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Good Practices Greece

  • Κέντρα Ανοικτής Προστασίας Ηλικιωμένων - ΚΑΠΗ (Open Protection Centres for the Elderly - KAPI)

Good practices Municipality of Patras

The Social Organization of the Municipality of Patras recognizes that it is necessary to support lonely elderly people, but also people who have mobility issues or serious illnesses.

Social Organization of the Municipality of Patras

KAPIs were established in 1984 by a legislative initiative of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and they weregradually developed through local authorities, and expanded throughout the country so that by 2017 there were more than 900 centres in operation.

Ministry of Health & Welfare

The Open Protection Centres for the Elderly (KAPIs) are institutions that defend the social rights of the elderly and their purpose is to prevent the mental & social issues of the elderly citizens, to promote the cooperation of the community & the specialised institutions regarding the problems of the elderly & health prevention in general.At the moment, there are 3 Open Centres for the Elderly (KAPIs) in Patras.






The Department for the Elderly supports the elderly citizens of the Municipality of Patras with structures and actions of support, care, empowerment and strengthening the sense of security and self-confidence .The Social Organization of the Municipality of Patras makes every effort to held elderly citizens to remain active, lively and dynamic, enjoying their life, which in old age has its own charms and challenges.Medical care, physiotherapy, social work, help at home, organized entertainment, as well as all kinds of services are the services provided to the elderly citizens through the Open Protection Centres for the Elderly (KAPI). KAPIs target the physical, mental and social health of elderly people.

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Creating activities groups with the purpose of raising awareness & mobilize the elderly people.

Nursing services & physiotherapy centre services are provided.

Psycho-emotional support, counselling and general social care is provided (support & discussion groups & individual sessions).

The services provided by KAPIs are varied and cover a wide range of needs of the elderly:

Services for the Domestic Support of Members of the KAPIs are provided (home visits to seniors).

Psycho-emotional support, counselling and general social care is provided (support & discussion groups & individual sessions).





IThere are also physiotherapy centres which offer the following services:

Physical health level

In the three "KAPIs" of the Municipality of Patras there are nursing services provided:


  • Provision of physical therapy to members of the KAPIs after a referral from a doctor, covering a wide range of conditions faced by the elderly, such as cervical syndrome, back pain, lumbosacralgia, osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine, subacromial friction syndrome and many others.
  • Obtaining a nursing hstory on every member of each KAPI.
  • Information, practice & providing of first aid.
  • Educating members on proper medication.
  • Vaccination of KAPIs members.
  • Measurement of blood pressure & blood sugar, wound care.
  • Training in personal hygiene & advice on eating habits.
  • Accompanying elderly to the summer shelter of KAPIs & on excursions.

There are creative activities groups offered to the elderly:

There are social services provided to the elderly:

Mental health level


  • Dance groups aiming at the cultural involvement & mobilization of the elderly.
  • Choir groups aiming at the cultural & musical development of the elderly.
  • Familiarization groups on new technologies, aiming at providing knowledge on ICT use, online searching & communication through new technologies.
  • Fitness groups, promoting good physical health among the elderly.
  • Hangout spots & a summer one at the Plaza of Patras with free access to internet & PCs, newspapers, table games, drinks & refreshments.
  • Theatrical performances with the Municipal Regional Theatre of Patras.
  • Psychosocial support groups (bereavement groups), dealing with losses experienced by the elderly.
  • Experiential & empowerment groups aiming at engaging them in the issues of everyday life.
  • Groups of free discussion & expression, giving them the opportunity to express their views & to listen to how their peers face the same situations.
KAPIs also offer the opportunity to students of the Social Work Division of the University of Patras to train & have internships in the context of the interconnection of the Municipality of Patras with the Department of Educational Sciences & Social Work.

KAPIs offer Domestic Support Services to the members of the KAPIs, which include:

Both physical & mental health level


  • Provision of mental & counseling support.
  • Family counselling.
  • Social networking.
  • Primary nursing care.
  • Prescribing medication, taking vital signs, monitoring medication, accompanying to hospitals & other diagnostic centres.
  • Cleaning of the elderly's houses, caring for the personal hygiene of the elderly, bill payment & purchase of essentials.

Thank you!