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Imperfect Perfection

Perfect carbonated drink

Not too fizzy nor too little, hence we defined it as "mid" fizziness

Mid Fizzy

Yup, goes without saying; drinks should be fresh and refreshing!


Additional flavourings to all our taste lovers

Lemon or Orange flavor (or mystery)

Cold drinks will have more carbon dioxide in it, which maintains the fizziness


Should be healthy to a certain extent, so as to not cause any physical discomfort


A slightly sweet aftertaste evokes a pleasant experience (for most of us)

Slightly Sweet

What is a perfect carbonated drink?


If, in the given location for the production of a perfect carbonated drink, low temperature is present, pressurized C02 is applied to the water, and slight sweetness and naturally refreshing lemon and orange flavors are applied, a perfect carbonated drink is made!

We then picked an experiment featured on Youtube

Picked an experiment

We recorded all the needed materials and steps,

Took notes from the video




We researched how we could make C02 in a lab, without the use of burning or any other ways to generate CO2 that would produce harmful chemicals


Finding a suitable experiment to test our hypothesis

The experiment

* for the production of CO2

Beehive Shelf

Diluted HCl *

Opitical Sensor

Delivery Tube

Thistle Funnel

Marble (Calcium Carbonate) *

Round Flask


Beaker and collecting can

Flavoured Water (Cold)


1. Production

Step 1: Set up the experiment as shown on the rightStep 2:Pour Dilute Hydrochloric acid into the round flask through the thistle funnelThe marble reacts with the acid and effervescent takes place, releasing CO2Step 3:Wait for the gas to go through the delivery tube into the collecting canThe equation is as follows:CaC03(s) + 2HCl(aq) = CaCl2(aq) + H20(l) + CO2(g)

2. Testing

With the use of Opitical Sensors

Step 1:Place the optical sensor next to the container with the carbonated waterStep 2:Wait till the optical sensor processing gets finishedStep 3:If the reading shows 6 - 8 g per liter of CO2, then it is of appropriate valueStep 4: Taste
