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HISTORY at Brampton

The Shang Dynasty to the The Windrush Generation

2400 B.C - 800 B.C.

5 A.D.

1666 A.D.

1940 A.D.

11046 B.C. - 1766 B.C.

753 B.C - 450 A.D.

793 A.D - 1066 A.D.

1830 A.D.- 1900 A.D.

1945 A.D. - 1960 A.D.

3100 B.C. - 30 B.C.


Intent: Our history curriculum is designed to instill all of our children with a love of History. We aim to deliver high-quality History lessons which inspire and stimulate our children’s interest and support them in their understanding of the past. We have developed a personalized curriculum which meets the needs of our community, whilst still fulfilling the requirements of the National Curriculum for History. At Brampton, the personalization of our history curriculum is essential as it helps our pupils to develop a sense of identity and a cultural understanding based on their historical heritage. Thus, they learn to value their own and other people’s cultures in modern multicultural Britain. By considering how people lived in the past, they are better able to make their own life choices today. All of the children’s learning in history is focused on the following key concepts:

  • Continuity and Change
  • Cause, Consequence and Motivation
  • Similarities, Difference and Significance
  • Interpretation of history
  • Chronological Understanding
In addition, we have identified a number of abstract terms which come up frequently in history, which can be difficult for children to grasp. For example: society, legacy, trade, civilization, power, achievement and government Each unit of work that we study provides a valuable opportunity for children to be explicitly taught these abstract terms within a context that makes sense to them. This helps our pupils to build a secure and deep understanding of the concepts that are fundamental to being an effective historian


Implementation: At Brampton, History is taught in blocks through the year, so that children achieve depth in their learning. By the end of Year 6, children will have gained a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Our children develop their enquiry skills through the use of artefacts and other historical sources and well thought out lines of enquiry are planned into each unit. Pupils are encouraged to devise their own historically valid questions and to critique the validity of the sources they come across. To support our pupils to become deeper and more critical thinkers in History we have introduced The 5 Pillars of History. These form the foundations for how historians at Key Stage 3 think or operate. This is also known as Disciplinary Knowledge. These skills are used more in Key Stage 2, particularly in Years 5 and 6 We aim: • To deliver a skill and knowledge-based History curriculum that is progressive and equips pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. • To gain historical perspective by placing their growing knowledge into different contexts, understanding the connections between local, regional, national and international history. • Promote the understanding and need for historical concepts and methods of historical enquiry and how these contribute to interpretations of the past. Pupils understand the need to draw to the past to; analyze relationships between different groups, discover the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change and the diversity of societies. They will use this knowledge to consider their own identity and the challenges of their time. Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS): In Early Years the curriculum is concept-based and carefully planned to provide all children with a wider understanding of the world around them. Children begin to make sense of their own family history and use their own life experiences to build a sense of the past and present. Timelines are introduced of their time in Reception so all children gain an understanding of the passing of time and that events that are relevant to them can be ordered chronologically. Children also understand the past through settings, characters and events encountered in books as well as having varied opportunities to explore and role play different roles within society. Teaching History to children with Special Educational Needs (SEN): Our curriculum ensures that lessons are accessible for all children with Special Educational Needs. Through careful planning and differentiation, lessons are designed to ensure that any barriers to learning are reduced, and all pupils can progress. Children with Individual Educational Plans (IEPS) or personalized targets are specifically planned for within History lessons so that their targets are considered across the curriculum. Learning is scaffolded to ensure children are given the correct challenge within lessons with scaffolding removed as their understanding develops. Suitable challenge is also ensured through the use of challenge questions which are designed to link to the key concepts built within the curriculum.


Impact: We strive for all pupils to achieve their maximum potential, by having high expectations and standards in all History lessons. We measure the impact of History lessons through book scrutiny, learning walks and pupil voice surveys. By the end of KS2, our children are independent historians who can use a wide range of primary and secondary sources to create a historically accurate narrative of the past. Children will be able to talk passionately and confidently about historical skills and specific knowledge from the topics they have studied. They will be able to make links between topics they have studied and the present day. When approaching new topics, they will be able to use previously learned skills to find information on the past. They will be engaged in their leaning whether class, workshop or visit based. When referring to their own work, it is clear that their curiosities are being further developed through the enriched teaching and learning being delivered for History. These are the experiences we want every child to have at Brampton Primary School:

  • Visit significant national and local museums (e.g. British Museum, Imperial War Museum, Ragged School Museum, Museum of London)
  • Meet and talk to people who have lived through important moments in history (e.g. WW2 evacuees)
  • Explore local museums to develop a stronger link to topics being studied
  • Have opportunities to handle historical artefacts and draw their own inferences and conclusions from them.
  • Experience what life was like in the more distant past through trips, themed days and (where possible) residential visits (e.g. Year 6 visit to the Somme)
  • Meet professional historians and talk to them about how they piece together clues to form a more complete picture of the past.

Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers: Knowledge organizers contain the specific knowledge and vocabulary that will be taught within each unit of history. They have been carefully planned to ensure that each knowledge organizer builds upon the key facts taught in previous units of work, as identified on the progression maps for each subject. The knowledge organizers are used by children as an aide-memoire throughout a topic; by teachers to ensure that all the required knowledge and vocabulary is taught throughout the lesson sequence; and by parents to support their children’s learning at home. Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: Year 4: Year 5: Year 6: These will be given out in class. To follow on the website shortly.

Our artefacts

To follow:

Historical Knowledge

Knowledge and enquiry in history Knowledge Knowledge in history refers to the understanding and interpretation of key concepts taught within different historical contexts. This includes the understanding and deployment of key historical vocabulary. The key concepts consist of: · Chronological knowledge · Continuity and change · Similarities and differences · Cause and consequence · Significance Substantive knowledge In history this is the knowledge and understanding of the key concepts taught within historical contexts including the key vocabulary. The substantive knowledge is progressive through conceptual development from Reception to year 6. Disciplinary knowledge In history, the disciplinary knowledge is the interpretation of some of the key concepts. It involves applying second-order concepts such as historical thinking, reasoning and argument. It requires a meta-cognitive approach. For example, when children have an understanding of the impact of a significant event during the Roman era, in years 3 and 4, they would develop the disciplinary knowledge by interpreting other possible outcomes.

Educational visits

To follow:

National Curriculum

Our School Museum

To follow:

Progression & skills

Progression of skills: At Brampton we have created our own Progression of skills document to support teachers in planning activities. The skills we look at are:

  • Chronological Understanding
  • Knowledge and Understanding
  • Historical enquiry
  • Interpretations of History
  • Organisation and communication