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The History of the Bicycle


4. Cars and first races with wheels

5. The mountainbike is created

3. The Evolution of the high wheel

6. Environment and bike sharing

1.The Invention of the first bicycle

2. Pedals and crank on a bike

7. Sources

The Invention of the first bicycle

- Invented in 1817, by Karl von Drais, in Germany- it was called a running machine or Draisine- was patented in 1818- was made of wood, leather and a steerable front wheel- you had to push the wheel with your legs - 1818-1820 it became a must have


Pedels and crank on a bike

- developed by Pierre Michaux in the 1860s- it had pedals and a rotating crank on the front wheel- quickly became a hit- was very heavy because of the metal frame and therefore clumsy- it could weight up to 50 kilos- front wheel was slightly larger than the back wheel

Pedels androtating cranks

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