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Büsra, Celina

California Lifestyle

06 Quiz

05 Sources


04 Hippies, legal drug-taking

03 Gap between poverty and wealth

02 Wealth


  • almost every 6th person is homeless
  • more than 150.00 homeless people
  • living on sidewalks tent to tent
  • 15,4 % of California live in poverty (2018-2020)
  • 70 % of the homeless population are men
  • 40 % of the homeless population are Afro Americans
  • Lake County -> poorest county
  • cause: growth of remote work; temporal + territorial flexibility of technology; poor health
  • high costs -> apartments, houses
  • 97 hours of work per week -> 2 bedroom rental home
  • 79 hours of work per week -> 1 bedroom rental home


  • Santa Clara County -> wealthiest county in California
  • 26/100 wealthiest people live in California
  • "California has the fifth-largest economy in the world", said Richard Walker
  • economy: productions and consumption
  • climate
  • two of the most exciting metropolises -> San Francisco, Los Angeles
  • white sandy beaches


San Fransisco

  • tens of thousand move to the metropolitan regions every year: software engineer, designer
  • thousands leave the city: teachers, policemen


  • 55 restaurants with mechiln stars
  • 56 soup kitchens
  • 3000 thousand start-ups
  • 7500 homeless people
  • northern California city -> powerful and powerless; overambitious and overwhelmed; absolutely rich and unexpressibly poor

14% high 21%61% average income 50% 25% low 29% 1972 2015

Gap between poverty and wealth

  • minimum age: 21
  • only 28 grams of pure canabis
  • medical cannabis and adult (recreational) use
  • there are rule for the use
  • you can use it on private property

People who smoke weed

  • flower-power movement
  • known as flower child
  • believe in angels and other things
  • historical presedence as far back as the Mazdakist movement
  • started in San Fransico
  • Santa Cruz has moer Hippie-frendly ambience then any other Cali area
  • Mount Shasta
  • Arcata
  • Guerneville



  • https://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/usa-kluft-zwischen-arm-und-reich-wird-tiefer-und-tiefer-a-1120075.html
  • https://calmatters.org/economy/poverty/2016/08/income-inequality-in-california-may-not-look-like-you-think-it-does-and-why-that-may-be-a-good-thing/
  • https.//www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/words/california.htm
  • https://www.hapersbazaar.de/fashion/california-lifestyle
  • https://moveforhunger.org/hunger-and-homelessness#:~:text=More%20than%2042%20million%20Americans,a%20single%20night%20in%202020.

1) How old do you have to be to be allowed to smoke weed ?2) Which city is the wealthiest in California ?3) Which are the most exciting metropolises ?4) Which town is known as "Hippie haven" ?True or False:5) 70 % of the homeless population are Women.6) It`s legal to smoke weed in public.7) Flower power movement was a slogan during late 60s and early 70s.


Thank you for your attention !