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hMina & Tanja



Examples of human impacts on forests:

8. How can we save the Biodiversity?

7. Plants used to make medicine?

6. Beavers!

5. How can we stop deforestation?


3. Information about Sloths!

2. Why do we need Forests?

1. What is Biodiversity and why is it important?


  • It´s important: support all life on Earth, animals, plants and microorganisms,the healthy ecosystems.
  • Biodiversity : plants,animals and other species

what is biodiversity and why is it important?


are home to nearly half of all species


why do we need forests?

  • help us breathe
  • keep earth cool
  • clean up dirty air

* They: 1. fertilise trees .2. allowing creatures to grow.3. provide a cure to some diseases.

why are sloths important?

desertificationglobal warminginvasive speciesoverharvestingdeforestation
Examples of human impacts on forests:
How can we stop deforestation?

Spread Awareness And Raise Consciousness

Buy recycled products and then recycle them again

Plant a tree where you can

1.They create wetland habitat for other species.2.They increase biodiversity.3.They improve water quality.4.They store water during droughts.5.They minimize flood risk and mitigate flooding peaks.



  • improving memory
  • reducing anxiety
  • treating epilepsy
  • purifying blood
  • treating skin ailments
  • treatment of heart, liver and lungs


Plants used to make medicine?

Bacopa monnieri

What can you do?

4. name two plants that made medicine?
3. How can we stop deforestation?
2. Why do we need forests? (name two reasons)
1. What is Biodiversity?

quiz time!
