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English Class 25rd May

the Rich and the Famous

Riddle of the Day

Working with Vocabulary

Working with Memes

Presenting my Partner


What can fill a room but takes up no space?

Riddle of the Day

Who is your partner? Where was his/her first internship? Where was his/her second internship? What did he/she like about both internships? What did he/she learn during her/his internship? What was similar between both internships? Does he/she prefer the internship over school? Why yes/not?

Presenting your Partner

Working with Memes

Working with Vocabulary

3.1 Fill in the table with the vocabulary. 3.2 Write example sentences for all the new words. 3.2 Write them into the vocabulary part of your folder.

Working with Vocabulary

3.4 Present at least 2 example sentences.

Working with Vocabulary