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In completing this unit, the learner will be ABLE to find three reasons to tell and write stories.



MODULE 7: Introduction in Storytelling



Three REASONS to tell and write stories

Unit 7.3: Reasons to tell and write stories

By telling or writing a story you discover and rediscover the state of "yourself" every time. No matter how fantastic a story we write, we have to put in it a part of what we know, of our experiences.

The story we create cannot be totally different from our feelings, our experiences, or our knowledge. We can't tell things we haven't experienced.

“Yourself” re-discovery and re-invention

By telling a story, by writing a story you begin to discover (re) yourself. The content details of your story will open new perspectives for you to think, and you will begin to better perceive reality, what people surround you, and in what context you live.


Do you know who your great-great-great-grandmother was? What life did she live? Who did she spend time with? What did she think? Her life pulsates in your veins, but there are no stories to tell you about her. If you could read her story, you would surely understand yourself better.

You share the experience and knowledge gained over the years

Each of us has lived unique experiences, accumulated diverse knowledge, and met special people. Telling or writing a story leaves humanity with a glimpse of what you have lived, what you have learned or experienced, a picture of the time you have lived, of your reality, and of the people, you have met. If you do not tell or write a story, your whole experience, your whole life will disappear into the air in a few generations.


By telling stories, by writing, we open our stories to the world. We generally know celebrity stories. But we - for us - we are celebrities. Even if we don't tell our stories, we write them down every night in our minds countless times. Externalizing these stories, and telling them to others has a therapeutic effect and at the same time, we find solutions to problems because by repeating our stories we begin to see the problem from the outside. We begin to look critically at the problem we face and then find solutions. By repetitively telling a story - the strong emotion that keeps us from acting disappears.

Storytelling as a form of therapy


For more info about the importance of stories, please, click on the next video:


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MODULE 7: Introduction in Storytelling