Playback Room
Shaqueta Pierre
Created on October 24, 2022
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Playback rooms are open classrooms where you can, independently or in a group of up to 10, access class content and engage with the material. Sitting around a virtual table, you can review class recordings, participate in polls, ask and answer questions in the Q&A, take notes, and - if in a group - chat, talk, and learn with other classmates.
In the NOTES tab, you will see any private notes taken directly in Engageli during a live class and you can take more notes in the Playback Room. Your notes persist and you will see them in the live classroom and the Playback Room. You can take screenshots of a presentation, and then annotate them. You can also download your notes to review at a later date. These notes are saved, time-stamped, and can be used to find specific parts of the class recording when you watch a class recording in the Playback Room.
Click Exit to exit the Playback Room.
In the TABLE tab, you will see your video feed and others during a group session.
Click the video icon to turn off your video so that no one can see you. To turn it back on, simply click the icon again. Click My View to toggle between primary views from the following list: 1. Playback Player will put the selected class recording in the main frame. 2. Tablemates will allow you to see the other users in a group session in the main window frame. Remember that their video feeds will also appear in the TABLE tab on the right side of your screen. When you share a screen or open the whiteboards, you will also be able to see those views under My View.
Click the gear icon to open the settings to connect or change your audio and video sources. You can also blur your video background, use Engageli's virtual backgrounds, or upload your own.
Actions The Actions menu allows you to open a collaborative whiteboard for brainstorming, sketching, and diagramming, and sharing ideas.
Click the microphone icon to turn off your microphone so that no one can hear you. To turn it back on, simply click the icon again.
Click the three-dot menu to access many settings and tools. We've highlighted a few below:
- Share screen: Choose this option if you want to share your screen. You will have the option to choose a Chrome Tab, window, or application to share.
- Low bandwidth mode: If you are having any connectivity or network issues, turn this setting on to help with low bandwidth.
- Start tour: Click this option for a short tour highlighting the Playback Room’s features.
- Contact support for help: This takes you to the Engageli Help Center.
Select Recording When you enter a Playback Room alone, you are the host and can select any class recording to watch. If you are the host during a group session, you can select the class recording to watch and will retain the playback controls. You can pass the host controls to another user if needed.
Invite & Info You can click here to get links to invite others to join you in the Playback Room.
Table Audio The table audio is On by default when you enter a Playback Room. That means that during a group session, you will hear the audio feeds from all other users. You can turn off the table audio if needed.
Click the video icon to turn off your video so that no one can see you. To turn it back on, simply click the icon again.
In the TRANSCRIPT tab, you will see captions for the class recording if captions were enabled during the live session. You can search captions and it will show you all recorded captions. Remember that the audio at tables is never recorded. Only the instructor at the staff table, anyone on the podium, all speaking in room mode, and panelists are included in the recording.
The Q&A tab opens the Question & Answer thread for the class. Here you can post questions, answer questions, and download the thread. You have the option to post anonymously. The Q&A thread persists between sessions and between the live and asynchronous (Playback Room) environments, so you can see the growing list of questions throughout the duration of the course.
The CHAT tab allows you to send direct messages to other users during a group session. You can also upload documents to chat as well as download the chat.