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In completing this Unit the learner will be able to realize that the real change begins with us, but it is amplified in the community.



MODULE 14: My Story - My Community and I

My Story


Real change begins with us, but it is amplified in the community.

Unit 14.3: Real Change starts with Us

The work we do through storytelling focuses on connecting with ourselves and others, to form the relationships that bring true meaning and fulfilment into our lives.


We work to rewrite the stories that have kept us low in our development and in opposition to others, and we replace them with "new narratives" that connect us with ourselves, with each other, and with the wider world around us. We each have the power to change the community in which we live for the common benefit — and this can be made only by ourselves in dialogue with others.


We need the commitment to work on our own growth, to heal from the stress that causes anxiety and that is created by living in a world that tells us that we are not enough or that we do not have enough.


We do this storytelling activity in an “international community of practice” so that we can support and engage each other in our own growth, but also find connection and support in our travels.


We want to create a courageous, resilient, empowered community capable of changing the world to a better level.


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MODULE 14: My Story - My Community and I