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Xi; Sonia, Lidia, Sílvia, Maria

Teaching Mixed Level Classrooms



School and Community

Teachers Needs

Best Practice Examples



Best Practice Examples

Learners Needs

Mixed Level Classroom


What is a Mixed Level Classroom?

(...) Mixed-ability classes refer to classes where students differ in their achievement, participation and their readiness to learn the foreign language. Educators give different explanations and definitions for mixed-ability classes. Some define them as synonymous with multi-level or heterogeneous classes where students differ clearly in the level and achievement. Bremner (2008) pointed out that mixed-ability classes do not just contain students with different abilities, but also students with a range of learning styles and preferences. (...)

- Teachers’ support and attention in their learning path-Feel confident within the class- Feel capable of doing the tasks that are required- Find the motivation to work harder, specially in task that are more difficult for them- Feel comfortable in the class environment- Know exactly what is required of them

Learner's Needs

  • Working in groups where they can help each other
  • Tailoring methods according to the different features of each student
  • Using a wider range of tasks, activities, in order to help every student to use their talent
  • Change teaching methodology from teacher-centered to student-centered
  • Creating a more cooperative than competitive environment in the classroom

Best Practice Examples

10th graders Five o’clock tea - Saint Patrick’s clover cakeAn example of inclusive collaborative work Motivational teaching approach

Contest “St Patrick’s Clover”9th graders Mixed level studentsThis picture shows that the teacher gave the same attention to the different ststhe sts feel confident within the class and feel capable of doing the required tasks They also feel comfortable in the classroom environment

Inclusive teaching environment 7th graders


  • Discrimination
  • Discriminatory comparison
  • Attention focused on a single student or on a group of students
  • Negative reinforcement or direct criticism
  • Stigmatisation
  • Disruptive behaviour

Perceived threats to the learning environment


  • Showing evidence of inclusive teaching strategies and techniques (e.g. asking all sts for participation in the classroom)
  • Do not compare your sts’ performances
  • Diversify the focus on attention during classes
  • Reinforcing sts’ positive traits or promoting positive criticism
  • Working in groups with different levels, that is, not one language-skills but language-skills as a standard for all of the students. When groups have been constructed, the teacher could put distinctive questions to different level groups. Also, the students, in almost same-level, could easily work together and solve their similar difficulties with other student’s help.

Best Practice Examples

  • Problem of integrating all levels of groups and monitor the class at once
  • Limitations: classes with a great number of students
  • Find the motivation of each student
  • Cater for the different learning styles

Teacher's Needs

School and Community

  • Attend back-to-school nights or other orientation events
  • Ask your teacher how they would like to communicate
  • Demonstrate a positive view of education at home
  • Encourage reading
  • Help manage the homework process
  • Attend school events
  • Attend parent organization meetings
  • Volunteer in the school

Ways To Get Involved



Our solutions

  • Create groups with their different levels (nearest level, nearest ability)
  • Create groups with tasks (cooperations with each other, doing multitasks, experience different learning styles)
  • Diverse questions in the class for different level students
  • Different tasks for different-level groups in the classroom study
  • Different tasks for their after-schools activities
  • And also, encourage their family members to guide and motivate them

Xi; Sonia, Lidia, Sílvia, Maria
