Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Classroom behaviour

Wait for Mr Schetschok's "GO!" Then click on the arrow!

Watching a sketch about

Film lesson

Classroom Behaviour

Unit 1 What the sketch?!

Unit 2 Turn on the sound!

Unit 3 Lights, Camera, Action!

Wait for Mr Schetschok's "GO!" Then click on the arrow!

What do we want to learn?

How can we make viewing easier?


Under our belt:What are idioms?


What is bad/good classroom behaviour?


Wait for Mr Schetschok's "GO!" Then click on the arrow!


What the Sketch?!

Tasks 1-3


Wait for Mr Schetschok's "GO!" Then click on the arrow!


Unit 1 - What the sketch?!




Tips Only if necessary!

For Task 1

For Task 3

Wait for Mr Schetschok's "GO!" Then click on the arrow!

Materials You need

  • Worksheet 1
  • your tablet
  • a pen
  • a partner

Ideas for Task 1 drinks too much coffee / is always late / always gives homework / gives bad grades / talks a lot about his family / is boring

Guiding questions for Task 3 Watch the sketch until 2:15 again and try to answer the following questions:

  1. How old do you think is Mr Friar?
  2. What does Mr Friar do after he enters the class?
  3. How does Mr Friar react to Jimmy's jokes?
  4. What does Jimmy do after Mr Friar writes his name on the board?
  5. Does Mr Friar continue with the lesson?


Turn on the sound!

Tasks 4-6


Wait for Mr Schetschok's "GO!" Then click on the arrow!

Unit 2 - Turn on the Sound!



Useful phrases

For Task 4

For Task 6

Tips Only if necessary!

Wait for Mr Schetschok's "GO!" Then click on the arrow!

Solutions for 5b

Materials You need

  • Worksheet 2 & 3
  • your tablet
  • a pen
  • a partner

Tip for Task 2 Activate the closed captions ("Untertitel") and watch the part of the sketch again! To activate the captions, click the [cc] button below the video.

Useful phrases for Task 6 For question 1:

  • The scene where .... made me laugh.
  • It was really funny to see how ...
  • The end/beginning/scene where ... made me laugh the hardest.
For question 2:
  • The sketch was not what I expected because ...
  • It was really surprising to see that ...
  • I didn't expect to see ...
For question 3:
  • I liked/didn't like how ... played his role.
  • What I liked most was how/the scene where ...
  • I didn't like the sketch at all because ...
For question 4:
  • What Jimmy/Mr Friar did was inappropriate/appropriate because ...
  • It is (not) okay to behave like Mr Friar/Jimmy.
  • I would behave differently because ...


Lights, Camera, Action!

Task 7


Wait for Mr Schetschok's "GO!" Then click on the arrow!

Unit 3 - Lights, Camera, Action!



Tips for Taks 7

You've finished? Then click on the arrow!

Solutions for 5b

Internet Link

Material You need

  • Worksheet 2 & 3
  • Extra Material 1-3
  • a pen & sheets of paper
  • a partner

Tips for Task 7 Take a look at the extra material!

  • Use the transcript to structure your own role-play. It's okay if some parts stay the same.
  • Use the new idioms and include them in your role-play. If you want, you can search for more idioms on the internet. Follow the link by pressing the green button.

The stage is yours

Well done

Solutions for task 5b

New idioms

You're freaking me out = You're driving me crazy You're really getting my goat = You're really pushing my button Grab a chair = Let's take our seat Pipe down = Let's knock it off

Old idioms

Back to Unit 2

Solutions for task 5b

New idioms

You're freaking me out = You're driving me crazy You're really getting my goat = You're really pushing my button Grab a chair = Let's take our seat Pipe down = Let's knock it off

Old idioms

Back to Unit 3
