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a presentation by Ben, Ben, Lukas and Meik

and his contributions to the globalization

Elon Musk

3. Worksheet

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2.1. Task

5. feedback

4. GlobAlisation + writing task

2. Video/presentation

1. Mentimeter





Video I.

Reading Questions :1. Which renewable energy is Musk currently invested in ?2. How did Musk make his initial wealth?3. What fields of research is he invested in?4. What is one of the driving forces behind his desire to send people to Mars?5. What are some adjectves you would use to describe Elon Musk?

future where our reliance on fossil fuels is ended. Along with Google, the compary is also at the cutting edge of autopilot technology, airing to introduce self-driving cars to the mass markets. Another of his companies is the solar power behemoth, SolarCity. It is the US's leading solar power compary, installing more than 100,000 solar installatons a vear. So, what drove the son of an engineer and model to become the 83rd wealthiest person in the world? Though he is, of course, profoundly adept at science and math and has razor-sharp business acumen, he accredits his ambition and optimism to be the driving force behind his success. It is this drive that has shaped his life, and his vision for a better future is funneled into large-scale projects In such as reducing the effects of climate change through the use of sustainable energy production. His concerns about the lonq-term survival of humans are behind this, as well as his belief that the only way to avoid human extinction is through making our species ''interplanetary"

How much difference can just one person make to the world? Well, if you're Elon Musk, a significant one! The 45 year-old entrepreneur has caused upheaval in a number of the world's key industries. Listed as the world's 21st most powerful person, he is on a one-man mission to make the world we live on a better place Initially making his fortune through internet start-ups such as Paypal, in the late 90's, he first garnered international attention when he created the aerospace and space transport services company, SpaceX. Founded in 2002, the company has transformed rocket manufacture by producing rockets for a fraction of traditional costs. Already the first private company to launch spacecraft into orbit, Musk's main objective is to send manned shuttles to Mars, and ultimately to colonize the red planet. If pushing the boundaries of manned space exploration wasn't enough, Musk is also the founder and owner of Tesla Motors, the world's leading manufacturer of electric cars. As a proponent for drastic action combating the dangers of climate change, he envisions a near

Elon Musk worksheet

Video II.


Write a short Text in which you discuss:

  • How are Musk and his company's profiting from the Globalisation
  • In what ways is he contributing to the Globalisation
  • Do you think Musk's actions and company's are important for the future?

Writing Task



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