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Presented by: Ahmed Metwally Ali Masoudinejad Hitha Chenicheri

- Quality management

'5 S'


Case study: execution phase

Case study: design phase

Strength and Weakness



What is 5S & a brief history



Hitha Chenicheri

Ali Masoudinejad

Ahmed Metwally


Take a look at the two images


  • The 5S method is a workplace organization and management technique, part of a quality approach.
  • A methodology that results in a clean, uncluttered, safe, and well-organized workplace to help reduce waste and optimize productivity.
  • Ensures a quality work environment, both physically and mentally.
  • 5S methodology is one of the foundations of Six Sigma principles

" The use of 5 S Principles "



Originating from Japan, the 5S method was developed by the Toyota group as part of the TPS (Toyota Production System) in the 1950s.





What are the '5 S'?

  • It was first popularized by Taiichi Ohno, who designed the Toyota Production System, and Shigeo Shingo, who also put forward the concept of poka-yoke.
  • 5S is one of the first tools that can be applied in a company that is starting down the path of a continuous improvement culture.
  • The 5S philosophy applies in any work area suited for visual control and lean production,
ranging from manufacturing plants to offices, small businesses to large multinational organizations — and in both private and public sectors.

What are the '5 S'?

  • Organize whatever remains by neatly arranging and identifying parts and tools for ease of use.
  • Follows the simple philosophy of “a place for everything, and everything in its place”
  • Eliminate whatever is not needed by separating needed tools, parts, and instructions from unneeded materials.



What are the '5 S'?



  • Defining the rules that will keep the workplace clean, tidy, safe, and secure.
  • Eg: Written document posted in the workplace, internal newsletter reminding the good practices to be followed
  • Cleaning your work environment (tools, machines, offices…) and maintaining good hygiene.
  • Detection of possible anomalies

What are the '5 S'?

  • Following the rules set up previously (elimination, tidying, cleaning, and standardization: 4S).
  • The objective is to maintain a healthy, tidy and safe working environment for everyone in the long term.


What are the '5 S'?

  • Identify the first improvement projects in your company to eliminate waste.
  • Paving the way for the adoption of Lean principles in the organization.
  • Cost must be controlled and waste must be avoided or eliminated.
  • A clean work area helps draw attention to possible problems or safety hazards.
  • Encouraging people to watch for and address problems can result in a positive change to an organization's culture.
  • Powerful tool for improved productivity, elimination of wasteful processes, and all-round development

Why Use the 5S Methodology?

Learn to find the wastes to reduce Muda, Mura and Muri




  • Do people in your workplace struggle to locate documents or files, whether in physical or digital format?
  • Is valuable space taken up by useless items?
  • Does everybody know how to keep the workplace organized and are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities?
Step 01
The Action Plan
Break down The 5S Methodology
How Well is Your Business Doing?

Implementation plan

Figure 1: Sort

  • Keeping them in a red tags area for a period of time to see if they are necessary.
  • Throwing away or discarding them.
  • Changing their location.
  • Leaving them in the same place.
  • Is this element necessary?
  • If necessary, do you need this amount?
  • If necessary, must it be located here?
- Seiri
Action plan

Implementation plan

  • Determining appropriate locations.
  • Identifying the locations.
  • Identifying all items and their needed quantity.

Figure 2: Set in Order

- Seiton
Action plan

Implementation plan

  • Determining what we are going to clean.
  • Dividing the workplace in “cleaning areas”, and then assigning people
  • Determining cleaning methods: what, where, who, when, and how.
  • Setting in order the cleaning tools, storing them in places where they are easy to find, use and return.

Figure 3 : Cleaning schedule

- Seiso
Action plan

Implementation plan

  • Decide who is the person in charge of maintaining the needed conditions to maintain the first 3S.
  • Check the level of maintenance.

Figure 4: Standardize

- Seiketsu
Action plan

Implementation plan

  • Train employees.
  • Build a team for implementation.
  • Assign time and develop a program for implementation
  • Provide resources for implementation.
  • Recognize and support the implementation by managers and directors.
  • Stimulate creativity of all workers, listen to their ideas and allocate resources to develop those ideas.
  • Create tangible and intangible rewards for the effort.

Figure 5: Sustain

- Shitsuke
Action plan

Implementation plan

  • Workstation more organized, tidy, safe, clean
  • More protected equipment: regular checks and cleaning of the equipment limit the risk of breakdowns, and wear and tear.
  • Reduced risk of work-related accidents: a safer environment reduces possible dangers in the workplace
  • Optimization of resources and reduction of waste: this method promotes the efficient and safe use of available resources, which also reduces unnecessary use.
  • Promotes a “collective” feeling in the workplace: by encouraging everyone to get involved.
  • Improved working conditions at all levels
organization and life skills
  • The main objective of this method is to have a safe, tidy and healthy work environment that is conducive to productivity.
  • Can be in terms of-

Strengths and Weakness

  • The major problems with5S appear when it is not properly understood, used or implemented.
  • Misunderstanding of what 5S accomplishes
  • Resistance to change
  • Not addressing problems in the workplace - Lack of Direction
  • Lack of management support
  • Cost Savings are Not Tracked

Strengths and Weakness

LEAN SOLUTION: A meeting room is like a command center. To make good decisions we need to be able to see flow

Case Study: Design Phase "5s in lean construction"

  • Productivity got increased
  • Time saving in searching for data was reduced
  • Storing of the unwanted data got reduced.
  • Availability of more space.
  • Morale of the workers increased.
  • Chances of loosing of useful data got reduced
  • Data transfering time got reduced.
  • Proper communication between team members.
  • Teamwork got increased.
  • Neat and clean workspace.
  • Defects got reduced etc.

Digitized Documentaion

Case study: execution phase

  • Get management buy-in and participation
  • Put the extra effort up front to “sell” the team
  • Include 5S in subcontracts
  • Involve safety team to think 5S
  • If this is your first time, use a coach

How to start: Involve the entire project team.

  • Get 5S training for the team
  • As trades mobilize, include 5S in onboarding
  • Do something –Learning by doing is the best teacher
  • It takes about a month to become a habit

Learn by doing

NOTHING HITS THE GROUND: Continuous cleanup. No more Friday composite cleaning crew. Trades clean as they go.

JUST-IN-TIME: Deliver materials or equipment when it is needed and not before. If needed, set buffers to insure the consistent flow of material.

EVERYTHING ON WHEELS: Keeps work areas clear and makes it simple to have materials and tools close to the work.

SETTING THE EXPECTATION: Collaboration. Make work flowefficiently.

In this project, they use 5S thinking and practice to positively influence safety, quality, productivity and to make workflow efficient. All project participants will apply 5S methods in all their work including on site, in the supply chain and in documentation.Under the direction of Contractor, the entire construction team will collaborate to take a whole job approach to the organization, flow, delivery and removal of tools, equipment and materials.

5S in the Subcontract

JUST-IN-TIME (JIT) Deliveries

Less stuff means less waste of space, movement, searching, hazards, damage.

Only what is neededBring tools, equipment and materials on site only when needed and remove once work is completed

  • Perfect for commodities and reliable suppliers
  • If space is tight consider off-site
  • Expect resistance at first
  • Use buffers as needed, don’t delay construction, be reasonable

Sort in construction

Aim to keep tools and materials within 20 feet of the work.

Keep materials and tools mobile and close to the work.

Straighten (Set in order)

Sort in construction

Keep electrical cords up and out of the way

Straighten (Set in order)

Nothing hits the ground

Keep the workplace neat and clean

Always clean. Not just on Friday afternoon1. Address dirt/waste at the source2. Clean as you go Continuous makes clean and organized the norm. Once a week makes dirty and disorganized the norm.


RESPECT FOR PEOPLE • Enough toilets • Clean • Close to the work

WHAT DO YOU SEE? What does this say about respect?


Straighten (Set in order)

SIMPLE 5S ASSESSMENT • This is not an audit. No points. No check boxes • This is a tool to help teams. • You should always be able to find something to improve. • Go where the work is and observe. • What is the problem? Root cause? Countermeasure?


Learn to see waste • Learn by doing is the best teacher• Walk together. Involve everyone • Help them see what it means to SORT, STRAIGHTEN, SHINE


What is good? What can improve?

5S is every where