Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Janet Wagner, GreenFUBib group leader, University Library,Freie Universität Berlin

Concept - Practice - Networking

GreenFUBiB working Group

Joint SDG campaign together with German library association “Deutscher Bibliotheksverband” (dbv), 2023 in front of the entrance to Philological Library
This is an interactive PDF, please click on arrows, boxes and short words for more information!
© Mark Bollhorst/dbv

03 Initiatives, networking

02 GreenFUBib

01 Sustainability at Freie Universität Berlin



Advisory Committee & Working Groups

Our strategy and values:

Sustainability at Freie Universität Berlin (FU)


How it started....

Local and International networking

Environmental Sustainability 5 R's

Workshop-results as a Starting point

Partners: Libraries4Future, IFLA-section ENSULIB, German green library network, Bibliosuisse, local networks at the university and throughout Berlin

Since 2021... Networking

Establishment of the permanent working group "GreenFUBib" (concept, logo, name, members, meetings)

march 2021... Founding

Health, mobility, (business trips, commuting), digitization, training, exchange, ideas...


Re-use furniture in a branch library

Receipt paper 100% recycled

These improvements have been even realised years before the official FU Declaration on the Climate Emergency from 2019.

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Baskets instead of plastic bags

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Climate-neutral delivery to local booksellers, since 2014 in the Philological library

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Education for sustainable development with pupils and trainees

Fields of action


"Let me sustain you!"!Virtual Advent calendar in December 2023

Scan first!ENSULIB Newsletter issue 03/2023

Watering sponsorships

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We promote our local book suppliers‘ commitment for sustainability:Plastic-free book deliveries and alternative packaging options, ongoing discussions and negotiations on this topic


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Library garden & seed library since many yearsEffective climate protection requires healthy and stable ecosystems!

GreenFUBib: Fields of action!

GreenFUBib booth at Sustainability days, June 2023

Re-use - second chance for paper! Writing blocks for merchandising

Cycling in the library: Fitness for your body – and power for your mobile device!

Attraction during FU Sustainabilty Days, June 2022: „Throne of Books”

Campus-wide actions and regular information activities

Green activties on the website and in a permanent display

GreenFUBib created the poster template, now it is used by ENSULIB with the campaign: "The Green Library Poster"

Show your green action!

Professional photos for communication

Philological library

Philological Library© Mark Bollhorst/dbv

Philological Library©Mark Bollhorst/dbv

Together with the German Library Association, SDG photo gallery in 2023

Engage! We make the SDGs more visible!

FU Research group on soil ecology receives a three-year research area, library provides support, e.g. with water supply and communication

Spring/summer 2023: Boosting GreenFUBib through communication work: from flowering meadow to field experiment! Biodiversity & research at the doorstep of Library for Social Sciences and Eastern European Studies

GreenFuBib supports: Biodiversity in front of the Library

Spring 2023 : GreenFUBib receives award as tap water-friendly library system

"Meet & Greet" on the World Water Day 2023: GreenFUBib in FU garden place “Blätterlaube“ (= Leaves Arbor; this name was given according to the popular names for the most important FU buildings “Rostlaube = Rust Arbor”, “Silberlaube” = Silver Arbor, and “Holzlaube” = Wood Arbor)with water quiz, plant swap and presentation of the working group

Planning in 2024: GreenFUBib in cooperation with the university sports centre

Move4Health in libraries of the Freie Universität Berlin

GreenFUBib – Part of the SDG report

Outdoor-project: Cycling and generating green electricity on the Dahlem campus. Unfortunately, the project was not realized due to conflicting objectives on the part of the technical department

Wildlife-proof bins on campus: project to retrofit existing bins, together with students and the initiative "Blooming Campus"



Multiple participation in funding projects on sustainability and climate protection at Freie Universität Berlin.

ENgage! Be a "FUturist"!

Annual plant swaps for students and collegues

Supporting seminar course for sustainable development: Creating a climate map and securing results together with FU-Students


Visiting the Cradle-to-Cradle-Lab in Berlin


GreenFUBib excursion and long-term experimentation with plant cultivation and climatic vegetables

Life-long learning!

Education for sustainable development for the next generation of professionals in libraries!
The current trainees planting a young pear tree in front of the Library of Social Sciences and Eastern European Studies. Experiencing the green library in theory and practice is an essential part in their three-years training. (09/2022)

August 2023: 2-day workshop for trainees in Berlin libraries on the topic: "Education for sustainable development" (ESD)

©Mattheo Mareski-Iffländer, Members of GreenFUBib, 2023
contact: Janet.Wagner@fu-berlin.de


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