. Tips: Each person can add some more statements according to what they do to be sustainable, to check if the others do the same! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, build a green network map with local actors (organizations, businesses, associations, cooperatives, etc.) that could be beneficial for you, or whom you could benefit (clients, beneficiaries). Goals: To build a network map of many diverse organizations/people/entities which are engaged with the social circular economy; to discover what each one has to offer and what others may offer to each one. Tips: The organizations/people/entities may be your partners, potential partners, or others whose connection with you/your business is not that evident but, since they are aligned with your vision of ecological and social sustainability, represent a synergy for you. Think of how the group members can create synergies with each other! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Find the words in the soup and click on the links on each word (on the solutions) to find out more about each! Cheetah Ganges Cairo Vietnam Palm Methane Airplanes Upcycling Consumerism Composting Goals: To find all the words in the words soup; to learn more about why each word is related to the Planet's sustainability. Tips: First, try to find all the words. Check out who has found more words, and then explore together each link. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Match each image to each one of the 8Rs principles. The 8 Rs: - Refuse - Rethink - Reduce - Reuse - Repair - Repurpose - Recycle / upcycle - Rot - Waste Goals: To identify which R each image represents; to explore the 8 Rs principles. Tips: Set 5 minutes for each group member to make the matching. Then, compare the results within the group. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person picks one scenario and should come up with related ecological business ideas. Write them down and use drawings to present to the group. What if... ...we couldn't use electricity? ...we could only buy second-hand raw materials? ...we had to involve multigenerational volunteers? ...we lived in a society that buys only the bare necessities? Goals: To foster the ideation process and to come up with creative business ideas; to adapt the mindset to include ecological and social sustainability in business models. Tips: Use your creativity; utopic scenarios count, and the more ideas, the better. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Altogether, make a drawing of your dream circular office/workplace on a big paper sheet. What does it look like? How do people get there? How is lunchtime? How do you communicate, and organize, ...? What are the main values and principles? Goals: To make a wide and fun drawing of a circular office; to inspire each other, to foster cooperation and team building. Tips: Use collors! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Now that you've learned about time banking... If you belonged to a time bank community, what would you offer, and what would you search for? 1. Each group member should write down 3 things they could offer in exchange for 1 time credit each, and 3 things they would acquire for 1 time credit each. (1 time credit = 1h). 2. Each participant should look at the other members' responses and, together, come up with an exchange plan. Each person should acquire 1 thing from someone else, and provide 1 thing for someone else. 3. Actually put it in practice! Goals: To define an exchange plan where everyone gives 1h of their time (=1 time credit) to provide a product/service for someone else, and where each one acquires a 1h service/product from someone else, for 1 time credit; to understand how you could put in practice this concept. Tips: To facilitate the exchange, each person starts the activity with 1 time bank credit, so they can buy before they sell. If no one seems interested in the first 3 things on your list, check their needs and communicate to see if there's something else you could offer! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each person should make a drawing of how they get involved in their communities, and briefly present it to the group. Then, openly discuss how each one would like to be even more involved. Goals: To promote the discussion on how to connect with the local communities; to understand that the path of getting involved and 'going green' should be an ongoing journey and that there's always room for improvement. Tips: Challenge each other, think about your day-to-day life in your neighbourhood Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Debate in an open discussion: is it better to buy in fast fashion, or in thrift shops? What are the pros and cons of each? Does fast fashion equal unsustainability? Does second-hand fashion equal sustainability? Goals: To debate topics such as overconsumption, throwaway culture, long-lasting clothes, greenwashing, ethical production, the effect of sales, etc.; to raise awareness of ethical consumerism. Tips: Question: is it better to have 1 t-shirt from fast fashion, and use it for 10 years; or to have 10 t-shirts from a thrift shop, and use them for 1 year? Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Build a 3-column table and, together, write down: 1- All your motivations for 'going green'. 2- Your goals in order to 'go green'. 3- Concrete actions, and small steps, you want to commit to, towards your goals. Goals: To start planning future actions in order to keep walking the path of 'going green'; to understand that this process is continuous and that there's always space for improvement. To facilitate the ongoing connection between all members. Tips: Everyone should contribute, even if the motivations and goals are not shared among all. The actions you commit to taking can be individual or group-wise. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, discuss what are each one's expectations, fears, and needs, for the mentoring process and for the journey of 'going circular'. Everyone has 5 minutes to come up with as many points as they feel. During the next 15 minutes, the group can openly discuss the pointed aspects. Goals: To approach the expectations and limitations of each person in the group; to understand what each one needs for the process to run well; to foster empathy, active listening, open communication, and group cohesion. Tips: Everyone should contribute; be as open as possible regarding if you think you can meet others' expectations; be tolerant regarding the other members' competencies. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Divide the group into 2 - each side will defend one perspective. One side defends the importance of responsible consumers for saving the planet, while the other side defends the importance of responsible corporations for saving the planet. For 8 minutes, the two sides debate with arguments for their side. When time's up, the two sides change perspectives and debate the importance of the side they were against before, for 6 minutes. Goals: To understand the importance of both the consumers' responsibility and the corporation's responsibility in sustainable action; to foster dialogue, tolerance, adaptability, relativity, and balance. Tips: Make sure everyone has their voice heard. Regardless of your personal position, try to be open-minded and think from the outside. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Each participant must have an idea of a challenge of ecological action or shift, write it down, and pass it to the person sitting on their right side. One week after, you must check with the others whether they have accomplished the challenge. Goals: To challenge another team member to make a 1-week ecological action or shift; to raise awareness on the small steps one can take in the circularity journey. Tips: Each person must have a different challenge! If you too also join and accomplish the challenge you had passed (in addition to the one you received) you gain extra points! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Imagine you and your team own a small local grocery shop that sells food, cosmetics, and household products. You are currently learning how important it is for the planet’s sustainability to reduce waste, find ecological, non-polluting alternatives and fight over-consumption. Nevertheless, without selling, your shop would not survive. You are facing the dilemma between ecological sustainability and financial health. What would you do? Discuss the theme with your team and find 5 goals that will help you balance and promote responsible and ethical consumerism while ensuring you get enough income. Goals: To debate the meaning and parameters of responsible consumerism, and discuss concrete actions one can take to promote ecological responsibility. Tips: Here we propose some topics for the goals you can set: discounts and promotions; energy saving; community; non-essential products; packaging; expiration dates; ecological footprint; waste. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Have you heard of the concept of "time bank"? If yes, share with the group what you know about it. If not, check the solutions before moving on. Now, look at these words: "Currency" "Value" "Money" "Working time" 1. What do they mean for you? 2. How does time banking challenge the meanings of these words? Goals: To challenge the concepts of "value", "currency", "time", "community", "economy"... Tips: Think about these concepts in the past; each person should be listened to with a non-judgment attitude. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Choose the most sustainable alternative for each situation: 1. Your favorite drink is usually served with a straw. What do you do? a) I ask the barman if they have cardboard straws. b) I ask the barman to please serve it without straws. 2. What option do you choose to ensure good energetic efficiency? a) The town I live in is not extremely cold, so I start by insulating windows and doors and see if still I need to heat the house afterward. b) There is wind entering inside, I choose a wooden fireplace over oil heaters. 3. You have clothes you no longer use. Who do you give them to? a) recycling companies that transform old tissues into new fibers to produce new clothes. b) To someone who needs them. 4. You are on vacation abroad. How do you move around? a) I rent a car, but an electric one. b) I use public transportation. 5. You have to choose what to cook for dinner. What do you choose? a) Beans "burger". b) Cow meat burger. Goals: To debate, within the group, which option represents the most ecological alternative, and why; to start approaching the 8 Rs principles. Tips: More than finding the correct answer, it is important to discuss the reasons behind each alternative being more or less sustainable. Take the opportunity to investigate more about each subject. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and post if there are any public policies or other kinds of movements (for example from associations or companies), nationally or internationally, regarding: 1. plastic disposable objects 2. fast fashion 3. ecological transportation incentives 4. local production, consumption 5. vegetarianism, veganism, or sustainable meat production 6. composting 7. community building 8. recycling 9. recycling, upcycling, repurposing, or remanufacturing electronic devices 10. water saving Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Goals: To explore what exists in society to foster ethical behavior and social responsibility. Tips: Divide the group into 2, so each pair gets half of the questions to research. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Check out these links about how to help, cooperate, and network: https://www.ted.com/talks/peter_singer_the_why_and_how_of_effective_altruism https://www.theschooloflife.com/article/in-praise-of-networking/ https://www.ted.com/talks/wendy_woods_collective_cooperation_in_the_social_sector Goals: To gain new insights about the theme of synergies, to gain inspiration, and foster curiosity. Tips: Read/watch the provided resources together and discuss them afterward. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Together, investigate and share: what resources are out there that can make you learn more about the social circular economy, sustainable development, and other related topics? Goals: To stimulate lifelong learning, research, and improvement. Tips: Some interesting sources for you to explore: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ideas/playlists/sustainable-thinking http://www.gogreen.org/ https://edition.cnn.com/specials/world/goinggreen Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

While new and emerging technologies can be an opportunity for innovation and development, they can also represent risks for developing countries. Open the discussion: what are, in your opinion, the biggest opportunities and challenges of frontier technologies? Goals: To learn more about frontier technologies and what they represent for the development. Tips: Check out the links to learn more: 1. What are disruptive technologies?: https://youtu.be/S86mAHwiij4 2. Frontier Technologies For Sustainable Development: https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/world-economic-and-social-survey-2018-frontier-technologies-for-sustainable-development/ 3. Frontier technologies for a sustainable future: https://youtu.be/NzFTbhmiMyk 4. "Youth discuss the pros and cons of frontier technologies": https://youtu.be/5-tGcUF2tG0 5. Innovation with equity: https://youtu.be/8DF5v895J50 6. Top 10 frontier technologies for climate action: https://www.frontiertech4climate.org/ 7. The impact of frontier technologies on inequalities across countries: https://iap.unido.org/articles/impact-frontier-technologies-inequalities-across-countries 8. Technology disruption: https://youtu.be/pk9RVBwiFbM Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Research and present examples of time banking in your local community. (in your town, city, country, or anywhere else in the world...). Do you know other examples of cooperation or partnership systems, organizations, or networks? Each person should share with the group at least 1 example. Have you ever taken part in any of those? Would you consider joining any? Goals: To share examples of cooperation, networking, and organizations within the group. Tips: The examples shared may be related to your professional activity, your personal interests, or anything else that might interest the other group members. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Think of one inspiring circular social organization. Briefly research (on their website, social media, articles...) about their office, their practices, the messages they sent, and other relevant aspects... Sketch the case studies down and share them with the group. Goals: To share inspiration from good examples and business role models. Tips: Instead of organizations, you can also think of people, stories, or anything else! Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

From the following statements, identify which ones are myths and which ones are realities: a) Heating plastic in the microwave can cause chemicals to leach into food. b) In 2022, humanity has used by July 28 all the biological resources that the Earth regenerates during the entire year. c) Transportation is the major source of greenhouse gas emissions. d) More than a third of the world’s land surface and nearly 75% of freshwater resources are now devoted to crop or livestock production. e) Around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction. f) ECO clothing lines in fast fashion brands neutralize their impact on the environment. g) Urban areas have more than doubled since 1992. h) Recycling is the most effective action toward sustainability. Goals: To learn more about the planet, resources, sustainability, and ecology, find out which of the statements are true and which are not. Tips: Go through all the statements, each group member identifies with an M (myth) or with an R (reality) each one. In the end, check the solutions to see who has more right answers. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should make a drawing of a staircase. Considering the needs identified in the previous activity, the group should, together, reflect about what are the mentees' goals for the mentoring process. Do all the mentees have the same goal or are there multiple goals? After identifying one or more goals, they should write them down or draw them on top of the 'stairs'. Then, think of, discuss, and register the steps they should take in order to achieve their goals, and write them down along the staircase. Goals: To identify the goals for the mentoring process, which should be aligned with the general goal of the capacitating program: 'going circular' - transitioning into more circular pathways. Tips: The mentoring goals should be realistic and appropriate for the mentoring timeframe - if the goal does not fit within this timeframe, the group should define which one of the steps represents the mentoring goal; the goals of one member do not necessarily need to be the goals of the others - everyone should be listened to. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

For each one of the images, the group should, together, brainstorm ideas on what to do to reduce the waste to zero! Goals: To foster creativity and ideation and to come up with the maximum number of ideas for zero waste solutions. Tips: There are no wrong ideas! To boost the speed factor, you can use an hourglass of about 3 min per image. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

The group should openly discuss: what has motivated them to 'go circular' in their professional life. Each member should tell their stories, identifying the key aspects that have marked their circularity journey and, today, who keeps inspiring them. It can be people, organizations, movements, ... The group should post on the platform the results of the activity in any form (text, video recording, links, etc.). Goals: To get to know more about each other; to increase motivation; to share information, resources, and inspiring stories about the circular and social economy; to stimulate curiosity. Tips: Group members should encourage each other to share their stories; the ones who listen should register the answers of those who are sharing. Please upload your reply: https://circularloops-empowering.talentlms.com/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!


Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

a) Realityb) Realityc) Mithd) Realitye) Realityf) Mithg) Realityh) Mith - find out more about the 8Rs principle on the next game session!

From left to right, up to down: 1- Reduce; 2- Rot; 3- Rethink; 4- Reuse; 5- Refuse; 6- Repurpose; 7- Waste; 8- Repair; 9- Upcycle. * *This is a suggestion! Different minds can make different associations... ;)

1. - b) - The first principle of the Circular Economy is to change our mindset and refuse the consumption of non-necessary things. 2. - a) - Heating the house without insulating the windows and doors will let the heat leave. 3. - b) - Many products can be used several times before their life ends. 4. - b) - Public transportation is less polluting than electric cars. https://earth.org/save-the-world-with-public-transportation-and-not-electric-cars/ 5. - a) - "The use of animals for meat causes twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods." - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/13/meat-greenhouses-gases-food-production-study

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Time banking is a time-based currency: you provide 1 hour of any service to someone else and receive 1 time-credit for it. - learn more about the basics and philosophy of time banking, and about how it can help your community, here: https://timebanks.org/

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.

Open activity - there is no defined solution for this activity.