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by Sara Cemenli

genshin impact talk

7. thanks

6. Albedo

5. Kasio33's and H4tecamper's opinion

4. Why people hate it

3. Why you should play it

2. lore

1. basics about Genshin


it has nothing to do with anime

  • free and available everywhere
  • open world game
  • long lore/story
  • gacha game mechanics, so gambling


genshin impact lore

  • traveler loses sibling
  • find Paimon, our companion and guide
  • help people from Mondstadt
  • travel through the world and meet other people
  • fight and defeat enemies and bosses
  • more but I wont spoil you <3

genshin impact lore

why you should play genshin impact


reason no. 1

I need more friends to play with

Reason no. 2

It's better than Fortnite

reason no. 3

It's better than Clash Royale or any other Supercell game

reason no. 4

I can send you Genshin related edits and tiktoks

reason no. 5

People who play genshin impact

people who play clash royale


  • it's "anime"
  • "pay to win"
  • Sara likes it and you hate what Sara likes
  • you're probably homophobic
  • Gadir spread rumors
  • the weird youtube ads

Why people hate genshin

Kasio33's and h4tecamper's opinion

• he's very handsome

albedo ♡

• the reason I started playing Genshin

• he's very handsome

albedo ♡

• my love at first sight

• the reason I started playing Genshin

• he's very handsome

albedo ♡

• one of the most boring characters in Genshin (my opinion)

• my love at first sight

• the reason I started playing Genshin

• he's very handsome

albedo ♡

• he is not a furry like ether the foxo

• one of the most boring characters in Genshin (my opinion)

• my love at first sight

• the reason I started playing Genshin

• he's very handsome

albedo ♡

thanks for listening