Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

In completing this Unit the learner will be able to understand which are the main 3 emotion that are at the base of each from our action.



MODULE 13: Discover your personal story (Personal Narrative)

Personal Narrative


The story has been at the heart of human communication since ancient times. The ancient stories of mankind have come down to us today through drawings left on the walls of caves as a testimony; or said (transmitted) from generation to generation around the fire.

Unit 13.1: Discover your personal story - Introduction

The story is about how we understand the world and connect with each other. By better understanding our personal narratives (my story), we can take control of our lives and define who we really are, how we present ourselves to others, and how we can develop a sense of confidence in sharing our stories with others.


These are also the basic skills of leadership, authenticity, courage and interpersonal connection. Many of our actions, goals and dreams are defined by parts of our lives that are so close to us that we don't even see them.


To be helpful to the community in which you live. This Module is especially valuable for people with impact and mission.

To trace your own path in life.

To be able to share the story with confidence with others.

To take control of one's own narrative.

See the interconnected pieces that define your personal story (Understanding the elements of your life that have had the greatest influence on you).


The exercises in this Module will help you:

Discovering your story, your narrative - is a crucial step toward a courageous leader (to be able to express yourself with courage, authenticity and strength).


Every action you take is closely linked emotionally to either fear or reward. Every decision you make in life is related to these two poles: fear or reward. The two tools presented in this module can be a first step in becoming aware of your actions and understanding those you come in contact with.


I invite you to go through the two tools: SCARF (Status-Certainty-Autonomy-Relatedness-Fairness) and 3 F (Fight-Flight-Freeze)and analyze the important decisions you have made so far.


You have successfully completed Unit 13.1!

MODULE 13: Discover your personal story (Personal Narrative)