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News from May 25 to June 8

May 10

A brief summary of the news of the last weeks.

May 10, 2022

The "News of the Week" is an elaboration of an individual student's news from the past week, which he or she presents to the class. The presentation ends in a discussion afterwards.

Presented by Nicola Etzold and Jonas Dettelmann

Information: That part of a message which has a value for the recipient. Information changes the economic subject's existing probability judgments with regard to data or events relevant to decision-making (e.g. exchange opportunities or technical innovations).


News are communications about new facts emerging in the struggle for existence of the individual and society. To the news thus belong 1. the interest of the receiver, 2. the novelty, i.e. the speed of the transmission, 3. the communication by a third, i.e. the subjective influence.

What are news anyway?



Texas school shooting


your turn!


italian cocaine

4.3 million cocaine = 240 million



deadly car ride


Türkiye and Johnny

Johnny wins and Turkey wants a new name


Bangladesh & Nigeria

exploding containers and church shooting



a difficult hiking route


18-year-old shoots elementary school students



USB-C, combustion engines and Greece



overcrowded trains



news from Germany and Austria01 - 03

01 - the 9€ ticket

- rail traffic over the Whitsun (Pfingsten) weekend was apparently much more prone to disruption than usual because of the 9-Euro-Ticket- hundreds of trains were overloaded- some passengers were unable to find their way around and did not adhere to the mask requirement, which is still in place


02 - deadly car ride in Berlin

  • deadly car ride in Berlin at Ku'damm (Kurfürstendamm), car drives first into group of people, then into shopping store
  • dead teacher, further 15 injured (Nine seriously injured)
  • documents and posters were found in the murder weapon, official confession not yet clear
  • school classes from germany hiking
  • have planned the route based on information
  • from the Internet
  • route "Heubergrat" a way for experienced
  • climbers
  • two lightly injured students

03 - Students rescued from mountain path


the stupid kiddos on their route


4.1 conflict between Greece and Turkey in the Mediterranean Sea

  • large gas deposits in the Mediterranean Sea between Turkey and Greece
  • for several years, dispute over borderline in the sea and thus access to gas deposits
  • actually regulated in Treaty of Lausanne 1923
  • the situation is still dicey, especially since both states are increasingly arming themselves

are about to be banned


4.3 USB-C

about to become mandatory in the EU

  • Proposal discussed in EU for some time
  • adopted this Tuesday as EU standard for small electronic devices
  • Companies could not agree on uniform regulation on their own
  • EU wants to save up to 1,000 tons of electronic waste per year and spare consumers unnecessary expense


4.2 internal com-bustion engines

  • EU Parliament voted in favor of stopping the sale of gasoline and diesel cars as of 2035
  • final decision in autumn
  • New cars then only e-cars, CO2 emissions of the transport sector should thus be greatly reduced

Bangladesh & Nigeria05

  • Attack on a Catholic church in the town of Owo during Pentecost service.
  • casualties numbered around 100, including children and pregnant women
  • both weapons and explosives were used in the attack

5.1 Nigeria - church shooting

The church where the shooting took place

  • Container fire that killed about 50 people, more than 200 injured
  • Saturday night, a container filled with hydrogen peroxide exploded in a large depot, followed by further explosions, cause of fire still unclear
  • Damage is estimated at around 110 million dollars

5.2 - Explosions and containers

italian cocaine06

  • one of the biggest cocaine finds in Europe's history in Trieste, Italy
  • 4.3 tons seized after more than a year of preparation, drugs worth at least 240 million
  • 38 arrests in Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Colombia
  • more than 60 police officers were involved in the raid

06 - big amounts of cocaine in italy


big amounts of cocaine

Texas school shooting07

  • Assailant shot dead 19 children and 2 adults at Texas elementary school
  • 18-year-old gunman was killed by security guards
  • Tuesday afternoon, he entered the school in Uvalde and shot up
  • One of the most devastating rampages in U.S. history

07 - 19 elementary school students shot in Texas

Türkiye & Johnny Depp08



8.2 Türkiye

Turkey wants to be renamed

  • no longer want to be named turkey in diplomatic situations
  • reason for this is, among other things, the simultaneous use of the term as the name of the bird
  • "Türkiye" also better expresses the culture and values of the nation.


8.1 Johnny Depp trial

Johnny wins against Amber

  • Johnny Depp wins in court case against Amber Heard
  • Heard now has to pay 10 million dollars to Depp for lies and defamation, while he has to pay 2 million dollars to her.
  • Amber Heard's net worth is currently -6 Mio. $

discussion mode: on09



Your thoughts on the USB-C change?

Team Johnny or Team AmberHeard?


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