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How to live a fulfilled life

Plato's Cave Allegory

A Presentation by Darius Adam, held for the Enlgish in Use Class

4. Conclusion

3.3 Usage for your everyday life

3.2 Plato's ethics

3.1 Plato's and Aristotle's concept of a fulfilled life

2.4 How to interpret the allegory's elemetns

2.3 The People's Reaction

2.2 How one breaks out

2.1 People lving in the cave

2. Plato's Cave Allegory

3. How to accomplish a fulfilled life

1. Introduction


The reason for ethics


How I came in contact with Plato's allegory of the cave


Plato's Cave Allegory

People in the cave, the outbreak and reaction

2.1 , 2.2 & 2.3

The odd one out experiences life beyond the caveThey go back in the cave telling the others about the world outsideThe cave's people reject the travelers storyThe traveler is being killed due to misunderstanding, fear and egoism

People are shackled and faced towards a wallShadows are being projected against the wall by unknown creaturesOne odd human breaks out of the cave

2.4 How to interpret the allegory's elements

every aspect of the allegory can be directly connected to our world

How to accomplish a fulfilled life

according to Aristotle and Plato

Jostein Gaarder

" One only finds happines by using every given opportunity and skill. "

  • This process leads to a state of a free mind
  • That state allows the mind to be filled with insight
  • balance between excess and surpressing yourself

3.1 Plato's and Aristotle's concept of a fulfilled life

  • One needs to master their own mind and needs to avoid being mastered by them
  • It is helpful to get rid of the dependance of visuals, senses and outdated values or systems in society
    • complete knowledge, not in a scientific way
    • mental completion accomplished through studies and experience
    • mathematical justice
    • justice of power
    • "an eye for an eye"
    • balance between foolhardiness and cowardice
    • balance of personal life, needs, actions and values

3.2 Plato's ethics

How can my life be fulfilled?

Balance is key: happiness is being accomplished not through gluttony nor through hungerBalancing your personal traits and habits will lead to a more satisfying life

Living by Plato's etchicsStarting your philosphical journeyGetting closer to the "Idea of Good" by constantly questioning your surroundings and habitat Keeping up the study frequently and with effort

3.3 Usage for your everyday life

The Allegory of the Cave by Plato is a theoratical and critical approach towards society by questioning the mainstream and motivating everyone subjectively to getting into thoughts and wonder regarding their personal and public life.


  • Gaarder, Jostein: "Sophie's World", Carl Hanser Verlag Munich, Vienna 1993
  • dtv Brockhaus Lexikon Volume 14 Pas-Qua, Brockhaus Lexikon 1989, Deutscher Tachenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Munich
  • "DIE ZEIT": Das Lexikon, Published 2005, Zeitverlag Gerd Bucerius GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg
  • https.//gutenberg.spiegel.de/buch/politea-44885/1
  • https://vernetzt-magazin.de/die-vier-platonischen-kardinaltugenden/