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Parques naturales

Hiking trails



Parques naturales

Hiking trails



Parques naturales

Hiking trails



Parques naturales

Hiking trails



Parques naturales

Hiking trails



Parques naturales

Hiking trails



Parques naturales

Hiking trails



Parques naturales

Hiking trails




The habitat of this species is located in the province of Huelva, this is a lamb highly special, since the quality of her meat is very high. This is a lamb diferent to other for the quality of her wool, her wool is a of the most defendents in Spain. Her feeding is based in grass


Abrotano (in exticntion)
Belen's stars
Rocío Ramírez

In Huelva we can find around 50 different species of wildflowers. The most of the flora is found in the sierra of Aracena and Picos de Aroche, where it stands out the mix between the smell and colours. Here are some of the most important plants about the flora of Huelva:

The flora in Huelva is such a characteristic thing, in this zone are found a big number of amazing species of plants. The flora makes that Huelva looks like a fairytale.

Flora in Huelva

Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche Natural Park (Spanish: Parque natural de Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche) is a protected area in the Sierra de Aracena range, part of the Sierra Morena mountain system, Huelva Province, southwestern Spain. The natural park spreads across 28 municipalities with a population of 41,000 people. Rivers which run through it include the Odiel and Murtigas

The route of the water wills

Along the travel, you can enjoy the small creek or the lush forest that you can see around the area.

This route is s a hiking trail located in Cortegana, a town of Huelva. This route is recognized for the large number of windmills it has since these are really common in the zone. The hiking trail measures eight kilometres, these take between two or three hours to complete.

Orange bloom
"Antigua rosaleda"
Acacia visco
Ginkgo biloba
Lianas' tree
Rocío Ramírez

Sevilla counts with specimens that aren't usually seen in Spain, besides it has more than 140 species of different trees and bushes, here we are going to see some of the most common and particular flora of Sevilla.

In Sevilla are found, overall, bush, trees and flowers across the province. The most of the flora is found in parks, per example "Parque de María Luisa" or "Parque José Celestino Mutis", where was found a new type of acacia, besides in Sevilla we have too "la antigua rosaleda", that is full of flowers.

Flora in Sevilla

Besides the views of the meadows and the castle, in the travel you can see riverside areas and forest, with some animals in them.

The Batrocal is a hiking trail located in the western zone of Seville. This route is highly recommended for its views of the meadows and its great fortress.This hiking trail can be done in three hours approximately since the route consists of eleven kilometres of travel.

The Batrocal


Doñana is a natural Spanish protected space in Huelva and Cadiz, Andalucía.​ (made in 1969) as the Parque Natural de Doñana. Is extended as 122 487 ha, 54 251 of national park y 68 236 ha of natural park. It contains animals and plants in the aquatic system, in all the park, it gets about 200.000 animals.

Juan Francisco

West Iberian Painted Frog - Discoglossus galganoiDescription: The west Iberian painted frog besides named Sapillo pintojo ibérico is a medium sized frog, the normally size is 45 to 60 mm. The head is flattened and wide at the rear with a pointed snout. The coloration of this frogs is very variable can be yellowish, brown, grey… Activity: These frogs have a crepuscular activity, lives near to rivers or places with high humidity. This specie eats insects, arachnids, molluscs and annelids.

+Spanish purple hairstreak – laeosopis evippusDescription: The Spanish purple hairstreak is a butterfly who has a grey body with smalls violets dots and his wings are ochre with some orange lines. Where this specie live? These butterflies live in plants called ashes. Diet: This species eat nectar

Fauna in Grazalema


Merina de GrazalemaThe habitat of this species is located in the province of Cadiz, this a lamb highly special, since the quality of her meat is very high. This is a diferent lamb to other for the quality of her weel, her weel is a of the most defendents in Spain. Her feeding Is based un grass of zones of cereal and forage legames.

Fauna in Grazalema

-Ononis Leuccotricha: Is a endemism of cadiz and it’s situated in the sublittoral .Perezlarae: Is a part of the matorral situated in the litoral of cadiz, this plant is considerate in danger of extinction because there are a few in Cadiz-Centaurea aspera(scorpiurifolia): Is a endemism of Cadiz is situated in sandbanks in a pine forest -cytisus arboreus beaticus:It is found in the pine forests and there are fewer and fewer plants of this specie

Cadiz has a lot of different types of flora and fauna, flora is one of the most important things in a ecosystem because it supports the ground and provides food for many species of animals.


The ascent to the Picacho allows you to get to know the Sierra del Aljibe up close, the second highest in the province of Cádiz. The route takes place between cork oak forests and other variants of vegetation and lasts about an hour and a half, covering a distance of 3.1km.It is a route of little difficulty, so it can be done by people of all ages.
The ascent to the Picacho

The Sierra de Grazalema is located in the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park in the province of Cádiz and is in the Subbética mountain range. It has an elevation of 812 m and is made up of several mountains. You can do activities such as hiking by the mountains. There are animals like the dove, the sparrow, the mountain goat and the eagle.


The Andalusian wine-cellar rat-hunting dog:The Andalusian wine-cellar rat-hunting dog is typical of the province of Cordoba.the origin of this dog is from the time of the English wine merchants who settled in the area of ​​aging in the Marco de Jerez in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.The result was the obtaining of highly gifted dogs for hunting rodents and vermin, which were crossed with each other. This dog is cheerful, restless, affectionate, friendly, brave and with a genius. they are usually very small dogs to facilitate entry through holes. This dog needs a specific diet, it needs an industrial diet free of meat proteins, it is very detrimental to its health.


Raquel Martín

The varied environments of the Sierras de Córdoba allow the coexistence of numerous plant species. Altitude variations are important since the vegetation is characterized by certain groups of species that are distributed on the slopes of hills.

Flora in Córdoba

Route of the Arroyo de Guadalora

This route is found in a natural park Sierra de Hornachuelos Arroyo de Guadalora is the best example of Mediterranean forest in the province of Córdoba. You can be see diferents animals. This route is really easy to follow. The duration of the route is 4 hours and 54 minutes about

Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park (Spanish: Parque Natural de las Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas) is a natural park in the eastern and northeastern part of the province of Jaén, Spain, established in 1986.With an area of 2,099.2 square kilometres (810.5 sq mi), it is the largest protected area in Spain And the second largest in Europe.

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Malaga is one of the province in Andalucía with more endemic flora and because this is very important take care of the flora in Malaga.Malaga have principaly 81 endemic plants but I am going to talk about the primary species and they are:Arenaria capillipesArmeria colorataCentaurea carratracensisLinaria amoiSaxifraga biternataTeucrium chrysotrichum

Flora of Málaga

On the way you can enjoy excellent views of the lower basin of the Guadalmina. After a kilometer and a half of travel, the path that runs parallel to the irrigation channel comes to an end.On the way back, after crossing the wooden bridge, there is the option, especially in summer, to enjoy the waters of the Guadalmina. To do this, you can go down a nearby lane to a pool that can be seen from the aforementioned bridge.

It is a flat route that runs parallel to the Guadalmina river. The starting point of this route is on the access road to Benahavís.The first thing that will be done is to cross the wooden bridge where we will be, since it will be possible to have an interesting perspective of this impressive canyon through which this river has made its way. From there awaits just over a kilometer of route attached to the mountain. In some sections, bridges and metal footbridges have been fitted out to avoid certain unevenness.

Guadalmina Acequia

The natural park of Los Alcornocales it’s a natural park named by Parliament of Andalusia in 1989. This natural protected space takes place on a big terrain oriented on south to north between the beach zone of Tarifa,on the same place of Gibraltar, until the interior mountain range,placed on Cortes de la Frontera, Ubrique andEl Bosque. With an expansion of 167 767 ha, it’s one of the biggest natural parks of Spain.


Iberian wolf ( Canis lupus signatus ) The wolf belongs to the carnivore group and there are 32 subspecies worldwide. In Spain, has been developed the endemic subspecie known as Canis lupus signatus . The main differences with other wolves are the following: White spots on the muzzle, called "moustaches", Black or very dark vertical lines on the front legs Dark markings along the tail, Dark spot on the shoulders, called "saddle". They feed on larger animals, as well as smaller animals: deer, rabbits, hares, etc. Sometimes they attack domestic livestock if they feel the need (a fact that has caused them to be on the verge of extinction, being hunted by farmers).

The Iberian lynx(lynx pardinus)The Iberian lynx is found in the Mediterranean forest and scrub, in very restricted areas of the Iberian Peninsula. This type of habitat provides shelter and open pastures to hunt rabbits, which make up 90% of its diet. It also eats partridges, small mammals, and other birds. The appearance of these prey in their diet depends on the time of year, the availability of prey and the area. Threats:The main threats to the species are human-induced mortality, mainly due to being run over by motor vehicles, but also due to direct poaching, installation of traps and snares directed at other species, illegal poisoning, etc. The Junta de Andalucía points out that the lynx population has grown by 10.7% to 506 individuals. The Guarrizas valley is the area that has registered a greater population increase of lynxes.


Ana Cano

The Sierra Mágina Natural Park, in the province of Jaén, is located about 30 km south of the cities of Úbeda and Baeza. The limestone nature of the rocks causes a rugged landscape where it is easy to find lapiaces, torcales, dolines,... and other forms. The vegetation is composed of different species at different altitudes. In the lower areas the natural vegetation has almost completely disappeared. Along with olive, cherry and almond trees, some holm oak groves although most of them have been replaced by rosemary and esparto groves.

Flora in Jaén

This route is found in the north of the province. It begin in the Arroyo de Valdeazores. You can be see beautifuls landscape. This route isn't recommended for people for people initiated in hiking. This route lasts 4 hours.

Route of the Organos de Despeñaperros

Sierra de Andújar Natural Park is located in the northwest of the province of Jaén, in Sierra Morena. It has a surface of 74.774 hectares. In this park live endangered species such as the lynx or the imperial eagle. It offers various activities such as a safari, trekking, and various guided walks during which you have the opportunity to see lynxes.


Eumigus rubioi: The Eumigus rubioi it is a flightless grasshopper, adapted to the particular conditions of high mountains.It has its natural habitat in high mountain grasslands.It is considered almost in danger of extinction and It is an endemic insect of Sierra Nevada. Its activity is preferably diurnal. Food is plant-based. this grasshopper in grayish colors to blend in with its surroundings

Chicharra de Sierra Nevada(Baetica ustulata)It lives in open places mainly in scrub areas. Distribution: Endemism of Sierra Nevada (Granada, Almería) The main threat to this species is the activities related to the ski resort that increasingly reduce the restricted distribution area. It is listed as vulnerable. It is included in the Red Book of Invertebrates of Andalusia, being the main protection measures applied to it the maintenance and improvement of its natural habitat. Food: Its main food is the endemic dog's tooth and Moorish Gorse where it is easy to locate, although it also feeds on carrion and decomposed materials.

Fauna in Sierra Nevada

Ana Cano

The flora and vegetation of a territory is the result of multiple environmental factors. For this reason, the small sectors of wild vegetation that still persist on the coast are of special importance.The flora of Granada has common features with the typical Mediterranean flora (holm oaks, low scrubland, a large representation of aromatic plants such as thyme or rosemary) but also, due to the presence of the Sierra Nevada massif, it has a very high number of both peninsular endemisms (about 175) and endemisms exclusive to the National Park (65 species). We have to mention too the cork oak forest of Haza del Lino.

Flora in Granada

"Los Cahorros" is a hiking trail located in Monachil, a Granada village, where there is a famous drawbridge so big, about 100m. The route measure near to 8km and you only can do this walking. If people do the route with a guide, it can be late between three our four hours. In this route there are amazing views: the stone, the river...In the final people generally can swin in the river if the climate is good.

Los Cahorros

Sierra Nevada is located in the Sierra Nevada National Park, in the Penibbetic System, between Monachil and Dílar. It has an altitude of 3479 m and the highest peak is Mulhacén. There are several tracks for snow activities such as the sky. The species that live in Sierra Nevada are wild boar, wild cat, fox, weasel, stone marten, genet and common polecat.

Celia Romero
Pelophylax perezi :It is a medium to large frog, from 11 cm. It has a green and brown colour, with black spots, with a lighter green vertebral line and without the characteristic brown frogs' temporal spot. The stomach is greyThe main threaths of this spice are: Habitat loss through drying up of water bodies, construction and building, etc. Excessive water pollution. Introduction of external species such as the American bullfrog They feed on both terrestrial and aquatic prey. They mainly feed on invertebrates, like flies, mosquitoes, beetles,bees, wasps and ants. Is a strictly aquatic species, in all types of water environment and is Classified as a Vulnerable Species

Algerian sand racer - Psammodromus algirus The habitat of this species is the forest of the Mediterranean specially in Almería, is a species highly easy of identify, since this species have a long tail and It make strance sounds. It is species very small, though the adults can set yo measure 7,5 cm, her feeding Is a feeding greatly simple, since It feed of smalls insects.


Raquel Martín

Almería is one of the provinces with the greatest biodiversity in Europe, our territory favors the existence of a great variety of microclimates and, consequently, a vegetation adapted to each one of them, being able to find here from species typical of the tundra to the sub-desert flora , with more than 3,000 cataloged species of vascular plants, the flora of Almería being one of the richest on the European continent, in Almería there are a large number of endemic plants.

Flora in Almería

Difficulty: High, the ascent to Alfaro has a drop of 500 meters in just over 2 km.Mount Alfaro is at 744 m. altitude, stands out for its pyramidal shape. It generally appears in the background of numerous scenes of the films shot in the Tabernas Desert.

Distance: 11 km.Height difference: 619 m. of unevenness in the rise, to reach the top of the Alfaro at 744 m. of altitude. Time: 5 hours.

Rise to the Alfaro

Cape Gata is a cape located in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, facing the Mediterranean Sea, belonging to the municipality of Nijar, in the province of Almeria, Andalusia, Spain. Its main tourist attraction is its paradisiacal beaches, where you can enjoy various activities such as diving, kayaking...